AW: svn commit: r195200 - in head/usr.sbin: . wake

Marc Balmer marc at
Wed Jul 1 06:23:23 UTC 2009

Am 01.07.2009 um 07:04 schrieb Blapp, Martin:

> If the concensus is to back it out, I'll back it out.

That would be sad.  After all there were very positive reactions from  
folks that actually looked at the tool, the negative replies came from  
folks that saw some process violated, iirc....  but hey, after all the  
committ was approved by the _release_ engineers.  I was under the  
impression that the _release_ folks can give such approval.

It was not rush something very in new in, the code is proven and  
wherever it show up, people immediately see the use of it.  The point  
is that I submittet this in an arbitrary point of my timeline, not  
being aware of any dates at all, because starting with FreeBSD 8.0 we  
want to switch a lot of POS terminals/servers to FreeBSD starting with  
8.0, and for them we need wake(8).  So I yes, I submited this to have  
it in 8.0, but no, I was not really aware that this was close to a  
timeline.  Now that re@ approved it, where is the sense of removing it  
from 8.0, just to add then for 9.0? (other that it means I will have  
to wait for one more release cycle).

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