svn commit: r460430 - in head: Mk/Uses audio/taglib-sharp deskutils/tomboy devel/dbus-sharp devel/flickrnet devel/google-gdata devel/google-gdata/files devel/log4net devel/mono-addins devel/monodev...

Jan Beich jbeich at
Tue Jan 30 20:15:21 UTC 2018

David Naylor <dbn at> writes:

> Author: dbn
> Date: Tue Jan 30 19:00:27 2018
> New Revision: 460430
> URL:
> Log:
>   lang/mono: update to version (and enhance USES=mono)

Did something change in the way mono (mcs) builds other ports?
games/openra fails to run if built by mono- but would happily
run with mono- if built by mono- According to the error
below it seems Mono now targets Windows instead of Unix.

  $ openra-ra
  Platform is Linux
  Engine version is release-20171014
  Using SDL 2 with OpenGL renderer
  Desktop resolution: 3840x2160
  No custom resolution provided, using desktop resolution
  Using resolution: 3840x2160
  Using window scale 1.00
  OpenGL version: 3.0 Mesa 18.0.0-rc3
  Using default sound device
  Renderer initialization failed. Check graphics.log for details.
  Using SDL 2 with OpenGL renderer
  Desktop resolution: 3840x2160
  No custom resolution provided, using desktop resolution
  Using resolution: 3840x2160
  Using window scale 1.00
  OpenGL version: 3.0 Mesa 18.0.0-rc3
  Using default sound device
  Renderer initialization failed. Check graphics.log for details.
  Exception of type `System.InvalidOperationException`: Failed to initialize platform-integration library. Check graphics.log for details.
    at OpenRA.Game.Initialize (OpenRA.Arguments args) [0x0016b] in <e7e76c84784c4fac82f4d6ffd1656cc2>:0
    at OpenRA.Program.Run (System.String[] args) [0x00007] in <e7e76c84784c4fac82f4d6ffd1656cc2>:0
    at OpenRA.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x0004f] in <e7e76c84784c4fac82f4d6ffd1656cc2>:0

  $ cat ~/.openra/Logs/graphics.log
  System.DllNotFoundException: soft_oal.dll
    at (wrapper managed-to-native) OpenAL.ALC10:alcOpenDevice (string)
    at OpenRA.Platforms.Default.OpenAlSoundEngine..ctor (System.String deviceName) [0x0003f] in <2342b54840fb4908bd25f1f5db2e89d7>:0 
    at OpenRA.Platforms.Default.DefaultPlatform.CreateSound (System.String device) [0x00001] in <2342b54840fb4908bd25f1f5db2e89d7>:0 
    at OpenRA.Sound..ctor (OpenRA.IPlatform platform, OpenRA.SoundSettings soundSettings) [0x0001d] in <e7e76c84784c4fac82f4d6ffd1656cc2>:0 
    at OpenRA.Game.Initialize (OpenRA.Arguments args) [0x00223] in <e7e76c84784c4fac82f4d6ffd1656cc2>:0 
  System.DllNotFoundException: soft_oal.dll
    at (wrapper managed-to-native) OpenAL.ALC10:alcOpenDevice (string)
    at OpenRA.Platforms.Default.OpenAlSoundEngine..ctor (System.String deviceName) [0x0003f] in <2342b54840fb4908bd25f1f5db2e89d7>:0 
    at OpenRA.Platforms.Default.DefaultPlatform.CreateSound (System.String device) [0x00001] in <2342b54840fb4908bd25f1f5db2e89d7>:0 
    at OpenRA.Sound..ctor (OpenRA.IPlatform platform, OpenRA.SoundSettings soundSettings) [0x0001d] in <e7e76c84784c4fac82f4d6ffd1656cc2>:0 
    at OpenRA.Game.Initialize (OpenRA.Arguments args) [0x00223] in <e7e76c84784c4fac82f4d6ffd1656cc2>:0 

  $ cd /usr/ports/games/openra
  $ make clean patch BATCH=
  $ cd `make -V WRKSRC`
  $ cat thirdparty/download/OpenAL-CS.dll.config
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <dllmap dll="soft_oal.dll" os="windows" target="soft_oal.dll"/>
          <dllmap dll="soft_oal.dll" os="osx" target="/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenAL.framework/OpenAL"/>
          <dllmap dll="soft_oal.dll" os="linux" target=""/>
          <dllmap dll="soft_oal.dll" os="freebsd" target=""/>

What happened to "os" string upstream?

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