Welcome to our booth 5E-G37, HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2012(Autumn Edition).

vicky vicky at goldsuno.com
Tue Oct 9 09:19:07 UTC 2012


This is vicky from goldsuno.we are the professional LED interior lighting supplier in China.

We are desirous to enter into business relations with your company.

Our homepage is www.downlights-led.com  you can browse it to get more information.
Here I sent you an E-invitation of the "HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2012 (Autumn Edition) ".

Fair Details

Fair Dates:      27-30 October 2012 (Saturday - Tuesday)

Venue:             Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre 
                         1 Expo Drive, Wanchai, Hong Kong (Harbour Road Entrance)

Opening Hour:  Fair DateOpening HoursBuyer Registration Hours
27 - 29 October
(Sat ¨C Mon)9:30am ¨C 7:00pm9am-6:30pm
30 October (Tue)9:30am ¨C 4:00pm9am-2:30pm

We treasure every opportunity to meet with you, our valued customer. We cordially invite you to visit us. 
Our booth number is 5E-G37.


Best Regards,


Shenzhen Goldsuno Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. 
Add:53th Industry Runtang Fumin Guanlan Bao'an Shenzhen China 518110
Mobile:+86-15818717409    Tel:+86-755-28028509   Fax:+86-755-28025984
Skype:vicky20087616    MSN:vicky200801 at live.cn

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