socsvn commit: r287679 - soc2015/roam/ng_ayiya
roam at
roam at
Sun Jun 28 01:39:18 UTC 2015
Author: roam
Date: Sun Jun 28 01:39:16 2015
New Revision: 287679
scaffold: configure two nodes back to back.
Add the scaffold 'two' command and the Makefile 'two' target to
configure two ng_ayiya nodes on lo0 aliases and let them talk
to each other.
Unfortunately, no IPv6 traffic may actually pass between them,
at least for the present, since nothing can actually be forced
to go "through" the interface :)
ObQuote: "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together"
Modified: soc2015/roam/ng_ayiya/Makefile
--- soc2015/roam/ng_ayiya/Makefile Sat Jun 27 23:28:56 2015 (r287678)
+++ soc2015/roam/ng_ayiya/Makefile Sun Jun 28 01:39:16 2015 (r287679)
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@
${SCAFFOLD} setup
+ ${SCAFFOLD} two
${SCAFFOLD} shutdown
Modified: soc2015/roam/ng_ayiya/
--- soc2015/roam/ng_ayiya/ Sat Jun 27 23:28:56 2015 (r287678)
+++ soc2015/roam/ng_ayiya/ Sun Jun 28 01:39:16 2015 (r287679)
@@ -41,12 +41,16 @@
sub usage($);
sub version();
-sub get_ayiya;
+sub get_ayiya(;$);
sub ngctl_list();
sub ngctl($ @);
sub run_command(@);
sub check_wait_result($ $ $);
sub get_tic_tunnel($);
+sub setup_node($ $);
+sub setup_inet6($ $);
+sub setup_ayiya($ $; $);
+sub ensure_inet_aliases($ @);
sub cmd_help($ @);
sub cmd_setup($ @);
@@ -54,6 +58,7 @@
sub cmd_status($ @);
sub cmd_version($ @);
sub cmd_inet6($ @);
+sub cmd_two($ @);
my %cmds = (
ayiya => \&cmd_ayiya,
@@ -64,6 +69,7 @@
setup => \&cmd_setup,
shutdown => \&cmd_shutdown,
teardown => \&cmd_shutdown,
+ two => \&cmd_two,
status => \&cmd_status,
version => \&cmd_version,
@@ -99,6 +105,7 @@
scaffold [-v] setup
scaffold [-v] shutdown [all]
scaffold [-v] status
+ scaffold [-v] two
scaffold -V | -h
-h display program usage information and exit
@@ -185,13 +192,11 @@
sub shutdown_node($)
my ($node) = @_;
- my $i6 = $node->{config}->{hooks}->{inet6};
- if (defined $i6) {
- ngctl 'shutdown', "[$i6->{id}]:";
+ for (grep defined, @{$node->{config}->{hooks}}{qw/ayiya inet6/}) {
+ ngctl 'shutdown', "[$_->{id}]:";
ngctl 'shutdown', "[$node->{id}]:";
- # TODO: the ksocket one, too
sub cmd_shutdown($ @)
@@ -250,31 +255,7 @@
my $ay = get_ayiya;
if (!$ay->{ours}) {
- my %found = map { ($_->{id}, 1) } @{$ay->{all}};
- debug "Creating a new AYIYA node";
- ngctl 'mkpeer', 'ayiya', 'a', 'control/create';
- $ay = get_ayiya;
- my @new = map $_->{id}, @{$ay->{all}};
- debug "Looking for an ID in (".join(' ', sort @new).
- ") that's not in (".join(' ', sort keys %found).")";
- my $id;
- for (@new) {
- if (!defined $found{$_}) {
- $id = $_;
- last;
- }
- }
- if (!defined $id) {
- die "Internal error: no new AYIYA nodes\n";
- }
- debug "- found $id";
- ngctl 'name', "[$id]:", 'sc_ayiya';
- $ay = get_ayiya;
- if (!$ay->{ours} || $ay->{ours}->{id} ne $id) {
- die "Internal error: get_ayiya() did not recognize ".
- "node [$id] as ours\n";
- }
+ $ay = setup_node $ay, '';
} else {
debug "Our node already there";
@@ -284,15 +265,50 @@
"[$ay->{ours}->{id}] $ay->{ours}->{name}";
-sub get_ayiya()
+sub setup_node($ $)
+ my ($ay, $suffix) = @_;
+ my %found = map { ($_->{id}, 1) } @{$ay->{all}};
+ debug "Creating a new AYIYA node";
+ ngctl 'mkpeer', 'ayiya', 'a', 'control/create';
+ $ay = get_ayiya $suffix;
+ my @new = map $_->{id}, @{$ay->{all}};
+ debug "Looking for an ID in (".join(' ', sort @new).
+ ") that's not in (".join(' ', sort keys %found).")";
+ my $id;
+ for (@new) {
+ if (!defined $found{$_}) {
+ $id = $_;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined $id) {
+ die "Internal error: no new AYIYA nodes\n";
+ }
+ debug "- found $id";
+ ngctl 'name', "[$id]:", "sc_ayiya$suffix";
+ $ay = get_ayiya $suffix;
+ if (!$ay->{ours} || $ay->{ours}->{id} ne $id) {
+ die "Internal error: get_ayiya() did not recognize ".
+ "node [$id] as ours\n";
+ }
+ return $ay;
+sub get_ayiya(;$)
+ my ($suffix) = @_;
+ $suffix //= '';
my $nodes = ngctl_list;
my $res = {
all => $nodes->{type}{ayiya} // [],
ours => undef,
others => [],
- my $nm = 'sc_ayiya';
+ my $nm = "sc_ayiya$suffix";
debug "Got ".scalar(@{$res->{all}})." AYIYA node(s), looking for $nm";
for my $node (@{$res->{all}}) {
my $name = "[$node->{id}] '$node->{name}'";
@@ -393,11 +409,16 @@
warn "The inet6 command expects a tunnel name parameter\n";
usage 1;
- my $tunnel = shift @args;
- my $t = get_tic_tunnel $tunnel;
- my $ayiya = get_ayiya;
+ setup_inet6 '', get_tic_tunnel shift @args;
+ # FIXME: Add a default route here, too.
+sub setup_inet6($ $)
+ my ($suffix, $t) = @_;
+ my $ayiya = get_ayiya $suffix;
if (!$ayiya->{ours}) {
die "Our ng_ayiya node is not configured\n";
@@ -410,16 +431,15 @@
# OK, let's create one
- my $hkname = "inet6/$tunnel";
+ my $hkname = 'inet6/'.$t->id;
ngctl 'mkpeer', "$c->{name}:", 'iface', $hkname, 'inet6';
- $ayiya = get_ayiya;
+ $ayiya = get_ayiya $suffix;
my $iface = $ayiya->{ours}->{config}->{hooks}->{inet6}->{name};
if (!defined $iface) {
die "Could not query the newly-created ng_iface node\n";
run_command 'ifconfig', $iface, 'inet6', $t->ipv6_local;
- # FIXME: Add a default route here, too.
sub get_tic_tunnel($)
@@ -463,11 +483,15 @@
warn "The ayiya command expects a tunnel name parameter\n";
usage 1;
- my $tunnel = shift @args;
- my $t = get_tic_tunnel $tunnel;
- my $ayiya = get_ayiya;
+ setup_ayiya '', get_tic_tunnel shift @args;
+sub setup_ayiya($ $; $)
+ my ($suffix, $t, $localaddr) = @_;
+ my $ayiya = get_ayiya $suffix;
if (!$ayiya->{ours}) {
die "Our ng_ayiya node is not configured\n";
@@ -485,18 +509,99 @@
$p = "[ $p ]";
ngctl 'msg', "$c->{name}:", 'secrethash', $p;
# OK, let's create one
- my $hkname = "ayiya/$tunnel";
+ my $hkname = 'ayiya/'.$t->id;
my $hkpeer = 'inet/dgram/udp';
- my $pname = 'sc_conn';
+ my $pname = "sc_conn$suffix";
ngctl 'mkpeer', "$c->{name}:", 'ksocket', $hkname, $hkpeer;
ngctl 'name', "$c->{name}:$hkname", $pname;
- $ayiya = get_ayiya;
+ $ayiya = get_ayiya $suffix;
$c = $ayiya->{ours}->{config};
if (!defined $c || $c->{hooks}->{ayiya}->{name} ne $pname) {
die "Could not query the newly-created ng_ksocket node\n";
+ if (defined $localaddr) {
+ ngctl 'msg', "$pname:", 'bind', "inet/$localaddr:5072";
+ }
ngctl 'msg', "$pname:", 'connect', 'inet/'.$t->ipv4_pop.':5072';
debug "Trying to get the node to configure itself";
ngctl 'msg', "$c->{name}:", 'configure';
+sub cmd_two($ @)
+ my ($cmd, @args) = @_;
+ if (@args) {
+ say STDERR "The 'two' command does not need any arguments\n";
+ usage 1;
+ }
+ cmd_setup 'setup';
+ my $client = get_ayiya;
+ if (!$client->{ours}) {
+ die "Our ng_ayiya node is not configured\n";
+ }
+ my $server = get_ayiya '_s';
+ if (!$server->{ours}) {
+ debug "Setting up the server node";
+ $server = setup_node $server, '_s';
+ debug "Got a server node: [$server->{ours}->{id}] ".
+ "'$server->{ours}->{name}'";
+ }
+ my ($client6, $server6) = ('fec0::1', 'fec0::2');
+ my ($client4, $server4) = ('', '');
+ ensure_inet_aliases 'lo0', $client4, $server4;
+ my %defs = (
+ TunnelId => 'T00001',
+ Password => 'secret',
+ Type => 'AYIYA',
+ );
+ my $cli_tun = Net::SixXS::Data::Tunnel->from_hash({
+ %defs,
+ 'IPv6 Endpoint' => $client6,
+ 'IPv6 POP' => $server6,
+ 'IPv4 POP' => $server4,
+ });
+ my $srv_tun = Net::SixXS::Data::Tunnel->from_hash({
+ %defs,
+ 'IPv6 Endpoint' => $server6,
+ 'IPv6 POP' => $client6,
+ 'IPv4 POP' => $client4,
+ });
+ setup_inet6 '', $cli_tun;
+ setup_inet6 '_s', $srv_tun;
+ setup_ayiya '', $cli_tun, $client4;
+ setup_ayiya '_s', $srv_tun, $server4;
+sub ensure_inet_aliases($ @)
+ my ($iface, @addresses) = @_;
+ my $all = 1;
+ my $config = run_command 'ifconfig', $iface;
+ for my $addr (@addresses) {
+ debug "Checking $iface for $addr";
+ if (index($config, $addr) == -1) {
+ undef $all;
+ debug "- nope, trying to bring it up";
+ run_command 'ifconfig', $iface, 'inet', $addr,
+ 'netmask', '0xffffffff', 'alias';
+ }
+ }
+ return if $all;
+ # Now check...
+ $config = run_command 'ifconfig', $iface;
+ my @missing = grep { index($config, $_) == -1 } @addresses;
+ if (@missing) {
+ die "Could not bring up @missing on $iface\n";
+ }
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