svn commit: r566642 - head/databases/mongodb42

Matthias Fechner mfechner at
Sat Feb 27 18:19:16 UTC 2021

Am 27.02.2021 um 00:49 schrieb Piotr Kubaj:
> Log:
>    databases/mongodb42: add LTO option and enable it
>    Add a new option, for using LTO.
>    As with mongodb44, make it the default.
>    mongodb42 tries to used gold with LTO enabled, so explicitly tell it to use lld.
>    PR:		253802
>    Approved by:	ronald-lists at  (maintainer)

if I try to build this, the linker is called after it consumed about 
20GB of ram.

Feb 27 13:51:40 server kernel: pid 81432 (ld.lld), jid 263, uid 0, was 
killed: out of swap space

Can you build the port?



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