socsvn commit: r286925 - soc2015/roam/ng_ayiya

roam at roam at
Wed Jun 10 21:03:48 UTC 2015

Author: roam
Date: Wed Jun 10 21:03:46 2015
New Revision: 286925

  Configure the ng_iface inet6 address.
  Use the tools from the brand-new Net-SixXS Perl distribution to
  parse the tunnel information obtained from TIC.  Create a ng_iface
  node, connect to its "inet6" hook, and configure the local IPv6
  address on it.
  That was the easy part :)
  ObQuote:	"It's so easy when everybody tries to please me"


Modified: soc2015/roam/ng_ayiya/Makefile
--- soc2015/roam/ng_ayiya/Makefile	Wed Jun 10 21:03:42 2015	(r286924)
+++ soc2015/roam/ng_ayiya/Makefile	Wed Jun 10 21:03:46 2015	(r286925)
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
+TIC_TUNNEL?=	T22928
 	${SCAFFOLD} setup
@@ -43,3 +45,11 @@
 	${SCAFFOLD} shutdown all
+	@printf "\n\n======================\n\nPlease create the tic-tunnels.txt with the output of the sixxs-tic-tunnels tool\n\n======================\n\n"
+	false
+tic:	tic-tunnels.txt
+	${SCAFFOLD} ayiya

Modified: soc2015/roam/ng_ayiya/
--- soc2015/roam/ng_ayiya/	Wed Jun 10 21:03:42 2015	(r286924)
+++ soc2015/roam/ng_ayiya/	Wed Jun 10 21:03:46 2015	(r286925)
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 use Getopt::Std;
 use JSON::PP;
+use Net::SixXS::Data::Tunnel;
 use POSIX qw/:sys_wait_h/;
 my $debug = 0;
@@ -44,17 +45,20 @@
 sub ngctl($ @);
 sub run_command(@);
 sub check_wait_result($ $ $);
+sub get_tic_tunnel($);
 sub cmd_help($ @);
 sub cmd_setup($ @);
 sub cmd_shutdown($ @);
 sub cmd_status($ @);
 sub cmd_version($ @);
+sub cmd_inet6($ @);
 my %cmds = (
 	build => \&cmd_setup,
 	erect => \&cmd_setup,
 	help => \&cmd_help,
+	inet6 => \&cmd_inet6,
 	setup => \&cmd_setup,
 	shutdown => \&cmd_shutdown,
 	teardown => \&cmd_shutdown,
@@ -88,6 +92,7 @@
 	my ($err) = @_;
 	my $s = <<EOUSAGE
 Usage:	scaffold help
+	scaffold inet6 tunnelname
 	scaffold [-v] setup
 	scaffold [-v] shutdown [all]
 	scaffold [-v] status
@@ -268,32 +273,40 @@
 	my $nodes = ngctl_list;
 	my $res = {
-		all => $nodes->{type}{ayiya},
+		all => $nodes->{type}{ayiya} // [],
+		ours => undef,
+		others => [],
-	my $node;
-	my @ay = @{$res->{all} // []};
-	debug "Got ".scalar(@ay)." AYIYA node(s), looking for ours...";
-	for(my $i = 0; $i < @ay; $i++) {
-		if ($ay[$i]->{name} eq 'sc_ayiya') {
-			debug "- found it at position $i";
-			($node) = splice @ay, $i, 1;
-			last;
-		}
-	}
-	$res->{ours} = $node;
-	$res->{others} = \@ay;
-	if (defined $node) {
-		my $js = ngctl 'config', "$node->{name}:";
+	my $nm = 'sc_ayiya';
+	debug "Got ".scalar(@{$res->{all}})." AYIYA node(s), looking for $nm";
+	for my $node (@{$res->{all}}) {
+		my $name = "[$node->{id}] '$node->{name}'";
+		my $js = ngctl 'config', "[$node->{id}]:";
 		$js =~ s/\A[^{]*//s;
-		debug "- got ".length($js)." characters of JSON";
-		my $d = decode_json $js;
-		if (!defined($d) || ref $d ne 'HASH' ||
+		debug "- got ".length($js)." characters of JSON for node $name";
+		my $d;
+		eval {
+			$d = decode_json $js;
+		};
+		my $err = $@;
+		if (length ($err // '') || !defined($d) || ref $d ne 'HASH' ||
 		    grep !exists $d->{$_}, qw/id name has_secret hooks/) {
-			die "Node [$node->{id}] '$node->{name}' returned ".
+			warn "Node [$node->{id}] '$node->{name}' returned ".
 			    "an invalid JSON configuration\n";
+			next;
+		}
+		$node->{config} = $d;
+		if ($node->{name} eq $nm) {
+			if (defined $res->{ours}) {
+				die "Inconsistent Netgraph configuration: ".
+				    "duplicate name '$nm' for nodes ".
+				    "[$res->{ours}->{id}] and [$node->{id}]\n";
+			}
+			$res->{ours} = $node;
+			debug "  - ours!";
+		} else {
+			push @{$res->{others}}, $node;
-		debug "- got keys: ".join(' ', sort keys %{$d});
 	return $res;
@@ -356,3 +369,73 @@
 	return $output;
+sub cmd_inet6($ @)
+	my ($cmd, @args) = @_;
+	if (@args != 1) {
+		warn "The inet6 command expects a tunnel name parameter\n";
+		usage 1;
+	}
+	my $tunnel = shift @args;
+	my $t = get_tic_tunnel $tunnel;
+	my $ayiya = get_ayiya;
+	if (!$ayiya->{ours}) {
+		die "Our ng_ayiya node is not configured\n";
+	}
+	# Tear down the interface if it's configured
+	my $c = $ayiya->{ours}->{config};
+	my $i6 = $c->{hooks}->{inet6};
+	if (defined $i6) {
+		debug "Shutting down the current interface";
+		ngctl 'shutdown', "[$i6->{id}]:";
+	}
+	# OK, let's create one
+	my $hkname = "inet6/$tunnel";
+	ngctl 'mkpeer', "$c->{name}:", 'iface', $hkname, 'inet6';
+	$ayiya = get_ayiya;
+	my $iface = $ayiya->{ours}->{config}->{hooks}->{inet6}->{name};
+	if (!defined $iface) {
+		die "Could not query the newly-created ng_iface node\n";
+	}
+	run_command 'ifconfig', $iface, 'inet6', $t->ipv6_local;
+	# FIXME: Add a default route here, too.
+sub get_tic_tunnel($)
+	my ($tunnel) = @_;
+	my $fname = 'tic-tunnels.txt';
+	open my $f, '<', $fname or
+	    die "Could not open $fname: $!\n";
+	my $in;
+	my %cfg;
+	while (<$f>) {
+		s/[\r\n]*$//;
+		if ($in) {
+			last unless /^\s+(\S[^:]+?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/;
+			my ($k, $v) = ($1, $2);
+			if (exists $cfg{$k}) {
+				die "Duplicate key $k for $tunnel in $fname\n";
+			}
+			$cfg{$k} = $v;
+		} elsif ($_ eq $tunnel) {
+			$in = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	close $f or die "Could not close $fname: $!\n";
+	if (!%cfg) {
+		if ($in) {
+			die "No key/value lines for $tunnel in $fname\n";
+		} else {
+			die "No tunnel $tunnel defined in $fname\n";
+		}
+	}
+	return Net::SixXS::Data::Tunnel->from_hash(\%cfg);

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