svn commit: r249549 - in stable/9/sys: amd64/conf i386/conf

Jeremie Le Hen jlh at
Wed Apr 17 21:00:12 UTC 2013

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 02:47:06PM -0500, Brooks Davis wrote:
> > I will spend some time to figure out exactly how to reproduce this.
> > 
> > Going from recent memory (~2 weeks ago), I encountered it on my VPS box
> > (which does run ntpd, just FYI):
> > 
> > 1. Initially installed with 9.1-RELEASE,
> > 2. Upgraded to stable/9 (using svn),
> > 3. WITHOUT_CDDL=true and WITHOUT_ZFS=true added to /etc/src.conf
> > 4. world/kernel rebuilt/reinstalled/etc. (this includes make delete-old,
> >    as per instructions in src/Makefile -- which would delete
> >    /usr/bin/ctfconvert)
> > 5. Fast forward many months
> > 6. Removed WITHOUT_CDDL=true from src.conf
> > 7. Encountered the above issue ("ctfconvert: not found") during
> >    buildkernel
> > 8. Rebuilt kernel again -- same error
> > 9. Removed WITHOUT_ZFS=true from src.conf
> > 10. Rebuilt kernel again -- worked
> > 
> > This could mean WITHOUT_ZFS=true has some bearing on this situation, but
> > I don't see how/why, as WITHOUT_CDDL is supposed to be the "trigger" for
> > ctf* utilities.  I did poke around the Makefiles and framework a bit
> > but didn't have any epiphanies.
> > 
> > Like I said -- I'll try to reproduce the exact scenario.
> Looking at Makefile.inc1 around line 1164 (on HEAD), ctfconvert and
> cftmerge are bootstrap tools only when they don't exist at all on the
> host.  The code there should be expanded to bootstrap for cases where
> the installed ones are known to be broken (virtually all prior versions
> given recent fixes) as well as when they aren't present on the host
> system.

Do you have an idea how we can identify whether the installed
ctfconvert(1) is broken or not?  I think in Jeremy's case we cannot rely
on OSRELDATE given that right before he built and installed world with
WITHOUT_CDDL, so ctfconvert and OSRELDATE are not in sync.

Why not just always add ctfconvert to bootstrap tools when it is needed?
I don't know how long it takes to build though, but it is probably
nothing compared to LLVM ;-).

Jeremie Le Hen

Scientists say the world is made up of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons.
They forgot to mention Morons.

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