svn commit: r264680 - head/share/man/man9

John-Mark Gurney jmg at
Sat Apr 19 19:32:55 UTC 2014

Author: jmg
Date: Sat Apr 19 19:32:54 2014
New Revision: 264680

  add a TON of missing event handlers with quite possibly bogus
  descrptions... If you're one of the many people who forgot to document
  their work and don't like my description, well, do your job and update


Modified: head/share/man/man9/EVENTHANDLER.9
--- head/share/man/man9/EVENTHANDLER.9	Sat Apr 19 19:21:06 2014	(r264679)
+++ head/share/man/man9/EVENTHANDLER.9	Sat Apr 19 19:32:54 2014	(r264680)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 .\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd August 1, 2013
+.Dd April 19, 2014
@@ -186,19 +186,45 @@ The following event handlers are present
 Callbacks invoked when the system is being sent to sleep.
 .It Vt acpi_wakeup_event
 Callbacks invoked when the system is being woken up.
+.It Vt app_coredump_start
+Callbacks invoked at start of application core dump.
+.It Vt app_coredump_progress
+Callbacks invoked during progress of application core dump.
+.It Vt app_coredump_finish
+Callbacks invoked at finish of application core dump.
+.It Vt app_coredump_error
+Callbacks invoked on error of application core dump.
+.It Vt bpf_track
+Callbacks invoked when a BPF listener attaches to/detaches from network interface.
+.It Vt cpufreq_levels_changed
+Callback invoked when cpu frequence levels have changed.
+.It Vt cpufreq_post_change
+Callback invoked after cpu frequence has changed.
+.It Vt cpufreq_pre_change
+Callback invoked before cpu frequence has changed
+.It Vt dcons_poll
+Callback invoked to poll for dcons changes.
 .It Vt dev_clone
 Callbacks invoked when a new entry is created under
 .Pa /dev .
+.It Vt group_attach_event
+Callback invoked when an interfance has been added to an interface group.
+.It Vt group_change_event
+Callback invoked when an change has been made to an interface group.
+.It Vt group_detach_event
+Callback invoked when an interfance has been removed from an interface group.
 .It Vt ifaddr_event
 Callbacks invoked when an address is set up on a network interface.
 .It Vt if_clone_event
 Callbacks invoked when an interface is cloned.
+.It Vt iflladdr_event
+Callback invoked when an if link layer address event has happened.
 .It Vt ifnet_arrival_event
 Callbacks invoked when a new network interface appears.
 .It Vt ifnet_departure_event
 Callbacks invoked when a network interface is taken down.
-.It Vt bpf_track
-Callbacks invoked when a BPF listener attaches to/detaches from network interface.
+.It Vt ifnet_link_event
+Callback invoked when an interfance link event has happened.
 .It Vt kld_load
 Callbacks invoked after a linker file has been loaded.
 .It Vt kld_unload
@@ -207,22 +233,75 @@ Callbacks invoked after a linker file ha
 Callbacks invoked before a linker file is about to be unloaded.
 These callbacks may be used to return an error and prevent the unload from
+.It Vt lle_event
+Callback invoked when an link layer event has happened.
+.It Vt nmbclusters_change
+Callback invoked when the number of mbuf clusters has changed.
+.It Vt nmbufs_change
+Callback invoked when the number of mbufs has changed.
+.It Vt maxsockets_change
+Callback invoked when the maximum number of sockets has changed.
+.It Vt mountroot
+Callback invoked when root has been mounted.
 .It Vt power_profile_change
 Callbacks invoked when the power profile of the system changes.
+.It Vt power_resume
+Callback invoked when the system has resumed.
+.It Vt power_suspend
+Callback invoked just before the system is suspended.
+.It Vt process_ctor
+Callback invoked when a process is created.
+.It Vt process_dtor
+Callback invoked when a process is destroyed.
 .It Vt process_exec
 Callbacks invoked when a process performs an
 .Fn exec
 .It Vt process_exit
 Callbacks invoked when a process exits.
+.It Vt process_fini
+Callback invoked when a process memory is destroyed.
+This is never called. 
 .It Vt process_fork
 Callbacks invoked when a process forks a child.
+.It Vt process_init
+Callback invoked when a process is initalized.
+.It Vt random_adaptor_attach
+Callback invoked when a new random module has been loaded.
+.It Vt register_framebuffer
+Callback invoked when a new frame buffer is registered.
+.It Vt route_redirect_event
+Callback invoked when a route gets redirected to a new location.
 .It Vt shutdown_pre_sync
 Callbacks invoked at shutdown time, before file systems are synchronized.
 .It Vt shutdown_post_sync
 Callbacks invoked at shutdown time, after all file systems are synchronized.
 .It Vt shutdown_final
 Callbacks invoked just before halting the system.
+.It Vt tcp_offload_listen_start
+Callback invoked for TCP Offload to start listening for new connections.
+.It Vt tcp_offload_listen_stop
+Callback invoked ror TCP Offload to stop listening for new connections.
+.It Vt thread_ctor
+Callback invoked when a thread object is created.
+.It Vt thread_dtor
+Callback invoked when a thread object is destroyed.
+.It Vt thread_init
+Callback invoked when a thread object is initalized.
+.It Vt thread_fini
+Callback invoked when a thread object is deinitalized.
+.It Vt usb_dev_configured
+Callback invoked when a USB device is configured
+.It Vt unregister_framebuffer
+Callback invoked when a frame buffer is deregistered.
+.It Vt vfs_mounted
+Callback invoked when a file system is mounted.
+.It Vt vfs_unmounted
+Callback invoked when a file system is unmounted.
+.It Vt vlan_config
+Callback invoked when the vlan configuration has changed.
+.It Vt vlan_unconfig
+Callback invoked when a vlan is destroyed.
 .It Vt vm_lowmem
 Callbacks invoked when virtual memory is low.
 .It Vt watchdog_list

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