svn commit: r267858 - in head/sys/dev: virtio/balloon xen/balloon

Roger Pau Monné royger at
Wed Jun 25 14:06:55 UTC 2014

On 25/06/14 15:44, Attilio Rao wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 3:29 PM, Roger Pau Monné <royger at> wrote:
>> On 25/06/14 13:58, Attilio Rao wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Roger Pau Monné <royger at> wrote:
>>>> Author: royger
>>>> Date: Wed Jun 25 09:51:08 2014
>>>> New Revision: 267858
>>>> URL:
>>>> Log:
>>>>   xen/virtio: fix balloon drivers to not mark pages as WIRED
>>>>   Prevent the Xen and VirtIO balloon drivers from marking pages as
>>>>   wired. This prevents them from increasing the system wired page count,
>>>>   which can lead to mlock failing because of hitting the limit in
>>>>   vm.max_wired.
>>> This change is conceptually wrong.
>>> The pages balloon is allocating are unmanaged and they should be wired
>>> by definition. Alan and I are considering enforcing this (mandatory
>>> wired pages for unmanaged pages allocation) directly in the KPI.
>>> This in practice just seem an artifact to deal with scarce  wired
>>> memory limit. I suggest that for the XEN case this limit gets bumped
>>> rather relying on similar type of hacks.
>> IMHO, marking them as wired seems wrong too, those pages are not wired,
>> they are simply not there any more. This was discussed in:
> I'm not entirely sure what do you mean with "not there anymore", so
> I'm just guessing and I assume that you mean "pages are not collected
> in any vm object and then they are not referenced in any pagequeue".
> By extension this also matches what "unmanaged page" means.
> If the page is unmanaged it means that the pagedaemon won't see it, so
> they won't be swapped out anyway. Wiring them it will enforce more
> sanity checking on the page. The max_wired concern may be real,
> however, please see below.

What I meant by "not there" is that the physical addresses associated
with the pages are no longer valid (it's a hole in the physical memory
map). To me it seems conceptually wrong to account those pages as wired.

Thinking from a user point of view for example, if I'm inside of a VM
that has ballooned down, I will see a huge amount of memory marked as
wired on the top utility, which seems wrong, those pages are simply not
there anymore, and as so, they shouldn't show up in stats.

It also makes it really hard to know which memory is really wired and in
use by the system, as opposed to the wired memory used by the balloon


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