svn commit: r263476 - stable/9/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes

Glen Barber gjb at
Fri Mar 21 14:47:24 UTC 2014

Author: gjb
Date: Fri Mar 21 14:47:23 2014
New Revision: 263476

  Prune entries not relevant to what will be 9.3-RELEASE.
  Sponsored by:	The FreeBSD Foundation


Modified: stable/9/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/article.xml
--- stable/9/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/article.xml	Fri Mar 21 14:25:09 2014	(r263475)
+++ stable/9/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/article.xml	Fri Mar 21 14:47:23 2014	(r263476)
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 <article xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0">
   <info><title>&os; &release.current; Release Notes</title>
     <author><orgname>The &os; Project</orgname></author>
@@ -153,773 +152,54 @@
     <sect2 xml:id="kernel">
       <title>Kernel Changes</title>
-      <para revision="232728">The &os; Jail subsystem now supports
-	mounting &man.devfs.5;, &man.nullfs.5;, and ZFS filesystem
-	inside a jail.  New &man.jail.8; parameters
-	<varname>allow.mount.devfs</varname>,
-	<varname>allow.mount.nullfs</varname>, and
-	<varname>allow.mount.zfs</varname> to control the per-jail
-	capabilities have been added.  All of them are disabled by
-	default.</para>
-      <para revision="234167">A new &man.loader.8; tunable
-	<varname>kern.eventtimer.activetick</varname> has been added.
-	This tunable specifies whether each hardclock tick should
-	be run on every active CPU or only one.  By setting it to
-	<literal>0</literal>, the total number of interrupts can be reduced
-	on SMP machines.  The default value is
-	<literal>1</literal>.</para>
-      <para revision="229723">The &man.posix.fadvise.2; system call
-	has been implemented.  This is a function similar to
-	&man.madvise.2; except that it operates on a file descriptor
-	instead of a memory region.</para>
-      <para revision="237795">The &man.filemon.4; pseudo-device has
-	been added.  This allows a process to collect file operations
-	data of its children.</para>
-      <para revision="235413">The &man.sysctl.8; variable
-	<varname>kern.stop_scheduler_on_panic</varname> is now set to
-	<literal>1</literal> by default.</para>
-      <para revision="231907" arch="powerpc">&os;/powerpc64 now
-	supports kernel profiling by using &man.kgmon.8;.</para>
-      <para revision="231145">The &os; Linux ABI compatibility layer
-	now supports the <function>linux_fadvise64()</function> and
-	<function>linux_fadvise64_64()</function> system calls.</para>
-      <para revision="230266">The default value of the &man.loader.8;
-	tunable <varname>hw.memtest.tests</varname> is now
-	automatically set to <literal>0</literal> when &os; is running
-	on a virtual machine.</para>
-      <para revision="234075">A new &man.loader.8; tunable
-	<varname>kern.msgbuf_show_timestamp</varname> has been added.
-	When it is enabled, a timestamp is added to each line of the
-	system message buffer.  The default value is
-	<literal>0</literal> (disabled).</para>
-      <para revision="230320">The &man.null.4; and &; pseudo
-	device driver now supports non-blocking mode via the &man.fcntl.2;
-	system call.</para>
-      <para revision="233599">The &os; &man.sched.ule.4; scheduler has
-	been improved for CPU load balancing on SMT (Simultaneous
-	MultiThreading) CPUs.  It gives a 10-15% performance improvement
-	when the number of threads is lesser than the number of
-	logical CPUs.</para>
-      <para revision="235992" arch="sparc64">The <literal>PREEMPTION</literal> kernel option is
-	now enabled in the <filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel.</para>
-      <para revision="230039">A new &man.sysctl.8; variable
-	<varname>security.bsd.unprivileged_idprio</varname> has been
-	added.  This variable controls whether non-root users can set
-	an idle priority or not.  This is disabled by default.</para>
-      <para revision="228445">The &man.splash.4; screen interface now
-	supports ASCII art in <application>TheDraw</application>
-	format.</para>
+      <para> </para>
       <sect3 xml:id="boot">
 	<title>Boot Loader Changes</title>
-	<para revision="230065">The &man.boot0cfg.8; utility now
-	  supports configuration of PXE boot via the
-	  <filename>boot0</filename> boot block temporarily on the
-	  next boot.  The slice number <literal>6</literal> or a
-	  keyword <literal>PXE</literal> can be specified to enable
-	  PXE boot using the <option>-s</option> option.</para>
-	<para revision="231287">The &os; &man.boot.8; block now
-	  supports <filename>/boot/config</filename> in addition to
-	  <filename>/boot.config</filename> as the boot block
-	  parameter file.  When both of them exist, the former will be
-	  used.</para>
-	<para revision="234693">The <filename>gptboot</filename> boot
-	  block now reads the backup GPT header from the last LBA only
-	  when the primary GPT header and tables are invalid.  This
-	  mitigates interoperability issues with some &man.geom.4;
-	  providers like <literal>MIRROR</literal> which use the last
-	  LBA for the metadata.</para>
-	<para revision="237766">The <filename>zfsboot</filename> boot
-	  block and <filename>zfsloader</filename> support
-	  filesystems within a ZFS storage pool.  In
-	  <filename>zfsloader</filename>, the ZFS device name format is now
-	  <literal>zfs:pool/fs</literal>
-	  and the fully qualified file path format is
-	  <literal>zfs:pool/fs:/path/to/file</literal>.
-	  The <filename>zfsboot</filename> boot block accepts the
-	  kernel/loader name in the format
-	  <literal>pool:fs:path/to/file</literal>
-	  or, as before,
-	  <literal>pool:path/to/file</literal>.
-	  In the latter case a default filesystem is used (the pool
-	  root or a filesystem with the <literal>bootfs</literal> property).  The
-	  <filename>zfsboot</filename> boot block passes
-	  the GUIDs of the selected
-	  storage pool and dataset to <filename>zfsloader</filename>
-	  to be used as its defaults.</para>
-	<para revision="236076" arch="sparc64">&os;/sparc64 now
-	  supports booting from ZFS via the <filename>zfsboot</filename> boot block and
-	  <filename>zfsloader</filename>.  For example, the following commands create a
-	  mirrored storage pool <literal>rpool</literal> consisting of
-	  <literal>da0a</literal> and <literal>da0b</literal> and
-	  configure the storage pool as the root filesystem:</para>
-	<screen>&prompt.root; gpart create -s vtoc8 da0
-&prompt.root; gpart add -t freebsd-zfs -s 10g da0
-&prompt.root; gpart add -t freebsd-swap -s 10g da0
-&prompt.root; gpart add -t freebsd-zfs -s 10g da0
-&prompt.root; zpool create rpool mirror da0a da0b
-&prompt.root; zpool set bootfs=rpool rpool
-&prompt.root; zpool export rpool
-&prompt.root; gpart bootcode -p /boot/zfsboot da0
-&prompt.root; sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=0x10
-&prompt.root; dd if=/boot/zfsloader of=/dev/da0a bs=512 oseek=1024 conv=notrunc
-&prompt.root; dd if=/boot/zfsloader of=/dev/da0b bs=512 oseek=1024 conv=notrunc
-&prompt.root; zpool import rpool
-&prompt.root; cp -p /boot/zfs/zpool.cache /rpool/boot/zfs/zpool.cache
-&prompt.root; zfs set mountpoint=/ rpool</screen>
+	<para> </para>
       <sect3 xml:id="proc">
 	<title>Hardware Support</title>
-	<para revision="230751" arch="powerpc">The &man.abtn.4;
-	  driver, which supports ADB keyboards found on Apple laptops,
-	  has been added.</para>
-	<para revision="233798" arch="amd64">A workaround for Erratum
-	  721 for AMD Processor Family 10h and 12h has been
-	  implemented.  Under a highly specific and detailed set of
-	  internal timing conditions, the processor may incorrectly
-	  update the stack pointer after a long series of push and/or
-	  near-call instructions, or a long series of pop and/or
-	  near-return instructions.</para>
-	<para revision="232677" arch="powerpc">The atibl(4) driver,
-	  which supports backlight control of ATI graphics chips on
-	  PowerBooks and iBooks, has been added.</para>
-	<para revision="229858">The &man.acpi.wmi.4; driver now
-	  supports attaching multiple instances.</para>
-	<para revision="230290" arch="powerpc">The adm1030(4) driver
-	  for G4 MDD fans now shows its PWM parameter in the device's
-	  &man.sysctl.8; variable.</para>
-	<para revision="234559" arch="arm">The cesa(4) driver for the
-	  Marvell crypto engine and security accelerator has been
-	  added.</para>
-	<para revision="230305" arch="powerpc">The &man.hwpmc.4;
-	  driver now supports PowerPC G4+ (MPC745x/MPC744x).</para>
-	<para revision="234046" arch="amd64,i386">The &man.hwpmc.4;
-	  driver now supports the Intel Sandy Bridge
-	  microarchitecture.</para>
-	<para revision="236238">The &man.hwpmc.4; driver now supports
-	  software events.  Simultaneous usage of software PMC and
-	  hardware PMC is allowed.</para>
-	<para revision="236078">The pcf8563(4) driver for the NXP
-	  (Philips) PCF8563 RTC has been added.</para>
-	<para revision="233471" arch="powerpc">&os;/powerpc now
-	  supports the PWM-controlled fans found on the PowerMac SMU (System
-	  Management Unit).</para>
-	<para revision="236081" arch="arm">&os;/arm now supports the Atmel
-	  SAM9XE family of microcontrollers.</para>
-	<para revision="230754,233950">The following &man.sysctl.8;
-	  variables have been added: <varname>kern.proc.env</varname>
-	  for environment strings, <varname>kern.proc.auxv</varname>
-	  for ELF auxiliary vectors from a process's stack,
-	  <varname>kern.proc.groups</varname> for process groups,
-	  <varname>kern.proc.rlimit</varname> for process resource
-	  limits, <varname>kern.proc.ps_strings</varname> for the
-	  ps_strings location, and <varname>kern.proc.osrel</varname> for
-	  the osreldate of the process's binary.</para>
-	<para revision="229100,229369">The &man.usb.4; driver now
-	  handles suspend and resume correctly with no need to reload
-	  the kernel module.</para>
-	<para revision="230302">A bug in the &man.xhci.4; (USB 3.0)
-	  driver has been fixed.  It did not work with USB 3.0
-	  hubs.</para>
-	<para revision="229927">The &man.viawd.4; driver, which
-	  supports the watchdog timer found in VIA south bridges (VT8251,
-	  CX700, VX800, VX855, VX900), has been added.</para>
-	<para revision="235926">The &man.wbwd.4; driver, which
-	  supports the watchdog timer found in Winbond Super I/O chips,
-	  has been added.</para>
+	<para> </para>
 	<sect4 xml:id="mm">
 	  <title>Multimedia Support</title>
-	  <para revision="236926,236927,239965">The drm2(4) Intel GPU driver,
-	    which supports GEM and KMS and works with new generations of
-	    GPUs such as IronLake, SandyBridge, and IvyBridge, has been
-	    added.  The &man.agp.4; driver now supports SandyBridge
-	    and IvyBridge CPU northbridges.</para>
-	  <para revision="232798">The &man.snd.hda.4; driver has been
-	    updated.  It now supports and provides HDMI, new volume control,
-	    automatic recording source selection, runtime
-	    reconfiguration, more then 4 PCM devices on a controller,
-	    multichannel recording, additional playback/record
-	    streams, higher bandwidth, and more informative device
-	    names.</para>
-	  <para revision="233165">The &man.snd.hdspe.4; driver has
-	    been added.  This supports RME HDSPe AIO and RayDAT sound
-	    cards.</para>
-	  <para revision="230964,230985,231047,235769">GPL-licensed
-	    headers in the &man.snd.emu10kx.4;, &man.snd.maestro3.4;,
-	    and &man.snd.csa.4; drivers have been replaced with
-	    BSD-licensed one.  These drivers are now fully
-	    BSD-licensed and included in the <filename>GENERIC</filename>
-	    kernel on &os;/amd64 and &os;/i386.</para>
+	  <para> </para>
 	<sect4 xml:id="net-if">
 	  <title>Network Interface Support</title>
-	  <para revision="229520">A bug in the &; driver which could
-	    prevent it from working under certain conditions has been
-	    fixed.</para>
-	  <para revision="229106">The &man.axe.4; driver now supports
-	    TX/RX checksum offloading support for the ASIX AX88772B
-	    controller.</para>
-	  <para>The &man.bce.4; driver has been improved:</para>
-	  <itemizedlist>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para revision="229864">Unnecessary link up/down has
-		been eliminated.</para>
-	    </listitem>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para revision="236216">A bug has been fixed which could
-		prevent IPMI from working when the interface was
-		marked as down.</para>
-	    </listitem>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para revision="235818">It now supports remote PHYs,
-		which allow the controller to perform MDIO type accesses
-		to a remote transceiver by using message pages defined
-		through MRBE (MultiRate Backplane Ethernet).  This is
-		found on machines such as the Dell PowerEdge M610
-		Blade.</para>
-	    </listitem>
-	  </itemizedlist>
-	  <para>The &man.bge.4; and brgphy(4) drivers have been
-	    improved:</para>
-	  <itemizedlist>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para revision="229350">A bug which could prevent
-		DMA functionality from working correctly has been
-		fixed.</para>
-	    </listitem>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para revision="233495">It now works with a PCI-X BCM 5704
-		controller that is connected to AMD-8131 PCI-X bridge.</para>
-	    </listitem>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para revision="229357,229867,232134">It now supports
-		the BCM 5720 and BCM 5720C PHY, and the BCM 57780 1000BASE-T
-		media interface.</para>
-	    </listitem>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para revision="231734">It now supports a &man.loader.8;
-		tunable
-		<varname>dev.bge.<replaceable>N</replaceable>.msi</varname>
-		to control the use of MSI.  The default value is
-		<literal>1</literal> (enabled).</para>
-	    </listitem>
-	  </itemizedlist>
-	  <para revision="231093,237925">The &man.cxgbe.4; and
-	    &man.cxgb.4; drivers have been updated to firmware version
-  They now support device configuration via a
-	    plain text configuration file, IPv6 hardware checksumming,
-	    IPv6 TSO and LRO, a <literal>loadfw</literal> command in the
-	    cxgbetool(8) utility which allows installing a firmware to
-	    the card, and &man.sysctl.8; variables under
-	    <varname>dev.t4nex.<replaceable>N</replaceable>.misc</varname>
-	    for various information.</para>
-	  <para revision="229334">The &man.dc.4; driver now supports
-	    NVIDIA (ULi) M5261/M5263 PCI FastEthernet controllers, which
-	    are found on the ULi M1563 South Bridge and M1689 Bridge.</para>
-	  <para revision="229711,229717,229720">The &; driver
-	    now works on all platforms.  A bug which could prevent
-	    &man.altq.4; support from working has been fixed.  A new
-	    &man.sysctl.8; variable under
-	    <varname><replaceable>N</replaceable>.stats</varname>
-	    has been added for hardware MAC statistics.</para>
-	  <para revision="238262">The &man.igb.4; driver has been
-	    updated to version 2.3.4.  It now supports newer i210/i211
-	    devices.</para>
-	  <para revision="233838,235843">The &man.iwn.4; driver now
-	    supports Intel Centrino Wireless-N + WiMAX 6150 and
-	    Wireless-N 100/130 series.</para>
-	  <para revision="230709">The &man.miibus.4; bus driver now
-	    supports device hints
-	    <varname>hint.miibus.<replaceable>N</replaceable>.phymask</varname>
-	    for PHY addresses being probed.  This is useful to manually
-	    probe PHYs which do not implement basic the register set of
-	    IEEE 802.3.  Also, the &man.miibus.4; driver has been
-	    changed to a hinted bus, allowing to add child devices via
-	    hints and to set their attach arguments in addition to
-	    automatically-probed PHYs.</para>
-	  <para revision="229524">The &man.msk.4; driver now uses 64-bit
-	    DMA addressing on 64-bit platforms.</para>
-	  <para revision="236413">The &man.mxge.4; driver has been
-	    updated to firmware version 1.4.55 from Myricom.</para>
-	  <para revision="232137">The nsphyter(4) driver now supports
-	    National DP83849.</para>
-	  <para revision="231663">The &man.oce.4; driver, which
-	    supports Emulex OneConnect 10Gbit Ethernet cards, has been
-	    added.</para>
-	  <para revision="236004">The &man.ral.4; driver now supports
-	    Ralink RT2800 and RT3000 chipsets.</para>
-	  <para revision="229529,231731">The &; driver now
-	    supports the RTL8411 PCIe Gigabit Ethernet controller.  A bug
-	    which could prevent WoL (Wake-on-LAN) from working on
-	    RTL8168E has been fixed.</para>
-	  <para revision="234028">The &man.runfw.4; firmware has been
-	    updated to version 0.236.</para>
-	  <para revision="228100">The &man.sfxge.4; driver, which
-	    supports 10Gb Ethernet adapters based on Solarflare SFC9000
-	    family controllers, has been added.</para>
-	  <para revision="233485">The smcphy(4) driver now supports the
-	    Seeq Technology 80220 PHY.  This is found on Adaptec
-	    AIC-6915 Starfire Ethernet controllers supported by the
-	    &man.sf.4; driver.</para>
-	  <para revision="229417,229438">The &man.ti.4; driver now
-	    supports the &man.altq.4; framework, reporting link-state
-	    changes, and &man.sysctl.8; variables under
-	    <varname>dev.ti.<replaceable>N</replaceable></varname> for
-	    interrupt moderation parameters.</para>
-	  <para revision="229441">A bug in the &man.ti.4; driver which could
-	    prevent it from working correctly with the <literal>PAE</literal>
-	    kernel option has been fixed.</para>
-	  <para revision="229540">The &man.vge.4; driver has been
-	    updated to improve its link establishment and link-state
-	    detection.</para>
-	  <para revision="229641">The &man.vr.4; driver now enables
-	    flow control capability in the PHY drivers.</para>
-	  <para revision="231697">The &man.xnb.4; Xen Paravirtualized
-	    Backend Ethernet Driver (netback) has been updated.  This is
-	    attached via the newbus framework and works properly in both
-	    HVM and PVM mode.</para>
+	  <para> </para>
       <sect3 xml:id="net-proto">
 	<title>Network Protocols</title>
-	<para revision="236051">The &man.if.bridge.4; pseudo-interface
-	  now supports reporting link-state changes depending on the status
-	  of the member interfaces.</para>
-	<para revision="234597">The <literal>table</literal> argument
-	  in the &man.ipfw.4; packet filter rule syntax now supports
-	  IP address, interface name, port number, and jail ID.  The
-	  following syntax is valid:</para>
-	<programlisting>skipto tablearg ip from any to any via table(42) in</programlisting>
-	<para>The &os; &man.ip6.4; protocol stack has been improved in terms
-	  of its performance.  Benchmarking can be found at <uri xlink:href=""></uri>.</para>
-	<para revision="232292">The &os; &man.ip6.4; protocol stack now
-	  supports multiple FIBs.</para>
-	<para revision="230604">An IPv6 default route configured via
-	  Router Advertisement messages is now reinstalled correctly
-	  when the default route is manually removed and then another
-	  RA message is received for the same route.</para>
-	<para revision="227885">A bug which could return an incorrect
-	  value for the <literal>IPV6_MULTICASE_HOPS</literal> socket option
-	  has been fixed.</para>
-	<para revision="231768">A new &man.sysctl.3; name
-	  <literal>NET_RT_IFLISTL</literal> has been added.  This
-	  queries the address list and works on extended and
-	  extensible structures <varname>if_msghdrl</varname> and
-	  <varname>ifa_msghdrl</varname> without breaking the
-	  ABI.</para>
-	<para revision="231650,235527">The &man.netmap.4; fast packet
-	  I/O framework has been added.  The &man.em.4;, lem(4),
-	  &man.igb.4;, and &; drivers now support this
-	  framework.  The technical details can be found at <uri xlink:href=""></uri>.</para>
-	<para revision="231045">The &os; &man.sctp.4; protocol stack now
-	  supports a new &man.sysctl.8; variable
-	  <varname>net.inet.sctp.blackhole</varname>.  If this is set
-	  to <literal>1</literal>, no <literal>ABORT</literal> is sent
-	  back in response to an incoming <literal>INIT</literal>. If
-	  this is set to <literal>2</literal>, no
-	  <literal>ABORT</literal> is sent back in response to an
-	  out-of-the-blue packet.  If set to <literal>0</literal>
-	  (the default), <literal>ABORT</literal>s are sent.</para>
-	<para revision="231049">A bug which could cause a system panic
-	  when <literal>SCTP_RECVINFO</literal> or
-	  <literal>SCTP_NXTINFO</literal> is specified to the
-	  &man.getsockopt.2; system call has been fixed.</para>
-	<para revision="231070,231140">The &os; &man.sctp.4; protocol stack now
-	  supports the <literal>SCTP_REMOTE_UDP_ENCAPS_PORT</literal>
-	  socket option.</para>
-	<para revision="232805">The <literal>SO_PROTOCOL</literal> and
-	  <literal>SO_PROTOTYPE</literal> socket options have been
-	  added.  These return the socket protocol number.</para>
-	<para revision="232945">The <literal>TCP_KEEPINIT</literal>,
-	  <literal>TCP_KEEPIDLE</literal>,
-	  <literal>TCP_KEEPINTVL</literal>, and
-	  <literal>TCP_KEEPCNT</literal> socket options have been
-	  added.  These allow controlling initial timeout, idle time,
-	  idle resend interval, and idle send count on a per-socket
-	  basis.</para>
+	<para> </para>
       <sect3 xml:id="disks">
 	<title>Disks and Storage</title>
-	<para revision="240758">The &man.arcmsr.4; driver has been
-	  updated to version</para>
-	<para revision="229291">The &man.ahci.4; driver now supports a
-	  new &man.loader.8; tunable <varname>hw.ahci.force</varname>.
-	  This controls whether it attempts to attach an AHCI-capable
-	  device even if it is configured to use legacy emulation.
-	  This is enabled by default.</para>
-	<para revision="231251">The new &;-based &man.ata.4;
-	  driver now supports old &man.loader.8; tunables
-	  <varname>hw.ata.ata_dma</varname> and
-	  <varname>hw.ata.atapi_dma</varname>, for backward
-	  compatibility.</para>
-	<para revision="236778">The &; driver now supports
-	  SEMB (SATA Enclosure Management Bridge) devices, which are
-	  equivalent to the SCSI SES/SAF-TE devices.</para>
-	<para revision="236765">A new &man.sysctl.8; variable
-	  <varname></varname> has been added.
-	  This controls whether special PMP ports such as PMP (Port
-	  MultiPlier) configuration or SEMB (SATA Enclosure Management
-	  Bridge) will be exposed or hidden.  The default value is
-	  <literal>1</literal> (hidden).</para>
-	<para revision="231772">The ctl(4) driver, which supports
-	  &; Target Layer and &man.ctladm.8;, a userland
-	  control utility, have been added.  ctl(4) is a disk and
-	  processor device emulation subsystem supporting tagged
-	  queuing, SCSI task attribute, SCSI implicit command
-	  ordering, full task management, multiple ports, multiple
-	  simultaneous initiators, multiple simultaneous backing
-	  stores, mode sense/select, and error injection
-	  support.</para>
-	<para revision="230014">The &; driver now supports
-	  Audio CDs in the same way as &man.acd.4; did.  It will
-	  report a 2352-byte sector size to the &man.geom.4; subsystem and use
-	  the <literal>READ CD</literal> command for reading the data.
-	  This fixes an interoperability issue with <package>multimedia/vlc</package>.</para>
-	<para revision="236677">The &man.da.4; driver now supports
-	  <literal>BIO_DELETE</literal>.  To select the method, a new
-	  &man.sysctl.8; variable
-	  <varname><replaceable>N</replaceable>.delete_method</varname>
-	  has been added for each device instance.  The following
-	  values are supported:</para>
-	<informaltable frame="none" pgwide="1">
-	  <tgroup cols="2">
-	    <thead>
-	      <row>
-		<entry>Value</entry>
-		<entry>Method</entry>
-	      </row>
-	    </thead>
-	    <tbody>
-	      <row>
-		<entry>NONE</entry>
-		<entry>no provisioning support reported by the device</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry>DISABLE</entry>
-		<entry>provisioning support was disabled because of errors</entry>
-	      </row>
- 	      <row>
-		<entry>ZERO</entry>
-		<entry>WRITE SAME (10) command to write zeroes</entry>
-	      </row>
- 	      <row>
-		<entry>WS10</entry>
-		<entry>WRITE SAME (10) command with UNMAP bit set</entry>
-	      </row>
- 	      <row>
-		<entry>WS16</entry>
-		<entry>use WRITE SAME (16) command with UNMAP bit set</entry>
-	      </row>
- 	      <row>
-		<entry>UNMAP</entry>
-		<entry>use UNMAP command (equivalent of the ATA DSM TRIM command)</entry>
-	      </row>
-	    </tbody>
-	  </tgroup>
-	</informaltable>
-	<para>When it was <literal>NONE</literal>, the device did not
-	  report logical block provisioning support via respective
-	  VPD pages.  One can set a specific method for testing and it
-	  will be disabled automatically when not supported on the
-	  device.</para>
-	<para revision="238500">The <application>MIRROR</application>
-	  &man.geom.4; class now supports
-	  <literal>BIO_DELETE</literal>.  This means the
-	  <literal>TRIM</literal> command will be issued on
-	  supported devices when deleting data.</para>
-	<para revision="229303,234916">The
-	  <application>MULTIPATH</application> &man.geom.4; class has
-	  been updated.  It now supports Active/Active mode,
-	  Active/Read mode as hybrid of Active/Active and
-	  Active/Passive, keeping a failed path without removing the
-	  geom provider, manual configuration without on-disk
-	  metadata, and <command>add</command>,
-	  <command>remove</command>, <command>fail</command>,
-	  <command>restore</command>, <command>configure</command>
-	  subcommands in the &man.gmultipath.8; utility to manage the
-	  configured paths.</para>
-	<para revision="234406">The
-	  <application>PART_LDM</application> &man.geom.4; class has
-	  been added.  This partition scheme has support for Logical Disk
-	  Manager, which is also known as dynamic volumes in Microsoft
-	  Windows NT.  Note that JBOD, RAID0, and RAID5 volumes are
-	  not supported yet.</para>
-	<para revision="230763">The <application>PART_MBR</application>
-	  &man.geom.4; class now allows a primary or extended Linux
-	  swap partition to be used as the system dump device.</para>
-	<para revision="235877" arch="amd64,i386">The
-	  <application>RAID</application> &man.geom.4; class is now
-	  included in the <filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel.</para>
-	<para revision="230244">The <application>RAID</application>
-	  &man.geom.4; class now supports disks with over 2TB capacity
-	  for the Intel metadata format.</para>
-	<para revision="235874">The <application>RAID</application>
-	  &man.geom.4; class now supports the DDF metadata format, which
-	  is defined in the SNIA Common RAID Disk Data Format
-	  Specification v2.0.</para>
-	<para revision="235483">The
-	  <application>UNCOMPRESS</application> &man.geom.4; class and
-	  the &man.mkulzma.8; utility have been added.  This class
-	  supports lzma compressed images like the
-	  <application>UZIP</application> &man.geom.4; class and the
-	  &man.mkuzip.8; utility.</para>
-	<para revision="229975" arch="amd64,i386">The &man.hpt27xx.4;
-	  driver has been added.  This supports HighPoint RocketRAID
-	  27xx-based SAS 6Gb/s HBA.</para>
-	<para revision="231689" arch="amd64,i386">The &man.isci.4;
-	  driver, which supports the integrated SAS controller in the
-	  Intel C600 (Patsburg) chipset, has been added.</para>
-	<para revision="230019">Bugs in &man.isp.4; target mode have
-	  been fixed.</para>
-	<para revision="230775">The &man.ixgbe.4; driver now supports
-	  the Intel X540 adapter.</para>
-	<para revision="227533">A bug in the &man.mfi.4; driver has been
-	  fixed.  It could cause some inconsistencies due to missed
-	  interrupt acknowledgements and output the following log
-	  message:</para>
-	<screen>mfi0: COMMAND 0xffffffXXXXXXXXXX TIMEOUT AFTER XX SECONDS</screen>
-	<para revision="229611,234429">The &man.mfi.4; driver now
-	  supports single-message MSI, and Drake Skinny and
-	  Thunderbolt cards.  The &man.loader.8; tunable
-	  <varname>hw.mfi.msi</varname> has been added and it is
-	  enabled by default.</para>
-	<para revision="230920,231679,237876">The &man.mps.4; driver
-	  has been updated to version  This now
-	  supports Integrated RAID, WarpDrive controllers, WRITE12 and
-	  READ12 for direct I/O, SCSI protection information (EEDP),
-	  Transport Level Retries (TLR) for tape drives, and LSI's
-	  userland utility.</para>
-	<para revision="232562">A bug in the &man.mpt.4; driver has
-	  been fixed.  It could attempt to attach MegaRAID cards which
-	  should be handled by the &man.mfi.4; driver.</para>
+	<para> </para>
-	<para revision="229107">The &man.usb.4; storage device driver
-	  now enables power save mode by default.</para>
       <sect3 xml:id="fs">
 	<title>File Systems</title>
-	<para>The &os; NFS filesystem has been improved:</para>
+	<para> </para>
-	<itemizedlist>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para revision="233326">It now supports a timeout on
-	      positive name cache entries on the client side.  A new
-	      mount option <varname>nametimeo</varname> has been added
-	      and set to <literal>60</literal> (in seconds) by
-	      default.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para revision="234740">A memory leak when a ZFS volume is
-	      exported via the &os; NFS server has been fixed.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para revision="233730">A bug has been fixed.  When a
-	      process writes to an mmap-backed file on an NFS
-	      filesystem, flushing changes to the data could fail
-	      under some circumstances such as errors due to
-	      permission mismatch, and this failure could not be detected
-	      as an error.  A new &man.sysctl.8; variable
-	      <varname>vfs.nfs.nfs_keep_dirty_on_error</varname> has
-	      been added to control the behavior on the client side
-	      related to this issue.  When this is set to
-	      <literal>1</literal>, the pages where a write operation
-	      failed are kept dirty.  The default value is set to
-	      <literal>0</literal>.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para revision="229799">The &man.nfsv4.4; filesystem now
-	      supports a &man.sysctl.8; variable
-	      <varname>vfs.nfsd.disable_checkutf8</varname>.  This
-	      disables the check for UTF-8 compliance in
-	      filenames.  This is disabled by default.  Note that
-	      enabling this may help wht some interoperability issues but
-	      results in an NFSv4 server that is not RFC 3530
-	      compliant.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</itemizedlist>
-	<para revision="234511">The &man.tmpfs.5; filesystem is not an
-	  experimental implementation anymore.</para>
-	<para revision="234849">The &man.tmpfs.5; filesystem now
-	  supports a &man.sysctl.8; variable
-	  <varname>vfs.tmpfs.memory_reserved</varname> to set the amount
-	  of required free pages when &man.tmpfs.5; attempts to
-	  allocate a new node.</para>
-	<para revision="229578,232328">&os;'s ZFS filesystem has been
-	  updated by merging improvements from the illumos project.  The
-	  following changes are made:</para>
-	<itemizedlist>
-	  <listitem><para>New properties, <literal>clones</literal> and
-	      <literal>written</literal>, have been added.</para></listitem>
-	  <listitem><para>The &man.zfs.8; <command>send</command> command
-	      now reports an estimated size of the stream.</para></listitem>
-	  <listitem><para>The &man.zfs.8; <command>destroy</command> command
-	      now reports an estimate of the space which would be reclaimed,
-	      when <option>-n</option> is specified.</para></listitem>
-	  <listitem><para>The &man.zfs.8; <command>get</command> command now
-	      supports the <option>-t <replaceable>type</replaceable></option>
-	      flag to specify the data type.</para></listitem>
-	</itemizedlist>
-	<para revision="227705">A simple script
-	  <filename></filename> has been added to the
-	  source tree.  This checks if the system is configured
-	  correctly when using ZFS as the root filesystem.  The script
-	  is located at
-	  <filename>/usr/src/tools/tools/</filename> and
-	  it uses the <filename>zfsboottest</filename> binary program in the
-	  same directory.</para>
-	<para>The binary program can be built and installed by the
-	  following command:</para>
-	<screen>&prompt.root; cd /usr/src/tools/tools/zfsboottest
-&prompt.root; make
-&prompt.root; make install</screen>
-	<para>After that, the following command can be used to check the
-	  system.  <replaceable>poolname</replaceable> is the ZFS
-	  storage pool name to boot:</para>
-	<screen>&prompt.root; sh /usr/src/tools/tools/zfsboottest/ <replaceable>poolname</replaceable></screen>
-	<para>The &man.sysctl.8; variable
-	  <varname>vfs.zfs.txg.timeout</varname> has been changed from
-	  read-only to writable.</para>
@@ -932,276 +212,33 @@
 	&man.openpam.ttyconv.3; library has been completely
-      <para revision="238481">&man.auth.conf.5; has been removed
-	because it was deprecated years ago.</para>
-      <para revision="237740">The &man.camcontrol.8; utility now
-	supports a <command>fwdownload</command> subcommand for firmware
-	update on SCSI devices from Hitachi, HP, IBM, Plextor,
-	Quantum, and Seagate.  This subcommand will reprogram the
-	firmware on devices connected over an ATA/SATA transport.</para>
-      <para revision="230597">The &man.dhclient.8; utility now
-	supports <literal>domain-search</literal> (option number 119,
-	described in RFC 3397).  This allows a DHCP server to publish
-	a list of implicit domain suffixes used during name lookup.
-	If this option is specified, a <literal>search</literal>
-	keyword will be added to
-	<filename>/etc/resolv.conf</filename>.</para>
-      <para revision="230047">The &man.dump.8; utility now uses 53
-	characters for the device names in
-	<filename>/etc/dumpdates</filename>.  This was previously limited to 32
-	characters.</para>
-      <para revision="235253">The &man.fetch.1; utility now correctly
-	supports a percent-encoded user and password part in a
-	URL.</para>
-      <para revision="230410">The &man.fdlopen.3; function has been
-	implemented.  This is an interface for &man.rtld.1; to load a
-	shared object by file descriptor.</para>
-      <para revision="229845">The &man.fopen.3; function now supports
-	the <option>x</option> (an exclusive create-and-open mode) option
-	in the ISO/IEC 9899:2011 and C11 standards.</para>
-      <para revision="234023">A bug in the &man.gcc.1; compiler has
-	been fixed.  It could lead to incorrect calculations when
-	<option>-ffast-math</option> is specified.</para>
-      <para revision="229509">The &man.hastd.8; daemon now supports
-        specifying the filename of its process ID file in
-        &man.hast.conf.5;.</para>
-      <para revision="231221">The &man.ifconfig.8; utility now
-	supports a <literal>vlanhwcsum</literal> parameter to set or
-	reset checksum offloading capability on VLANs.</para>
-      <para revision="238872">A bug in the &man.ifconfig.8; utility
-	which could display an error message in a jail with no IPv6
-	support has been fixed.</para>
-      <para revision="232486">The &man.ifconfig.8; utility now
-	supports a <literal>carp state state</literal>
-	parameter to set
-	the state to <literal>backup</literal> or
-	<literal>master</literal> forcibly.</para>
-      <para revision="235839">The &man.jail.8; utility now supports a
-	configuration file (&man.jail.conf.5;) for complex
-	configurations.</para>
-      <para revision="237789">The &man.kdump.1; utility now supports a
-	<option>-p <replaceable>pid</replaceable></option> option to
-	accept either a process ID or a thread ID.</para>
-      <para revision="236118">The &man.kenv.1; utility now supports a
-	<option>-v</option> flag to display an entry in
-	<literal>name=value</literal> format, and a <option>-N</option>
-	flag to display only the name.</para>
-      <para revision="233560">The &man.kldload.8; utility now supports a
-	<option>-n</option> flag to ignore the error status when the
-	specified module is already loaded.</para>
-      <para revision="237738"><application>libedit</application> has
-	been updated to a NetBSD snapshot as of 28 December,
-	2009.</para>
-      <para revision="236523">&man.libmap.conf.5; now supports
-	<literal>include</literal> and <literal>includedir</literal>
-	directives.  They allow to include specified files for the
-	configuration.</para>
-      <para revision="234372">Lock handling performance in the
-	<application>libthr</application> pthread library has been
-	improved.  It now works 10 times faster especially under the
-	condition that a mutex is heavily contested.</para>
-      <para revision="235798">A new C++ stack has been imported.  This
-	consists of <application>libcxxrt</application>, originally
-	developed by a &os; developer under contract by PathScale and
-	open sourced by the &os; and NetBSD foundations, and
-	<application>libc++</application> from the LLVM project.
-	<application>libcxxrt</application> is a drop-in replacement
-	for GNU <application>libsupc++</application>, which implements
-	the C++ runtime support for features such as run-time type
-	information, dynamic casting, thread-safe static initializer,
-	and exceptions.  <application>libc++</application> implements
-	the C++11 standard library, and will replace GNU
-	<application>libstdc++</application> in a future release.  In
-	9.1-RELEASE, <application>libstdc++</application> is still
-	installed as standard and now dynamically links against
-	<application>libsupc++</application>.  This allows libraries
-	linking <application>libstdc++</application> and
-	<application>libc++</application> to both be used in the same
-	program, to aid migration.</para>
-      <para revision="230919">The &man.limits.1; utility now supports
-	a <option>-P <replaceable>pid</replaceable></option> option to
-	control limits for the specified process.</para>
-      <para revision="237731">The &man.pciconf.8; utility now supports a
-	<option>-e</option> flag to display PCI error details in
-	listing mode.  When this is specified, the status of any error
-	bits in the PCI status register and PCI-express device status
-	register will be displayed.  It also lists any errors
-	indicated by version 1 of PCI-express Advanced Error Reporting
-	(AER).</para>
-      <para revision="229710">The &man.procstat.1; utility now shows the
-	superpage mapping flag when displaying process virtual memory
-	mappings.</para>
-      <para revision="230917,230918">The &man.procstat.1; utility now
-	supports an <option>-e</option> flag to display process
-	environment variables, an <option>-x</option> flag to display
-	ELF auxiliary vectors, and an <option>-l</option> flag to
-	display resource limits.</para>
-      <para revision="234535">A bug in the &man.remquo.3; functions
-	where the quotient did not always have the correct sign when
-	the remainder was <literal>0</literal>, and another bug that
-	the remainder and quotient were both off by a bit in certain
-	cases involving subnormal remainders, have been fixed.  Note
-	that these bugs affected all platforms except amd64 and
-	i386.</para>
-      <para revision="231579">The &man.rtld.1; run-time linker now
-	supports GCC's RELRO (RElocation Read-Only).  This prevents the
-	GOT (Global Offset Table) from being overwritten.</para>
-      <para revision="235396">The &man.rtld.1; run-time linker now
-	supports a GNU hash section (<literal>DT_GNU_HASH</literal>),
-	which is a replacement of optional ELF hash section.</para>
-      <para revision="235139">The &man.setbuf.1; utility and
-	<application>libstdbuf</application> library have been added.
-	This controls the default buffering behavior of standard
-	stdio streams.</para>
-      <para revision="227702">The &; utility now correctly
-	supports per-thread I/O statistics of ZFS in the <option>-m
-	io</option> option.</para>
-      <para revision="234330">The &man.unzip.1; utility now supports a
-	<option>-Z</option> option for zipinfo.</para>
-      <para revision="235785">The &man.xlocale.3; API has been
-	implemented.  This consists of <literal>_l</literal>-suffixed
-	versions of various standard library functions that use the
-	global locale, making them take an explicit locale parameter
-	and allowing thread-safe extended locale support.  Most of
-	these APIs are required for IEEE Std 1003.1-2008 (POSIX.1-2008
-	or ISO/IEC 9945:2009) compatibility, and are required by
-	<application>libc++</application> and recent versions of
-	<application>GNOME</application>.  This implementation also
-	supports several extensions for compatibility with Apple
-	<application>Darwin</application>.</para>
       <sect3 xml:id="periodic-scripts">
 	<title>&man.periodic.8; Scripts</title>
-	<para revision="231721">A new variable
-	  <varname>daily_status_zfs_zpool_list_enable</varname> has
-	  been added.  It controls whether or not to list all of the ZFS
-	  pools in <filename>periodic/daily/404.status-zfs</filename>.
-	  The default value is <literal>YES</literal>.</para>
-	<para revision="229381">The default value of
-	  <varname>daily_scrub_zfs_default_threshold</varname> used in
-	  <filename>periodic/daily/800.scrub-zfs</filename> is now set
-	  to 35 days.</para>
+	<para> </para>
       <sect3 xml:id="rc-scripts">
 	<title>&man.rc.8; Scripts</title>
-	<para revision="227607">The <filename>rc.d/nfsd</filename> script
-	  now sets the <varname>vfs.nfsd.server_max_nfsvers</varname>
-	  &man.sysctl.8; variable to <literal>4</literal> when
-	  <varname>nfsv4_server_enable</varname> is set to
-	  <literal>YES</literal>.</para>
-	<para revision="242189">A backwards compatibility issue when
-	  both <literal>ipv6_enable=YES</literal> and
-	  <literal>ipv6_gateway_enable=YES</literal> are defined at
-	  the same time has been fixed.</para>
+	<para> </para>


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