svn commit: r201015 - head/sbin/nfsiod

Ruslan Ermilov ru at
Sat Dec 26 08:36:03 UTC 2009

Author: ru
Date: Sat Dec 26 08:36:02 2009
New Revision: 201015

  - Display current settings when run without options.
  - Revise a manpage to NOT sound confusing. [1]
  In collaboration with:	sat [1]


Modified: head/sbin/nfsiod/nfsiod.8
--- head/sbin/nfsiod/nfsiod.8	Sat Dec 26 04:31:18 2009	(r201014)
+++ head/sbin/nfsiod/nfsiod.8	Sat Dec 26 08:36:02 2009	(r201015)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 .\"     From: @(#)nfsiod.8	8.2 (Berkeley) 2/22/94
 .\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd September 22, 1994
+.Dd December 26, 2009
@@ -42,33 +42,39 @@ asynchronous I/O server
-utility is a kernel process which runs on an
+utility controls the maximum number of
+kernel processes which run on an
 .Tn NFS
 client machine to service asynchronous I/O requests to its server.
-It improves performance but is not required for correct operation.
-This program controls the maximum number of processes that the kernel runs.
+kernel processes
+improves performance but is not required for correct operation.
-The options are as follows:
+The option is as follows:
 .Bl -tag -width indent
 .It Fl n
-Specify how many servers are permitted to be started.
+Specify how many processes are permitted to be started.
-A client should run enough daemons to handle its maximum
+Without an option,
+displays the current settings.
+A client should allow enough number of processes to handle its maximum
 level of concurrency, typically four to six.
 detects that the running kernel does not include
 .Tn NFS
-support, it will attempt to load a loadable kernel module containing
+support, it will attempt to load a kernel module containing
 .Tn NFS
 code, using
 .Xr kldload 2 .
 If this fails, or no
 .Tn NFS
-KLD was available,
+module was available,
 exits with an error.
@@ -85,3 +91,10 @@ The
 utility first appeared in
 .Bx 4.4 .
+Starting with
+.Fx 5.0 ,
+the utility no longer starts daemons, but only serves as a vfs
+loader and
+.Xr sysctl 3

Modified: head/sbin/nfsiod/nfsiod.c
--- head/sbin/nfsiod/nfsiod.c	Sat Dec 26 04:31:18 2009	(r201014)
+++ head/sbin/nfsiod/nfsiod.c	Sat Dec 26 08:36:02 2009	(r201015)
@@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
 		case 'n':
 			num_servers = atoi(optarg);
 			if (num_servers < 1) {
-				warnx("nfsiod count %d; reset to %d",
+				warnx("nfsiod count %u; reset to %d",
 				    num_servers, 1);
 				num_servers = 1;
 			if (num_servers > MAXNFSDCNT) {
-				warnx("nfsiod count %d; reset to %d",
+				warnx("nfsiod count %u; reset to %d",
 				    num_servers, MAXNFSDCNT);
 				num_servers = MAXNFSDCNT;
@@ -109,9 +109,6 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	if (argc > 0)
-	if (num_servers == 0)
-		exit(0);		/* no change */
 	len = sizeof iodmin;
 	error = sysctlbyname("vfs.nfs.iodmin", &iodmin, &len, NULL, 0);
 	if (error < 0)
@@ -120,6 +117,11 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	error = sysctlbyname("vfs.nfs.iodmax", &iodmax, &len, NULL, 0);
 	if (error < 0)
 		err(1, "sysctlbyname(\"vfs.nfs.iodmax\")");
+	if (num_servers == 0) {		/* no change */
+		printf("vfs.nfs.iodmin=%u\nvfs.nfs.iodmax=%u\n",
+		    iodmin, iodmax);
+		exit(0);
+	}
 	/* Catch the case where we're lowering num_servers below iodmin */
 	if (iodmin > num_servers) {
 		iodmin = num_servers;

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