svn commit: r241373 - head/lib/libc/stdlib

Andrey Chernov ache at
Tue Oct 9 18:25:01 UTC 2012

On 09.10.2012 21:47, Eitan Adler wrote:
> On 9 October 2012 12:33, Andrey Chernov <ache at> wrote:
>> Do you check assembler output for _both_ cases?
> Yes.

At this URL I see only already known buggy assembler without 'volatile'
keyword (which is fixed by adding 'volatile' in srandomdev()). As I
already mention, adding 'volatile' helps any gcc and clang finally
generated assembler code (checked by cc -S ...).

What happens with LLVM intermediate code, I mean mentioned by David
call void @srand(i32 undef)
is a big question and perhaps clang bug. Please note that we use
'volatile' a lot in the kernel, just 'grep -r volatile /sys'. Some of
that potentially can hit the same (probably) bug. And, in case it is the
bug, it should be fixed in clang.

> volatile is still undefined: see and of ISO9899

I don't have ISO9899 nearby, could you directly quote mentioned
sections, please? Do you against 'volatile' usage at all? It seems whole
kernel (see above) contradicts with such point of view.

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