svn commit: r238936 - in head/sys: fs/fifofs kern sys

David Xu listlog2011 at
Thu Aug 2 14:37:17 UTC 2012

On 2012/8/2 22:17, Bruce Evans wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Aug 2012, David Xu wrote:
>> On 2012/8/2 16:12, Bruce Evans wrote:
>>> ...
>>> I made similar patches for sockets (to set POLLHUP on hangup (now in
>>> -current) and to not set POLLIN on hangup unless there is still data
>>> to be read).  I started killing POLLINIGNEOF for sockets. -current
>>> added it for nameless pipes instead :-(.  With the new fifo
>>> implementation, POLLINIGNEOF is even more of a mistake for sockets,
>>> but more needed for pipes since named pipes are fifos.
>>> ...
>> I think you can kill POLLINIGNEOF at all,  I have grepped, and there 
>> is no external user,
>> only pipe and socket code use it internally. The POLLINIGNEOF is 
>> confusing because
>> it has same prefix with POLLIN, POLLOUT and other POLL flags.
> Did you grep all of google for it :-).  All of ports should be enough.
> Uses of it in the kernel are certainly gone, but it was intentionally
> put in the user API to previde a workaround for the policy that was
> hard-coded in the kernel.  The policy changed slightly, and you could
> set POLLINIGNEOF to either go back to the old policy or get the new
> policy for more cases.  Hopefully this was never actually used except
> for testing and termporary workarounds.  But it was expanded to work
> on nameless pipes as well as fifos and sockets.
> Bruce
I don't know it is used by some ports. :-)
Anyway, if people don't agree my patches, it is not a problem to me, because
I always can apply them locally, though named pipe may be less useful from
offical release.


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