svn commit: r204850 - head/sys/kern

M. Warner Losh imp at
Mon Mar 8 16:07:20 UTC 2010

In message: <201003080921.34274.jhb at>
            John Baldwin <jhb at> writes:
: On Sunday 07 March 2010 5:37:35 pm Warner Losh wrote:
: > Author: imp
: > Date: Sun Mar  7 22:37:35 2010
: > New Revision: 204850
: > URL:
: > 
: > Log:
: >   Bump up the firmware_table from 30 to 50.  bwn needs more than 30, it
: >   seems.
: Are you sure?  The error report I saw was from having firmwares for both 
: bwi(4) and bwn(4) loaded.  Both of them use a lot of firmware images, but I 
: don't think either one in isolation uses more than 30.

You're likely right about that.  I know I had been experimenting with
both and I had to bump the limit so I could do some A/B testing with
bwi/bwn on my cards before the import.

: I really think that FIRMWARE_MAX should at the least become a loader tunable
: and have the array malloc'd either on-demand or via a SYSINIT().

Completely agreed.  Bumping the limit was easy, and the cost to the
system is relatively low.  If anybody wants to make this more dynamic
and/or controllable, go for it.


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