svn commit: r264840 - in head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig: dot examples networking/share share share/media share/packages
Devin Teske
dteske at
Wed Apr 23 22:04:06 UTC 2014
Author: dteske
Date: Wed Apr 23 22:04:04 2014
New Revision: 264840
Implement GEOM based media device classification. You'll notice a few
different things from this commit:
+ More devices. Devices that were previously ignored are now present.
+ Faster device scanning. "There is no try, only Do" -- f_device_try()
is no longer the basis of device scanning as GEOM provides [nearly]
all devices (doesn't provide network devices).
+ More information available as non-root. Usually you have to be root
to do things like taste filesystems, and that limits the amount of
information available to non-root users; with GEOM, we see all even
running unprivileged as the brunt of information (except for so-
called ``dangerously dedicated'' file systems) is represented by the
`kern.geom.confxml' sysctl(8) MIB.
NB: Only really useful for external scripts that use the API and run as
non-root; where this code is used in bsdconfig(8) and bsdinstall(8)
you are running as root so can detect even ``dangerously dedicated''
file systems that are not present in GEOM; e.g., no PART class for
a DOS filesystem written directly to disk without partition table).
+ No more use of legacy tools such as diskinfo(8) to get disk capacity
or fdisk(8) to see partitions.
MFC after: 1 week
head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/geom.subr (contents, props changed)
Modified: head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/dot/dot
--- head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/dot/dot Wed Apr 23 21:52:43 2014 (r264839)
+++ head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/dot/dot Wed Apr 23 22:04:04 2014 (r264840)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
############################################################ INCLUDES
# Prevent common.subr from auto initializing debugging (this is not an inter-
-# active utility that requires debugging; also `-d' has been repurposed).
+# active utility so does not require debugging; also `-d' has been repurposed).
Modified: head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/examples/
--- head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/examples/ Wed Apr 23 21:52:43 2014 (r264839)
+++ head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/examples/ Wed Apr 23 22:04:04 2014 (r264840)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ if [ ! -e "$TMPDIR/packages/INDEX" ]; th
f_show_info "Downloading packages/INDEX from\n %s" "$_ftpPath"
- f_device_get media packages/INDEX > $TMPDIR/packages/INDEX
+ f_device_get device_media packages/INDEX > $TMPDIR/packages/INDEX
Modified: head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/examples/
--- head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/examples/ Wed Apr 23 21:52:43 2014 (r264839)
+++ head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/examples/ Wed Apr 23 22:04:04 2014 (r264840)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ if [ ! -e "$TMPDIR/packages/INDEX" ]; th
f_show_info "Downloading packages/INDEX from\n %s" "$_httpPath"
- f_device_get media packages/INDEX > $TMPDIR/packages/INDEX
+ f_device_get device_media packages/INDEX > $TMPDIR/packages/INDEX
Modified: head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/networking/share/device.subr
--- head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/networking/share/device.subr Wed Apr 23 21:52:43 2014 (r264839)
+++ head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/networking/share/device.subr Wed Apr 23 22:04:04 2014 (r264840)
@@ -75,10 +75,11 @@ f_dialog_menu_netdev()
# Get list of usable network interfaces
- local devs if iflist= # Calculated below
+ local dev devs if iflist= # Calculated below
f_device_find "" $DEVICE_TYPE_NETWORK devs
- for if in $devs; do
+ for dev in $devs; do
+ f_struct "$dev" get name if || continue
# Skip unsavory interfaces
case "$if" in
lo[0-9]*|ppp[0-9]*|sl[0-9]*|faith[0-9]*) continue ;;
Modified: head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/Makefile
--- head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/Makefile Wed Apr 23 21:52:43 2014 (r264839)
+++ head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/Makefile Wed Apr 23 22:04:04 2014 (r264840)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ NO_OBJ=
SUBDIR= media packages
-FILES= common.subr device.subr dialog.subr keymap.subr \
+FILES= common.subr device.subr dialog.subr geom.subr keymap.subr \
mustberoot.subr script.subr strings.subr struct.subr \
sysrc.subr variable.subr
Modified: head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/common.subr
--- head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/common.subr Wed Apr 23 21:52:43 2014 (r264839)
+++ head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/common.subr Wed Apr 23 22:04:04 2014 (r264840)
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ f_debug_init()
# Process stored command-line arguments
set -- $ARGV
- local OPTIND flag
+ local OPTIND OPTARG flag
f_dprintf "f_debug_init: ARGV=[%s] GETOPTS_STDARGS=[%s]" \
@@ -798,14 +798,30 @@ f_running_as_init()
# f_mounted $local_directory
+# f_mounted -b $device
-# Return success if a filesystem is mounted on a particular directory.
+# Return success if a filesystem is mounted on a particular directory. If `-b'
+# is present, instead check that the block device (or a partition thereof) is
+# mounted.
- local dir="$1"
- [ -d "$dir" ] || return $FAILURE
- mount | grep -Eq " on $dir \([^)]+\)$"
+ local OPTIND OPTARG flag use_device=
+ while getopts b flag; do
+ case "$flag" in
+ b) use_device=1 ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $(( $OPTIND - 1 ))
+ if [ "$use_device" ]; then
+ local device="$1"
+ mount | grep -Eq \
+ "^$device([[:space:]]|p[0-9]|s[0-9]|\.nop|\.eli)"
+ else
+ [ -d "$dir" ] || return $FAILURE
+ mount | grep -Eq " on $dir \([^)]+\)$"
+ fi
+ # Return status is that of last grep(1)
# f_eval_catch [-de] [-k $var_to_set] $funcname $utility \
@@ -890,7 +906,7 @@ f_eval_catch()
# Process local function arguments
- local OPTIND __flag
+ local OPTIND OPTARG __flag
while getopts "dek:" __flag > /dev/null; do
case "$__flag" in
d) __no_dialog=1 ;;
Modified: head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/device.subr
--- head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/device.subr Wed Apr 23 21:52:43 2014 (r264839)
+++ head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/device.subr Wed Apr 23 22:04:04 2014 (r264840)
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ BSDCFG_SHARE="/usr/share/bsdconfig"
. $BSDCFG_SHARE/common.subr || exit 1
f_dprintf "%s: loading includes..." device.subr
f_include $BSDCFG_SHARE/dialog.subr
+f_include $BSDCFG_SHARE/geom.subr
f_include $BSDCFG_SHARE/strings.subr
f_include $BSDCFG_SHARE/struct.subr
@@ -40,42 +41,53 @@ f_include_lang $BSDCFG_LIBE/include/mess
############################################################ GLOBALS
+NDEVICES=0 # Set by f_device_register(), used by f_device_*()
-# A "device" from sysinstall's point of view
+# A "device" from legacy sysinstall's point of view (mostly)
+# NB: Disk devices have their `private' property set to GEOM ident
+# NB: USB devices have their `private' property set to USB disk device name
f_struct_define DEVICE \
- name \
+ capacity \
desc \
devname \
- type \
- capacity \
enabled \
- init \
- get \
- shutdown \
flags \
+ get \
+ init \
+ name \
private \
+ shutdown \
+ type \
# Network devices have their `private' property set to this
f_struct_define DEVICE_INFO \
- use_rtsol use_dhcp ipaddr ipv6addr netmask extras
-setvar DEVICE_TYPE_NFS 10
-setvar DEVICE_TYPE_ANY 11
+ extras \
+ ipaddr \
+ ipv6addr \
+ netmask \
+ use_dhcp \
+ use_rtsol
+# Device types for f_device_register(), f_device_find(), et al.
+setvar DEVICE_TYPE_ANY "any" # Any
+setvar DEVICE_TYPE_NONE "NONE" # Unknown
+setvar DEVICE_TYPE_FTP "FTP" # Dynamic network device
+setvar DEVICE_TYPE_NETWORK "NETWORK" # See f_device_get_all_network
+setvar DEVICE_TYPE_NFS "NFS" # Dynamic network device
+setvar DEVICE_TYPE_HTTP_PROXY "HTTP_PROXY" # Dynamic network device
+setvar DEVICE_TYPE_HTTP "HTTP" # Dynamic network device
# Network devices have the following flags available
setvar IF_ETHERNET 1
@@ -87,76 +99,70 @@ setvar IF_ACTIVE 4
-############################################################ FUNCTIONS
-# f_device_try $name [$i [$var_path]]
-# Test a particular device. If $i is given, then $name is expected to contain a
-# single "%d" where $i will be inserted using printf. If $var_path is given,
-# it is used as a variable name to provide the caller the device pathname.
-# Returns success if the device path exists and is a cdev.
+# Device Catalog variables
- local name="$1" i="$2" var_path="$3" unit
- if [ "$i" ]; then
- f_sprintf unit "$name" "$i"
- else
- unit="$name"
- fi
- case "$unit" in
- /dev/*) : good ;; # already qualified
- *) unit="/dev/$unit" ;;
- esac
- [ "$var_path" ] && setvar "$var_path" "$unit"
- f_dprintf "f_device_try: making sure %s is a device node" "$unit"
- if [ -c "$unit" ]; then
- f_dprintf "f_device_try: %s is a cdev [good]" "$unit"
- return $SUCCESS
- else
- f_dprintf "f_device_try: %s is not a cdev [skip]" "$unit"
- return $FAILURE
- fi
+DEVICE_CATALOG_APPEND_ONLY= # Used by f_device_catalog_set()
+NCATALOG_DEVICES=0 # Used by f_device_catalog_*() and MAIN
-# f_device_register $name $desc $devname $type $enabled $init_function \
-# $get_function $shutdown_function $private $capacity
-# Register a device. A `structure' (see struct.subr) is created with the name
-# device_$name (so make sure $name contains only alpha-numeric characters or
-# the underscore, `_'). The remaining arguments after $name correspond to the
-# properties of the `DEVICE' structure-type (defined above).
+# A ``catalog'' device is for mapping GEOM devices to media devices (for
+# example, determining if a $GEOM_CLASS_DISK geom is $DEVICE_TYPE_CDROM or
+# $DEVICE_TYPE_DISK) and also getting default descriptions for devices that
+# either lack a GEOM provided description or lack a presence in GEOM)
-# If not already registered, the device is then appended to the DEVICES
-# environment variable, a space-separated list of all registered devices.
+f_struct_define CATALOG_DEVICE \
+ desc \
+ name \
+ type
+############################################################ FUNCTIONS
+# f_device_register $var_to_set $name $desc $devname $type $enabled
+# $init_function $get_function $shutdown_function
+# $private $capacity
+# Register a device. A `structure' (see struct.subr) is created and if
+# $var_to_set is non-NULL, upon success holds the name of the struct created.
+# The remaining positional arguments correspond to the properties of the
+# `DEVICE' structure-type to be assigned (defined above).
+# If not already registered (based on $name and $type), a new device is created
+# and $NDEVICES is incremented.
- local name="$1" desc="$2" devname="$3" type="$4" enabled="$5"
- local init_func="$6" get_func="$7" shutdown_func="$8" private="$9"
- local capacity="${10}"
- f_struct_new DEVICE "device_$name" || return $FAILURE
- device_$name set name "$name"
- device_$name set desc "$desc"
- device_$name set devname "$devname"
- device_$name set type "$type"
- device_$name set enabled "$enabled"
- device_$name set init "$init_func"
- device_$name set get "$get_func"
- device_$name set shutdown "$shutdown_func"
- device_$name set private "$private"
- device_$name set capacity "$capacity"
- # Scan our global register to see if it needs ammending
- local dev found=
- for dev in $DEVICES; do
- [ "$dev" = "$name" ] || continue
- found=1 && break
- done
- [ "$found" ] || DEVICES="$DEVICES $name"
+ local __var_to_set="$1" __name="$2" __desc="$3" __devname="$4"
+ local __type="$5" __enabled="$6" __init_func="$7" __get_func="$8"
+ local __shutdown_func="$9" __private="${10}" __capacity="${11}"
+ # Required parameter(s)
+ [ "$__name" ] || return $FAILURE
+ if [ "$__var_to_set" ]; then
+ setvar "$__var_to_set" "" || return $FAILURE
+ fi
+ local __device
+ if f_device_find -1 "$__name" "$__type" __device; then
+ f_struct_free "$__device"
+ f_struct_new DEVICE "$__device" || return $FAILURE
+ else
+ __device=device_$(( NDEVICES + 1 ))
+ f_struct_new DEVICE "$__device" || return $FAILURE
+ fi
+ $__device set name "$__name"
+ $__device set desc "$__desc"
+ $__device set devname "$__devname"
+ $__device set type "$__type"
+ $__device set enabled "$__enabled"
+ $__device set init "$__init_func"
+ $__device set get "$__get_func"
+ $__device set shutdown "$__shutdown_func"
+ $__device set private "$__private"
+ $__device set capacity "$__capacity"
+ [ "$__var_to_set" ] && setvar "$__var_to_set" "$__device"
return $SUCCESS
@@ -166,18 +172,21 @@ f_device_register()
- local dev
- for dev in $DEVICES; do
- f_device_shutdown $dev
+ local n=1
+ while [ $n -le $NDEVICES ]; do
+ f_device_shutdown device_$n
+ #
# XXX This potentially leaks $dev->private if it's being
# used to point to something dynamic, but you're not supposed
# to call this routine at such times that some open instance
# has its private member pointing somewhere anyway.
- f_struct_free device_$dev
+ f_struct_free device_$n
+ n=$(( $n + 1 ))
# f_device_reset_network
@@ -186,34 +195,45 @@ f_device_reset()
- local dev type private pruned_list=
- for dev in $DEVICES; do
- device_$dev get type type
- if [ "$type" != "$DEVICE_TYPE_NETWORK" ]; then
- pruned_list="$pruned_list $dev"
- continue
- fi
+ local n=1 device type private i
+ while [ $n -le $NDEVICES ]; do
+ device=device_$n
+ f_struct $device || continue
+ $device get type type
+ [ "$type" = "$DEVICE_TYPE_NETWORK" ] || continue
# Leave the device up (don't call shutdown routine)
# Network devices may have DEVICE_INFO private member
- device_$dev get private private
+ $device get private private
[ "$private" ] && f_struct_free "$private"
- f_struct_free device_$dev
+ # Free the network device
+ f_struct_free $device
+ # Fill the gap we just created
+ i=$n
+ while [ $i -lt $NDEVICES ]; do
+ f_struct_copy device_$(( $i + 1 )) device_$i
+ done
+ f_struct_free device_$NDEVICES
+ # Finally decrement the number of devices
+ n=$(( $n + 1 ))
- DEVICES="${pruned_list# }"
# f_device_get_all
-# Get all device information for devices we have attached.
+# Get all device information for all devices.
- local devname desc capacity
+ local devname type desc capacity
f_dprintf "f_device_get_all: Probing devices..."
f_dialog_info "$msg_probing_devices_please_wait_this_can_take_a_while"
@@ -221,180 +241,16 @@ f_device_get_all()
# First go for the network interfaces
- # Next, try to find all the types of devices one might use
- # as a media source for content
- #
- local dev type max n=0
- for dev in $DEVICE_NAMES; do
- n=$(( $n + 1 ))
- # Get the desc, type, and max (with debugging disabled)
- # NOTE: Bypassing f_device_name_get() for efficiency
- # ASIDE: This would be equivalent to the following:
- # debug= f_device_name_get $dev desc
- # debug= f_device_name_get $dev type
- # debug= f_device_name_get $dev max
- debug= f_getvar _device_desc$n desc
- debug= f_getvar _device_type$n type
- debug= f_getvar _device_max$n max
- local k=0
- while [ $k -lt ${max:-0} ]; do
- i=$k k=$(( $k + 1 ))
- devname=""
- case "$type" in
- f_device_try "$dev" "$i" devname || continue
- f_device_capacity "$devname" capacity
- f_device_register "${devname##*/}" "$desc" \
- "$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_CDROM 1 \
- f_media_init_cdrom f_media_get_cdrom \
- f_media_shutdown_cdrom "" "$capacity"
- f_dprintf "Found a CDROM device for %s" \
- "$devname"
- ;;
- f_device_try "$dev" "$i" devname || continue
- f_device_capacity "$devname" capacity
- f_device_register "${devname##*/}" "$desc" \
- "$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_FLOPPY 1 \
- f_media_init_floppy \
- f_media_get_floppy \
- f_media_shutdown_floppy "" "$capacity"
- f_dprintf "Found a floppy device for %s" \
- "$devname"
- ;;
- f_device_try "$dev" "$i" devname || continue
- f_device_capacity "$devname" capacity
- f_device_register "${devname##*/}" "$desc" \
- "$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_USB 1 \
- f_media_init_usb f_media_get_usb \
- f_media_shutdown_usb "" "$capacity"
- f_dprintf "Found a USB disk for %s" "$devname"
- ;;
- esac
- done
- done
- # Register ISO9660 providers as CDROM devices
- for devname in /dev/iso9660/*; do
- f_device_try "$devname" || continue
- f_device_capacity "$devname" capacity
- f_device_register "${devname##*/}" "ISO9660 file system" \
- "$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_CDROM 1 \
- f_media_init_cdrom f_media_get_cdrom \
- f_media_shutdown_cdrom "" "$capacity"
- f_dprintf "Found a CDROM device for %s" "$devname"
- done
- # Scan for mdconfig(8)-created md(4) devices
- local filename
- for devname in /dev/md[0-9] /dev/md[0-9][0-9]; do
- f_device_try "$devname" || continue
- # See if the md(4) device is a vnode type backed by a file
- filename=$( sysctl kern.geom.conftxt |
- awk -v devname="${devname##*/}" \
- '
- ( $2 == "MD" ) && \
- ( $3 == devname ) && \
- ( $(NF-2) == "vnode" ) && \
- ( $(NF-1) == "file" ) \
- {
- print $NF
- }
- ' )
- case "$filename" in
- *.iso) # Register the device as an ISO9660 provider
- f_device_capacity "$devname" capacity
- f_device_register "${devname##*/}" \
- "md(4) vnode file system" \
- "$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_CDROM 1 \
- f_media_init_cdrom f_media_get_cdrom \
- f_media_shutdown_cdrom "" "$capacity"
- f_dprintf "Found a CDROM device for %s" "$devname"
- ;;
- esac
- done
- # Finally go get the disks and look for partitions to register
- local diskname slices index type rest slice part
- for diskname in $( sysctl -n kern.disks ); do
- case "$diskname" in
- cd*)
- # XXX Due to unknown reasons, kern.disks returns SCSI
- # CDROM as a valid disk. This will prevent bsdconfig
- # from presenting SCSI CDROMs as available disks in
- # various menus. Why GEOM treats SCSI CDROM as a disk
- # is beyond me and that should be investigated.
- # For temporary workaround, ignore SCSI CDROM device.
- #
- continue ;;
- esac
- # Try to create a list of partitions and their types,
- # consisting of "N,typeN ..." (e.g., "1,0xa5 2,0x06").
- if ! slices=$( fdisk -p "$diskname" 2> /dev/null |
- awk '( $1 == "p" ) { print $2","$3 }' )
- then
- f_dprintf "Unable to open disk %s" "$diskname"
- continue
+ # Next, go for the GEOM devices we might want to use as media
+ local geom geoms geom_name
+ debug= f_geom_find "" $GEOM_CLASS_DEV geoms
+ for geom in $geoms; do
+ if ! f_device_probe_geom $geom; then
+ debug= $geom get name geom_name
+ f_dprintf "WARNING! Unable to classify %s as %s" \
+ "GEOM device $geom_name" "media source"
- # Try and find its description
- f_device_desc "$diskname" $DEVICE_TYPE_DISK desc
- f_device_capacity "$diskname" capacity
- f_device_register "$diskname" "$desc" \
- "/dev/$diskname" $DEVICE_TYPE_DISK 0 \
- "" "" "" "" "$capacity"
- f_dprintf "Found a disk device named %s" "$diskname"
- # Look for existing partitions to register
- for slice in $slices; do
- index="${slice%%,*}" type="${slice#*,}"
- slice=${diskname}s$index
- case "$type" in
- 0x01|0x04|0x06|0x0b|0x0c|0x0e|0xef)
- # DOS partitions to add as "DOS media devices"
- f_device_capacity "/dev/$slice" capacity
- f_device_register "$slice" "" \
- "/dev/$slice" $DEVICE_TYPE_DOS 1 \
- f_media_init_dos f_media_get_dos \
- f_media_shutdown_dos "" "$capacity"
- f_dprintf "Found a DOS partition %s" "$slice"
- ;;
- 0xa5) # FreeBSD partition
- for part in $(
- bsdlabel -r $slice 2> /dev/null |
- awk -v slice="$slice" '
- ( $1 ~ /[abdefgh]:/ ) {
- printf "%s%s\n",
- slice,
- substr($1,1,1)
- }'
- ); do
- f_quietly dumpfs -m /dev/$part ||
- continue
- f_device_capacity \
- "$/dev/$part" capacity
- f_device_register \
- "$part" "" "/dev/$part" \
- f_media_init_ufs \
- f_media_get_ufs \
- f_media_shutdown_ufs "" \
- "$capacity"
- f_dprintf "Found a UFS partition %s" \
- "$part"
- done # parts
- ;;
- esac
- done # slices
- done # disks
+ done
# f_device_get_all_network
@@ -403,7 +259,7 @@ f_device_get_all()
- local devname desc flags
+ local devname desc device flags
for devname in $( ifconfig -l ); do
# Eliminate network devices that don't make sense
case "$devname" in
@@ -413,9 +269,9 @@ f_device_get_all_network()
# Try and find its description
f_device_desc "$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_NETWORK desc
- f_dprintf "Found a network device named %s" "$devname"
- f_device_register $devname \
- "$desc" "$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_NETWORK 1 \
+ f_dprintf "Found network device named %s" "$devname"
+ debug= f_device_register device $devname "$desc" \
+ "$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_NETWORK 1 \
f_media_init_network "" f_media_shutdown_network "" -1
# Set flags based on media and status
@@ -435,37 +291,532 @@ f_device_get_all_network()
if (value ~ /^active/) _or(var, "IF_ACTIVE")
}' )"
- device_$devname set flags $flags
+ $device set flags $flags
-# f_device_name_get $type $name type|desc|max [$var_to_set]
+# f_device_rescan
+# Rescan all devices, after closing previous set - convenience function.
-# Fetch the device type (type), description (desc), or maximum number of
-# devices to scan for (max) associated with device $name and $type. If $type is
-# either NULL, missing, or set to $DEVICE_TYPE_ANY then only $name is used.
+ f_device_reset
+ f_geom_rescan
+ f_device_get_all
+# f_device_rescan_network
+# Rescan all network devices, after closing previous set - for convenience.
+ f_device_reset_network
+ f_device_get_all_network
+# f_device_probe_geom $geom
+# Probe a single GEOM device and if it can be classified as a media source,
+# register it using f_device_register() with known type-specific arguments.
+ local geom="$1"
+ f_struct "$geom" || return $FAILURE
+ # geom associated variables
+ local geom_name geom_consumer provider_ref geom_provider=
+ local provider_geom provider_config provider_class=
+ local provider_config_type catalog_struct catalog_type
+ local disk_ident
+ # gnop(8)/geli(8) associated variables (p for `parent device')
+ local p_devname p_geom p_consumer p_provider_ref p_provider
+ local p_provider_config p_provider_geom p_provider_class
+ # md(4) associated variables
+ local config config_type config_file magic=
+ # Temporarily disable debugging to keep debug output light
+ local old_debug="$debug" debug=
+ #
+ # Get the GEOM name (for use below in device registration)
+ #
+ $geom get name devname || continue
+ #
+ # Attempt to get the consumer, provider, provider config, and
+ # provider class for this geom (errors ignored).
+ #
+ # NB: Each GEOM in the `DEV' class should have one consumer.
+ # That consumer should have a reference to its provider.
+ #
+ $geom get consumer1 geom_consumer
+ f_struct "$geom_consumer" get provider_ref provider_ref &&
+ f_geom_find_by id "$provider_ref" provider geom_provider
+ if f_struct "$geom_provider"; then
+ $geom_provider get config provider_config
+ f_geom_parent $geom_provider provider_geom &&
+ f_geom_parent $provider_geom provider_class
+ fi
+ #
+ # Get values for device registration (errors ignored)
+ #
+ f_struct "$provider_class" get name type
+ f_struct "$geom_provider" get mediasize capacity
+ f_struct "$provider_config" get descr desc
+ #
+ # For gnop(8), geli(8), or combination thereof, change device type to
+ # that of the consumer
+ #
+ p_devname= p_geom= p_provider= p_provider_config=
+ case "$devname" in
+ *.nop.eli) p_devname="${devname%.nop.eli}" ;;
+ *.eli.nop) p_devname="${devname%.eli.nop}" ;;
+ *.eli) p_devname="${devname%.eli}" ;;
+ *.nop) p_devname="${devname%.nop}" ;;
+ esac
+ [ "$p_devname" ] && f_geom_find "$p_devname" $GEOM_CLASS_DEV p_geom
+ if [ "${p_geom:-$geom}" != "$geom" ]; then
+ f_struct "$p_geom" get consumer1 p_consumer
+ f_struct "$p_consumer" get provider_ref p_provider_ref &&
+ f_geom_find_by id "$p_provider_ref" provider p_provider
+ if f_struct "$p_provider"; then
+ $p_provider get config p_provider_config
+ f_geom_parent $p_provider p_provider_geom &&
+ f_geom_parent $p_provider_geom p_provider_class
+ fi
+ f_struct "$p_provider_class" get name type
+ fi
+ # Look up geom device in device catalog for default description
+ f_device_catalog_get \
+ $DEVICE_TYPE_ANY "${p_devname:-$devname}" catalog_struct
+ [ "$desc" ] || f_struct "catalog_device_$catalog_struct" get desc desc
+ # Use device catalog entry for potential re-classification(s)
+ f_struct "catalog_device_$catalog_struct" get type catalog_type
+ # Restore debugging for this next part (device registration)
+ debug="$old_debug"
+ #
+ # Register the device
+ #
+ local retval device
+ case "$type" in
+ # First attempt to classify by device catalog (see MAIN)
+ case "$catalog_type" in
+ f_dprintf "Found CDROM device for disk %s" "$devname"
+ debug= f_device_register device "$devname" "$desc" \
+ "/dev/$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_CDROM 1 \
+ f_media_init_cdrom f_media_get_cdrom \
+ f_media_shutdown_cdrom "" "$capacity" &&
+ return $SUCCESS
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Fall back to register label device as a disk and taste it
+ f_dprintf "Found disk device named %s" "$devname"
+ debug= f_struct "$p_provider_config" get \
+ ident disk_ident ||
+ debug= f_struct "$provider_config" get \
+ ident disk_ident
+ debug= f_device_register device "$devname" "$desc" \
+ "/dev/$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_DISK 1 \
+ "" "" "" "$disk_ident" "$capacity"
+ retval=$?
+ # Detect ``dangerously dedicated'' filesystems (errors ignored)
+ f_device_probe_disk_fs device "$devname" "$capacity" &&
+ retval=$SUCCESS
+ return $retval
+ ;;
+ f_dprintf "Found floppy device named %s" "$devname"
+ debug= f_device_register device "$devname" "$desc" \
+ "/dev/$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_FLOPPY 1 \
+ f_media_init_floppy f_media_get_floppy \
+ f_media_shutdown_floppy "" "$capacity"
+ return $?
+ ;;
+ : fall through to below section # reduces indentation level
+ ;;
+ f_dprintf "Found disk device named %s" "$devname"
+ debug= f_device_register device "$devname" "$desc" \
+ "/dev/$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_DISK 1 \
+ "" "" "" "" "$capacity"
+ retval=$?
+ #
+ # Attempt to get file(1) magic to potentially classify as
+ # alternate media type. If unable to get magic, fall back to
+ # md(4) characteristics (such as vnode filename).
+ #
+ [ -r "/dev/$devname" ] &&
+ magic=$( file -bs "/dev/$devname" 2> /dev/null )
+ if [ ! "$magic" ]; then
+ # Fall back to md(4) characteristics
+ if f_struct "$p_provider_config"; then
+ config="$p_provider_config"
+ else
+ config="$provider_config"
+ fi
+ debug= f_struct "$config" get type config_type
+ debug= f_struct "$config" get file config_file
+ # Substitute magic for below based on type and file
+ case "$config_type=$config_file" in
+ vnode=*.iso) magic="ISO 9660" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ f_device_probe_disk_fs device \
+ "$devname" "$capacity" "$magic" &&
+ retval=$SUCCESS # Errors ignored
+ return $retval
+ ;;
+ if f_struct "$p_provider_config"; then
+ config="$p_provider_config"
+ else
+ config="$provider_config"
+ fi
+ debug= f_struct "$config" get type provider_config_type
+ f_device_probe_geom_part device \
+ "$provider_config_type" "$devname" "$capacity"
+ retval=$?
+ device_type=$DEVICE_TYPE_NONE
+ [ $retval -eq $SUCCESS ] &&
+ debug= f_struct "$device" get type device_type
+ # Potentially re-classify as USB device
+ if [ "$device_type" = "$DEVICE_TYPE_UFS" -a \
+ "$catalog_type" = "$DEVICE_TYPE_USB" ]
+ then
+ f_dprintf "Found USB device for partition %s" \
+ "$devname"
+ debug= f_struct "$p_provider_geom" get \
+ name disk_name ||
+ debug= f_struct "$provider_geom" get \
+ name disk_name
+ debug= f_device_register device "$devname" "$desc" \
+ "/dev/$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_USB 1 \
+ f_media_init_usb f_media_get_usb \
+ f_media_shutdown_usb "$disk_name" "$capacity"
+ retval=$?
+ fi
+ return $retval
+ ;;
+ # Use the provider geom name as the description
+ if [ ! "$desc" ]; then
+ f_struct "$p_provider_geom" get name desc ||
+ f_struct "$provider_geom" get name desc
+ fi
+ f_dprintf "Found disk device named %s" "$devname"
+ debug= f_device_register device \
+ "$devname" "${desc:-GEOM RAID device}" \
+ "/dev/$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_DISK 1 \
+ "" "" "" "" "$capacity"
+ retval=$?
+ # Detect ``dangerously dedicated'' filesystems
+ f_device_probe_disk_fs device "$devname" "$capacity" &&
+ retval=$SUCCESS # Errors ignored
+ return $retval
+ ;;
+ f_dprintf "Found disk device named %s" "$devname"
+ debug= f_device_register device \
+ "$devname" "${desc:-GEOM ZFS::ZVOL device}" \
+ "/dev/$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_DISK 1 \
+ "" "" "" "" "$capacity"
+ retval=$?
+ # Detect ``dangerously dedicated'' filesystems
+ f_device_probe_disk_fs device "$devname" "$capacity" &&
+ retval=$SUCCESS # Errors ignored
+ return $retval
+ ;;
+ *)
+ return $FAILURE # Unknown GEOM class
+ esac
+ #
+ # Still here? Must be $GEOM_CLASS_LABEL
+ #
+ local label_geom label_devname label_devgeom= label_devconsumer
+ local label_devprovider= label_devprovider_ref label_devprovider_config
+ local label_gpart_type
+ if f_struct "$p_provider"; then
+ label_geom="$p_provider_geom"
+ else
+ label_geom="$provider_geom"
+ fi
+ case "$devname" in
+ gpt/*|gptid/*)
+ #
+ # Attempt to get the partition type by getting the `config'
+ # member of the provider for our device (which is named in the
+ # parent geom of our current provider).
+ #
+ debug= f_struct "$label_geom" get name label_devname &&
+ debug= f_geom_find "$label_devname" $GEOM_CLASS_DEV \
+ label_devgeom
+ debug= f_struct "$label_devgeom" get \
+ consumer1 label_devconsumer
+ debug= f_struct "$label_devconsumer" get \
+ provider_ref label_devprovider_ref &&
+ debug= f_geom_find_by id "$label_devprovider_ref" \
+ provider label_devprovider
+ debug= f_struct "$label_devprovider" get \
+ config label_devprovider_config
+ debug= f_struct "$label_devprovider_config" get \
+ type label_gpart_type
+ #
+ # Register device label based on partition type
+ #
+ f_device_probe_geom_part device \
+ "$label_gpart_type" "$devname" "$capacity"
+ return $?
+ ;;
+ iso9660/*)
+ f_dprintf "Found CDROM device labeled %s" "$devname"
+ debug= f_device_register device \
+ "$devname" "ISO9660 file system" \
+ "/dev/$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_CDROM 1 \
+ f_media_init_cdrom f_media_get_cdrom \
+ f_media_shutdown_cdrom "" "$capacity"
+ return $?
+ ;;
+ label/*)
+ # For generic labels, use provider geom name as real device
+ debug= f_struct "$label_geom" get name label_devname
+ # Look up label geom device in device catalog for default desc
+ debug= f_device_catalog_get \
+ $DEVICE_TYPE_ANY "$label_devname" catalog_struct
+ [ "$desc" ] || debug= f_struct \
+ "catalog_device_$catalog_struct" get desc desc
+ # Use device catalog entry for potential re-classification(s)
+ debug= f_struct "catalog_device_$catalog_struct" get \
+ type catalog_type
+ # First attempt to classify by device catalog (see MAIN)
+ case "$catalog_type" in
+ f_dprintf "Found CDROM device for disk %s" "$devname"
+ debug= f_device_register device "$devname" "$desc" \
+ "/dev/$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_CDROM 1 \
+ f_media_init_cdrom f_media_get_cdrom \
+ f_media_shutdown_cdrom "" "$capacity" &&
+ return $SUCCESS
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Fall back to register label device as a disk and taste it
+ f_dprintf "Found disk device labeled %s" "$devname"
+ debug= f_device_register device \
+ "$devname" "GEOM LABEL device" \
+ "/dev/$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_DISK 1 \
+ "" "" "" "" "$capacity"
+ retval=$?
+ # Detect ``dangerously dedicated'' filesystems (errors ignored)
+ f_device_probe_disk_fs device "$devname" "$capacity" &&
+ retval=$SUCCESS
+ return $retval
+ ;;
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