svn commit: r225201 - in head/sys: amd64/conf i386/conf

Vadim Goncharov vadim_nuclight at
Mon Aug 29 10:32:43 UTC 2011

Hi Doug Barton! 

On Sat, 27 Aug 2011 14:16:56 -0700; Doug Barton <dougb at> wrote:

>>>>>> May be for fist step: w/o devd, simle remove all posible from GENERIC and include all removed
>>>>>> drivers in /boot/loader.conf?
>>>>> You're better off using kld_list in rc.conf for anything that doesn't
>>>>> absolutely have to be loaded with the kernel.
>>>> What drivers in GENERIC don't need to boot from disk or network?
>>>> sound only?
>>> man rc.conf, search for kld_list.
>> Sorry for bad english.
>> What drivers (from current GENERIC) don't need for network or disk
>> boot and can be moved to kld_list?
>> I see only sound and agp.
> I'm not going to do your homework for you. :) Try it and find out for
> yourself. I will tell you that given that rc.d/kld runs right after the
> disks are mounted means that (unless you are netbooting) you can put
> just about everything that isn't directly related to mounting your disks
> in kld_list. Beyond that, you just need to experiment on your own.

No, you've misunderstood him. For the installation or simple boot you may
need *all* network drivers and _all_ storage drivers (including USB) already
on boot, you can't move them to kld_list as it is after initial boot.

And most lines in GENERIC are exactly for storage and network cards. Also,
as only GENERIC is updated by freebsd-update(8), you can't workaround such
things for installation media but also need to keep in kernel/loader for
production use, too.

So what could be really axed from there? Just agp, PCMCIA, parallel ports,
some of firewire drivers (not all - some needed for SCSI).

The possible solution to this may be to have a MINIMAL kernel, also updated
by freebsd-update(8), but that will double requirements for space in /boot...

WBR, Vadim Goncharov. ICQ#166852181       mailto:vadim_nuclight at
[Anti-Greenpeace][Sober FreeBSD zealot][]

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