svn commit: r188065 - in head/sys/amd64: amd64 include

Joseph Koshy jkoshy at
Tue Feb 3 01:01:46 PST 2009

Author: jkoshy
Date: Tue Feb  3 09:01:45 2009
New Revision: 188065

  Improve robustness of NMI handling, for NMIs recognized in kernel
  - Make the NMI handler run on its own stack (TSS_IST2).
  - Store the GSBASE value for each CPU just before the start of
    each NMI stack, permitting efficient retrieval using %rsp-relative
  - For NMIs taken from kernel mode, program MSR_GSBASE explicitly
    since one or both of MSR_GSBASE and MSR_KGSBASE can be potentially
    invalid.  The current contents of MSR_GSBASE are saved and restored
    at exit.
  - For NMIs handled from user mode, continue to use 'swapgs' to
    load the per-CPU GSBASE.
  Reviewed by:	jeff
  Debugging help:	jeff
  Tested by:	gnn, Artem Belevich <artemb at gmail dot com>


Modified: head/sys/amd64/amd64/exception.S
--- head/sys/amd64/amd64/exception.S	Tue Feb  3 08:25:24 2009	(r188064)
+++ head/sys/amd64/amd64/exception.S	Tue Feb  3 09:01:45 2009	(r188065)
@@ -383,22 +383,24 @@ IDTVEC(fast_syscall32)
  * NMI handling is special.
  * First, NMIs do not respect the state of the processor's RFLAGS.IF
- * bit and the NMI handler may be invoked at any time, including when
- * the processor is in a critical section with RFLAGS.IF == 0.  In
- * particular, this means that the processor's GS.base values could be
- * inconsistent on entry to the handler, and so we need to read
- * MSR_GSBASE to determine if a 'swapgs' is needed.  We use '%ebx', a
- * C-preserved register, to remember whether to swap GS back on the
- * exit path.
+ * bit.  The NMI handler may be entered at any time, including when
+ * the processor is in a critical section with RFLAGS.IF == 0.
+ * The processor's GS.base value could be invalid on entry to the
+ * handler.
  * Second, the processor treats NMIs specially, blocking further NMIs
- * until an 'iretq' instruction is executed.  We therefore need to
- * execute the NMI handler with interrupts disabled to prevent a
- * nested interrupt from executing an 'iretq' instruction and
- * inadvertently taking the processor out of NMI mode.
+ * until an 'iretq' instruction is executed.  We thus need to execute
+ * the NMI handler with interrupts disabled, to prevent a nested interrupt
+ * from executing an 'iretq' instruction and inadvertently taking the
+ * processor out of NMI mode.
- * Third, the NMI handler runs on its own stack (tss_ist1), shared
- * with the double fault handler.
+ * Third, the NMI handler runs on its own stack (tss_ist2). The canonical
+ * GS.base value for the processor is stored just above the bottom of its
+ * NMI stack.  For NMIs taken from kernel mode, the current value in
+ * the processor's GS.base is saved at entry to C-preserved register %r12,
+ * the canonical value for GS.base is then loaded into the processor, and
+ * the saved value is restored at exit time.  For NMIs taken from user mode,
+ * the cheaper 'SWAPGS' instructions are used for swapping GS.base.
@@ -423,12 +425,22 @@ IDTVEC(nmi)
 	movq	%r15,TF_R15(%rsp)
 	xorl	%ebx,%ebx
 	testb	$SEL_RPL_MASK,TF_CS(%rsp)
-	jnz	nmi_needswapgs		/* we came from userland */
+	jnz	nmi_fromuserspace
+	/*
+	 * We've interrupted the kernel.  Preserve GS.base in %r12.
+	 */
 	movl	$MSR_GSBASE,%ecx
-	cmpl	$VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS >> 32,%edx
-	jae	nmi_calltrap		/* GS.base holds a kernel VA */
+	movq	%rax,%r12
+	shlq	$32,%rdx
+	orq	%rdx,%r12
+	/* Retrieve and load the canonical value for GS.base. */
+	movq	TF_SIZE(%rsp),%rdx
+	movl	%edx,%eax
+	shrq	$32,%rdx
+	wrmsr
+	jmp	nmi_calltrap
 	incl	%ebx
 /* Note: this label is also used by ddb and gdb: */
@@ -439,14 +451,19 @@ nmi_calltrap:
-	 * Check if the current trap was from user mode and if so
-	 * whether the current thread needs a user call chain to be
-	 * captured. We are still in NMI mode at this point.
+	 * Capture a userspace callchain if needed.
+	 * 
+	 * - Check if the current trap was from user mode.
+	 * - Check if the current thread is valid.
+	 * - Check if the thread requires a user call chain to be
+	 *   captured.
+	 *
+	 * We are still in NMI mode at this point.
-	testb	$SEL_RPL_MASK,TF_CS(%rsp)
-	jz	nocallchain
-	movq	PCPU(CURTHREAD),%rax	/* curthread present? */
-	orq	%rax,%rax
+	testl	%ebx,%ebx
+	jz	nocallchain	/* not from userspace */
+	movq	PCPU(CURTHREAD),%rax
+	orq	%rax,%rax	/* curthread present? */
 	jz	nocallchain
 	testl	$TDP_CALLCHAIN,TD_PFLAGS(%rax) /* flagged for capture? */
 	jz	nocallchain
@@ -498,8 +515,18 @@ outofnmi:
 	testl	%ebx,%ebx
-	jz	nmi_restoreregs
+	jz	nmi_kernelexit
+	jmp	nmi_restoreregs
+	/*
+	 * Put back the preserved MSR_GSBASE value.
+	 */
+	movl	$MSR_GSBASE,%ecx
+	movq	%r12,%rdx
+	movl	%edx,%eax
+	shrq	$32,%rdx
+	wrmsr
 	movq	TF_RDI(%rsp),%rdi
 	movq	TF_RSI(%rsp),%rsi

Modified: head/sys/amd64/amd64/machdep.c
--- head/sys/amd64/amd64/machdep.c	Tue Feb  3 08:25:24 2009	(r188064)
+++ head/sys/amd64/amd64/machdep.c	Tue Feb  3 09:01:45 2009	(r188065)
@@ -809,6 +809,9 @@ struct gate_descriptor *idt = &idt0[0];	
 static char dblfault_stack[PAGE_SIZE] __aligned(16);
+static char nmi0_stack[PAGE_SIZE] __aligned(16);
+CTASSERT(sizeof(struct nmi_pcpu) == 16);
 struct amd64tss common_tss[MAXCPU];
 /* software prototypes -- in more palatable form */
@@ -1291,6 +1294,7 @@ hammer_time(u_int64_t modulep, u_int64_t
 	caddr_t kmdp;
 	int gsel_tss, x;
 	struct pcpu *pc;
+	struct nmi_pcpu *np;
 	u_int64_t msr;
 	char *env;
@@ -1365,7 +1369,7 @@ hammer_time(u_int64_t modulep, u_int64_t
 		setidt(x, &IDTVEC(rsvd), SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
 	setidt(IDT_DE, &IDTVEC(div),  SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
 	setidt(IDT_DB, &IDTVEC(dbg),  SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
-	setidt(IDT_NMI, &IDTVEC(nmi),  SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 1);
+	setidt(IDT_NMI, &IDTVEC(nmi),  SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 2);
  	setidt(IDT_BP, &IDTVEC(bpt),  SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_UPL, 0);
 	setidt(IDT_OF, &IDTVEC(ofl),  SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
 	setidt(IDT_BR, &IDTVEC(bnd),  SDT_SYSIGT, SEL_KPL, 0);
@@ -1438,6 +1442,14 @@ hammer_time(u_int64_t modulep, u_int64_t
 	/* doublefault stack space, runs on ist1 */
 	common_tss[0].tss_ist1 = (long)&dblfault_stack[sizeof(dblfault_stack)];
+	/*
+	 * NMI stack, runs on ist2.  The pcpu pointer is stored just
+	 * above the start of the ist2 stack.
+	 */
+	np = ((struct nmi_pcpu *) &nmi0_stack[sizeof(nmi0_stack)]) - 1;
+	np->np_pcpu = (register_t) pc;
+	common_tss[0].tss_ist2 = (long) np;
 	/* Set the IO permission bitmap (empty due to tss seg limit) */
 	common_tss[0].tss_iobase = sizeof(struct amd64tss);

Modified: head/sys/amd64/amd64/mp_machdep.c
--- head/sys/amd64/amd64/mp_machdep.c	Tue Feb  3 08:25:24 2009	(r188064)
+++ head/sys/amd64/amd64/mp_machdep.c	Tue Feb  3 09:01:45 2009	(r188065)
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ void *bootstacks[MAXCPU];
 /* Temporary holder for double fault stack */
 char *doublefault_stack;
+char *nmi_stack;
 /* Hotwire a 0->4MB V==P mapping */
 extern pt_entry_t *KPTphys;
@@ -437,6 +438,7 @@ void
 	struct pcpu *pc;
+	struct nmi_pcpu *np;
 	u_int64_t msr, cr0;
 	int cpu, gsel_tss, x;
 	struct region_descriptor ap_gdt;
@@ -450,6 +452,10 @@ init_secondary(void)
 	common_tss[cpu].tss_iobase = sizeof(struct amd64tss);
 	common_tss[cpu].tss_ist1 = (long)&doublefault_stack[PAGE_SIZE];
+	/* The NMI stack runs on IST2. */
+	np = ((struct nmi_pcpu *) &nmi_stack[PAGE_SIZE]) - 1;
+	common_tss[cpu].tss_ist2 = (long) np;
 	/* Prepare private GDT */
 	gdt_segs[GPROC0_SEL].ssd_base = (long) &common_tss[cpu];
@@ -474,6 +480,9 @@ init_secondary(void)
 	pc->pc_rsp0 = 0;
 	pc->pc_gs32p = &gdt[NGDT * cpu + GUGS32_SEL];
+	/* Save the per-cpu pointer for use by the NMI handler. */
+	np->np_pcpu = (register_t) pc;
 	wrmsr(MSR_FSBASE, 0);		/* User value */
 	wrmsr(MSR_GSBASE, (u_int64_t)pc);
 	wrmsr(MSR_KGSBASE, (u_int64_t)pc);	/* XXX User value while we're in the kernel */
@@ -725,6 +734,7 @@ start_all_aps(void)
 		/* allocate and set up an idle stack data page */
 		bootstacks[cpu] = (void *)kmem_alloc(kernel_map, KSTACK_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE);
 		doublefault_stack = (char *)kmem_alloc(kernel_map, PAGE_SIZE);
+		nmi_stack = (char *)kmem_alloc(kernel_map, PAGE_SIZE);
 		bootSTK = (char *)bootstacks[cpu] + KSTACK_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE - 8;
 		bootAP = cpu;

Modified: head/sys/amd64/include/intr_machdep.h
--- head/sys/amd64/include/intr_machdep.h	Tue Feb  3 08:25:24 2009	(r188064)
+++ head/sys/amd64/include/intr_machdep.h	Tue Feb  3 09:01:45 2009	(r188065)
@@ -120,6 +120,15 @@ struct intsrc {
 struct trapframe;
+ * The following data structure holds per-cpu data, and is placed just
+ * above the top of the space used for the NMI stack.
+ */
+struct nmi_pcpu {
+	register_t	np_pcpu;
+	register_t	__padding;	/* pad to 16 bytes */
 extern struct mtx icu_lock;
 extern int elcr_found;

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