svn commit: r437205 - in head/sysutils/xen-tools: . files

Roger Pau Monné royger at
Wed Mar 29 15:10:16 UTC 2017

Author: royger (src committer)
Date: Wed Mar 29 15:10:15 2017
New Revision: 437205

  xen: apply XSA-206
  Reviewed by:		bapt
  MFH:			2017Q1
  Sponsored by:		Citrix Systems R&D
  Differential revision:

  head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/0001-xenstored-apply-a-write-transaction-rate-limit.patch   (contents, props changed)
  head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/0002-xenstored-Log-when-the-write-transaction-rate-limit-.patch   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/sysutils/xen-tools/Makefile
--- head/sysutils/xen-tools/Makefile	Wed Mar 29 14:43:28 2017	(r437204)
+++ head/sysutils/xen-tools/Makefile	Wed Mar 29 15:10:15 2017	(r437205)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 CATEGORIES=	sysutils emulators
@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@ EXTRA_PATCHES=	${FILESDIR}/var_paths.pat
 		${FILESDIR}/0001-libxl-fix-creation-of-pkgconf-install-dir.patch:-p1 \
 		${FILESDIR}/0001-tools-configure-fix-pkg-config-install-path-for-Free.patch:-p1 \
 		${FILESDIR}/0001-libs-xenstore-set-correct-FreeBSD-device.patch:-p1 \
-		${FILESDIR}/kdd.patch:-p1
+		${FILESDIR}/kdd.patch:-p1 \
+		${FILESDIR}/0001-xenstored-apply-a-write-transaction-rate-limit.patch:-p1 \
+		${FILESDIR}/0002-xenstored-Log-when-the-write-transaction-rate-limit-.patch:-p1
 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-extra-qemuu-configure-args="${QEMU_ARGS}" \

Added: head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/0001-xenstored-apply-a-write-transaction-rate-limit.patch
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/0001-xenstored-apply-a-write-transaction-rate-limit.patch	Wed Mar 29 15:10:15 2017	(r437205)
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+From bfe42a836450591bb41f4f6393c42dbb0d72abb9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ian Jackson <ian.jackson at>
+Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2017 16:12:26 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 01/15] xenstored: apply a write transaction rate limit
+This avoids a rogue client being about to stall another client (eg the
+toolstack) indefinitely.
+This is XSA-206.
+Signed-off-by: Ian Jackson <Ian.Jackson at>
+Backported to 4.8 (not entirely trivial).
+Reported-by: Juergen Gross <jgross at>
+Signed-off-by: George Dunlap <george.dunlap at>
+Acked-by: Ian Jackson <Ian.Jackson at>
+ tools/xenstore/Makefile                |   3 +-
+ tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.c        |   9 ++
+ tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.h        |   6 +
+ tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.c      | 215 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.h      |  25 ++++
+ tools/xenstore/xenstored_transaction.c |   5 +
+ 6 files changed, 262 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/tools/xenstore/Makefile b/tools/xenstore/Makefile
+index d691b78..b458729 100644
+--- a/tools/xenstore/Makefile
++++ b/tools/xenstore/Makefile
+@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ XENSTORED_OBJS_$(CONFIG_FreeBSD) = xenstored_posix.o
+ XENSTORED_OBJS_$(CONFIG_MiniOS) = xenstored_minios.o
++LDLIBS_xenstored += -lrt
+@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ endif
+ $(XENSTORED_OBJS): CFLAGS += $(CFLAGS_libxengnttab)
+ xenstored: $(XENSTORED_OBJS)
+-	$(CC) $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS_libxenevtchn) $(LDLIBS_libxengnttab) $(LDLIBS_libxenctrl) $(SOCKET_LIBS) -o $@ $(APPEND_LDFLAGS)
++	$(CC) $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS_libxenevtchn) $(LDLIBS_libxengnttab) $(LDLIBS_libxenctrl) $(LDLIBS_xenstored) $(SOCKET_LIBS) -o $@ $(APPEND_LDFLAGS)
+ xenstored.a: $(XENSTORED_OBJS)
+ 	$(AR) cr $@ $^
+diff --git a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.c b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.c
+index 51fb0b3..1aabc93 100644
+--- a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.c
++++ b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.c
+@@ -357,6 +357,7 @@ static void initialize_fds(int sock, int *p_sock_pollfd_idx,
+ 			   int *ptimeout)
+ {
+ 	struct connection *conn;
++	struct wrl_timestampt now;
+ 	if (fds)
+ 		memset(fds, 0, sizeof(struct pollfd) * current_array_size);
+@@ -376,8 +377,11 @@ static void initialize_fds(int sock, int *p_sock_pollfd_idx,
+ 		xce_pollfd_idx = set_fd(xenevtchn_fd(xce_handle),
++	wrl_gettime_now(&now);
+ 	list_for_each_entry(conn, &connections, list) {
+ 		if (conn->domain) {
++			wrl_check_timeout(conn->domain, now, ptimeout);
+ 			if (domain_can_read(conn) ||
+ 			    (domain_can_write(conn) &&
+ 			     !list_empty(&conn->out_list)))
+@@ -810,6 +814,7 @@ static void delete_node_single(struct connection *conn, struct node *node)
+ 		corrupt(conn, "Could not delete '%s'", node->name);
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	domain_entry_dec(conn, node);
+ }
+@@ -949,6 +954,7 @@ static void do_write(struct connection *conn, struct buffered_data *in)
+ 	}
+ 	add_change_node(conn->transaction, name, false);
++	wrl_apply_debit_direct(conn);
+ 	fire_watches(conn, name, false);
+ 	send_ack(conn, XS_WRITE);
+ }
+@@ -973,6 +979,7 @@ static void do_mkdir(struct connection *conn, const char *name)
+ 			return;
+ 		}
+ 		add_change_node(conn->transaction, name, false);
++		wrl_apply_debit_direct(conn);
+ 		fire_watches(conn, name, false);
+ 	}
+ 	send_ack(conn, XS_MKDIR);
+@@ -1098,6 +1105,7 @@ static void do_rm(struct connection *conn, const char *name)
+ 	if (_rm(conn, node, name)) {
+ 		add_change_node(conn->transaction, name, true);
++		wrl_apply_debit_direct(conn);
+ 		fire_watches(conn, name, true);
+ 		send_ack(conn, XS_RM);
+ 	}
+@@ -1173,6 +1181,7 @@ static void do_set_perms(struct connection *conn, struct buffered_data *in)
+ 	}
+ 	add_change_node(conn->transaction, name, false);
++	wrl_apply_debit_direct(conn);
+ 	fire_watches(conn, name, false);
+ 	send_ack(conn, XS_SET_PERMS);
+ }
+diff --git a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.h b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.h
+index 3a497f7..a2a3427 100644
+--- a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.h
++++ b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.h
+@@ -33,6 +33,12 @@
+ #include "list.h"
+ #include "tdb.h"
++#define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b))? (a) : (b))
++typedef int32_t wrl_creditt;
++#define WRL_CREDIT_MAX (1000*1000*1000)
++/* ^ satisfies non-overflow condition for wrl_xfer_credit */
+ struct buffered_data
+ {
+ 	struct list_head list;
+diff --git a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.c b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.c
+index 47b4f03..486c96f 100644
+--- a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.c
++++ b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.c
+@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <stdarg.h>
++#include <time.h>
+ #include "utils.h"
+ #include "talloc.h"
+@@ -74,6 +75,10 @@ struct domain
+ 	/* number of watch for this domain */
+ 	int nbwatch;
++	/* write rate limit */
++	wrl_creditt wrl_credit; /* [ -wrl_config_writecost, +_dburst ] */
++	struct wrl_timestampt wrl_timestamp;
+ };
+ static LIST_HEAD(domains);
+@@ -206,6 +211,8 @@ static int destroy_domain(void *_domain)
+ 	fire_watches(NULL, "@releaseDomain", false);
++	wrl_domain_destroy(domain);
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+@@ -253,6 +260,9 @@ void handle_event(void)
+ bool domain_can_read(struct connection *conn)
+ {
+ 	struct xenstore_domain_interface *intf = conn->domain->interface;
++	if (domain_is_unprivileged(conn) && conn->domain->wrl_credit < 0)
++		return false;
+ 	return (intf->req_cons != intf->req_prod);
+ }
+@@ -284,6 +294,8 @@ static struct domain *new_domain(void *context, unsigned int domid,
+ 	domain->domid = domid;
+ 	domain->path = talloc_domain_path(domain, domid);
++	wrl_domain_new(domain);
+ 	list_add(&domain->list, &domains);
+ 	talloc_set_destructor(domain, destroy_domain);
+@@ -747,6 +759,209 @@ int domain_watch(struct connection *conn)
+ 		: 0;
+ }
++static wrl_creditt wrl_config_writecost      = WRL_FACTOR;
++static wrl_creditt wrl_config_rate           = WRL_RATE   * WRL_FACTOR;
++static wrl_creditt wrl_config_dburst         = WRL_DBURST * WRL_FACTOR;
++static wrl_creditt wrl_config_gburst         = WRL_GBURST * WRL_FACTOR;
++static wrl_creditt wrl_config_newdoms_dburst =
++	                         WRL_DBURST * WRL_NEWDOMS * WRL_FACTOR;
++long wrl_ntransactions;
++static long wrl_ndomains;
++static wrl_creditt wrl_reserve; /* [-wrl_config_newdoms_dburst, +_gburst ] */
++void wrl_gettime_now(struct wrl_timestampt *now_wt)
++	struct timespec now_ts;
++	int r;
++	r = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now_ts);
++	if (r)
++		barf_perror("Could not find time (clock_gettime failed)");
++	now_wt->sec = now_ts.tv_sec;
++	now_wt->msec = now_ts.tv_nsec / 1000000;
++static void wrl_xfer_credit(wrl_creditt *debit,  wrl_creditt debit_floor,
++			    wrl_creditt *credit, wrl_creditt credit_ceil)
++	/*
++	 * Transfers zero or more credit from "debit" to "credit".
++	 * Transfers as much as possible while maintaining
++	 * debit >= debit_floor and credit <= credit_ceil.
++	 * (If that's violated already, does nothing.)
++	 *
++	 * Sufficient conditions to avoid overflow, either of:
++	 *  |every argument| <= 0x3fffffff
++	 *  |every argument| <= 1E9
++	 *  |every argument| <= WRL_CREDIT_MAX
++	 * (And this condition is preserved.)
++	 */
++	wrl_creditt xfer = MIN( *debit      - debit_floor,
++			        credit_ceil - *credit      );
++	if (xfer > 0) {
++		*debit -= xfer;
++		*credit += xfer;
++	}
++void wrl_domain_new(struct domain *domain)
++	domain->wrl_credit = 0;
++	wrl_gettime_now(&domain->wrl_timestamp);
++	wrl_ndomains++;
++	/* Steal up to DBURST from the reserve */
++	wrl_xfer_credit(&wrl_reserve, -wrl_config_newdoms_dburst,
++			&domain->wrl_credit, wrl_config_dburst);
++void wrl_domain_destroy(struct domain *domain)
++	wrl_ndomains--;
++	/*
++	 * Don't bother recalculating domain's credit - this just
++	 * means we don't give the reserve the ending domain's credit
++	 * for time elapsed since last update.
++	 */
++	wrl_xfer_credit(&domain->wrl_credit, 0,
++			&wrl_reserve, wrl_config_dburst);
++void wrl_credit_update(struct domain *domain, struct wrl_timestampt now)
++	/*
++	 * We want to calculate
++	 *    credit += (now - timestamp) * RATE / ndoms;
++	 * But we want it to saturate, and to avoid floating point.
++	 * To avoid rounding errors from constantly adding small
++	 * amounts of credit, we only add credit for whole milliseconds.
++	 */
++	long seconds      = now.sec -  domain->wrl_timestamp.sec;
++	long milliseconds = now.msec - domain->wrl_timestamp.msec;
++	long msec;
++	int64_t denom, num;
++	wrl_creditt surplus;
++	seconds = MIN(seconds, 1000*1000); /* arbitrary, prevents overflow */
++	msec = seconds * 1000 + milliseconds;
++	if (msec < 0)
++                /* shouldn't happen with CLOCK_MONOTONIC */
++		msec = 0;
++	/* 32x32 -> 64 cannot overflow */
++	denom = (int64_t)msec * wrl_config_rate;
++	num  =  (int64_t)wrl_ndomains * 1000;
++	/* denom / num <= 1E6 * wrl_config_rate, so with
++	   reasonable wrl_config_rate, denom / num << 2^64 */
++	/* at last! */
++	domain->wrl_credit = MIN( (int64_t)domain->wrl_credit + denom / num,
++				  WRL_CREDIT_MAX );
++	/* (maybe briefly violating the DBURST cap on wrl_credit) */
++	/* maybe take from the reserve to make us nonnegative */
++	wrl_xfer_credit(&wrl_reserve,        0,
++			&domain->wrl_credit, 0);
++	/* return any surplus (over DBURST) to the reserve */
++	surplus = 0;
++	wrl_xfer_credit(&domain->wrl_credit, wrl_config_dburst,
++			&surplus,            WRL_CREDIT_MAX);
++	wrl_xfer_credit(&surplus,     0,
++			&wrl_reserve, wrl_config_gburst);
++	/* surplus is now implicitly discarded */
++	domain->wrl_timestamp = now;
++	trace("wrl: dom %4d %6ld  msec  %9ld credit   %9ld reserve"
++	      "  %9ld discard\n",
++	      domain->domid,
++	      msec,
++	      (long)domain->wrl_credit, (long)wrl_reserve,
++	      (long)surplus);
++void wrl_check_timeout(struct domain *domain,
++		       struct wrl_timestampt now,
++		       int *ptimeout)
++	uint64_t num, denom;
++	int wakeup;
++	wrl_credit_update(domain, now);
++	if (domain->wrl_credit >= 0)
++		/* not blocked */
++		return;
++	if (!*ptimeout)
++		/* already decided on immediate wakeup,
++		   so no need to calculate our timeout */
++		return;
++	/* calculate  wakeup = now + -credit / (RATE / ndoms); */
++	/* credit cannot go more -ve than one transaction,
++	 * so the first multiplication cannot overflow even 32-bit */
++	num   = (uint64_t)(-domain->wrl_credit * 1000) * wrl_ndomains;
++	denom = wrl_config_rate;
++	wakeup = MIN( num / denom /* uint64_t */, INT_MAX );
++	if (*ptimeout==-1 || wakeup < *ptimeout)
++		*ptimeout = wakeup;
++	trace("wrl: domain %u credit=%ld (reserve=%ld) SLEEPING for %d\n",
++	      domain->domid,
++	      (long)domain->wrl_credit, (long)wrl_reserve,
++	      wakeup);
++void wrl_apply_debit_actual(struct domain *domain)
++	struct wrl_timestampt now;
++	if (!domain)
++		/* sockets escape the write rate limit */
++		return;
++	wrl_gettime_now(&now);
++	wrl_credit_update(domain, now);
++	domain->wrl_credit -= wrl_config_writecost;
++	trace("wrl: domain %u credit=%ld (reserve=%ld)\n",
++	      domain->domid,
++	      (long)domain->wrl_credit, (long)wrl_reserve);
++void wrl_apply_debit_direct(struct connection *conn)
++	if (!conn)
++		/* some writes are generated internally */
++		return;
++	if (conn->transaction)
++		/* these are accounted for when the transaction ends */
++		return;
++	if (!wrl_ntransactions)
++		/* we don't conflict with anyone */
++		return;
++	wrl_apply_debit_actual(conn->domain);
++void wrl_apply_debit_trans_commit(struct connection *conn)
++	if (wrl_ntransactions <= 1)
++		/* our own transaction appears in the counter */
++		return;
++	wrl_apply_debit_actual(conn->domain);
+ /*
+  * Local variables:
+  *  c-file-style: "linux"
+diff --git a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.h b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.h
+index 83488ed..bdc4044 100644
+--- a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.h
++++ b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.h
+@@ -65,4 +65,29 @@ void domain_watch_inc(struct connection *conn);
+ void domain_watch_dec(struct connection *conn);
+ int domain_watch(struct connection *conn);
++/* Write rate limiting */
++#define WRL_FACTOR   1000 /* for fixed-point arithmetic */
++#define WRL_RATE      200
++#define WRL_DBURST     10
++#define WRL_GBURST   1000
++#define WRL_NEWDOMS     5
++struct wrl_timestampt {
++	time_t sec;
++	int msec;
++extern long wrl_ntransactions;
++void wrl_gettime_now(struct wrl_timestampt *now_ts);
++void wrl_domain_new(struct domain *domain);
++void wrl_domain_destroy(struct domain *domain);
++void wrl_credit_update(struct domain *domain, struct wrl_timestampt now);
++void wrl_check_timeout(struct domain *domain,
++                       struct wrl_timestampt now,
++                       int *ptimeout);
++void wrl_apply_debit_direct(struct connection *conn);
++void wrl_apply_debit_trans_commit(struct connection *conn);
+ #endif /* _XENSTORED_DOMAIN_H */
+diff --git a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_transaction.c b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_transaction.c
+index d0e4739..a4b328f 100644
+--- a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_transaction.c
++++ b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_transaction.c
+@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ static int destroy_transaction(void *_transaction)
+ {
+ 	struct transaction *trans = _transaction;
++	wrl_ntransactions--;
+ 	trace_destroy(trans, "transaction");
+ 	if (trans->tdb)
+ 		tdb_close(trans->tdb);
+@@ -179,6 +180,7 @@ void do_transaction_start(struct connection *conn, struct buffered_data *in)
+ 	talloc_steal(conn, trans);
+ 	talloc_set_destructor(trans, destroy_transaction);
+ 	conn->transaction_started++;
++	wrl_ntransactions++;
+ 	snprintf(id_str, sizeof(id_str), "%u", trans->id);
+ 	send_reply(conn, XS_TRANSACTION_START, id_str, strlen(id_str)+1);
+@@ -213,6 +215,9 @@ void do_transaction_end(struct connection *conn, const char *arg)
+ 			send_error(conn, EAGAIN);
+ 			return;
+ 		}
++		wrl_apply_debit_trans_commit(conn);
+ 		if (!replace_tdb(trans->tdb_name, trans->tdb)) {
+ 			send_error(conn, errno);
+ 			return;

Added: head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/0002-xenstored-Log-when-the-write-transaction-rate-limit-.patch
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/0002-xenstored-Log-when-the-write-transaction-rate-limit-.patch	Wed Mar 29 15:10:15 2017	(r437205)
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+From 1d713bf29548ee3e48c3170bafe2863d17694e90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ian Jackson <ian.jackson at>
+Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2017 16:39:31 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 02/15] xenstored: Log when the write transaction rate limit
+ bites
+Reported-by: Juergen Gross <jgross at>
+Signed-off-by: Ian Jackson <ian.jackson at>
+ tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.c   |  1 +
+ tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.c | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.h |  2 ++
+ 3 files changed, 28 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.c b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.c
+index 1aabc93..907b44f 100644
+--- a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.c
++++ b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.c
+@@ -378,6 +378,7 @@ static void initialize_fds(int sock, int *p_sock_pollfd_idx,
+ 	wrl_gettime_now(&now);
++	wrl_log_periodic(now);
+ 	list_for_each_entry(conn, &connections, list) {
+ 		if (conn->domain) {
+diff --git a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.c b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.c
+index 486c96f..75cfad1 100644
+--- a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.c
++++ b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.c
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <stdarg.h>
+ #include <time.h>
++#include <syslog.h>
+ #include "utils.h"
+ #include "talloc.h"
+@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ struct domain
+ 	/* write rate limit */
+ 	wrl_creditt wrl_credit; /* [ -wrl_config_writecost, +_dburst ] */
+ 	struct wrl_timestampt wrl_timestamp;
++	bool wrl_delay_logged;
+ };
+ static LIST_HEAD(domains);
+@@ -770,6 +772,7 @@ long wrl_ntransactions;
+ static long wrl_ndomains;
+ static wrl_creditt wrl_reserve; /* [-wrl_config_newdoms_dburst, +_gburst ] */
++static time_t wrl_log_last_warning; /* 0: no previous warning */
+ void wrl_gettime_now(struct wrl_timestampt *now_wt)
+ {
+@@ -919,6 +922,9 @@ void wrl_check_timeout(struct domain *domain,
+ 	      wakeup);
+ }
++#define WRL_LOG(now, ...) \
++	(syslog(LOG_WARNING, "write rate limit: " __VA_ARGS__))
+ void wrl_apply_debit_actual(struct domain *domain)
+ {
+ 	struct wrl_timestampt now;
+@@ -934,6 +940,25 @@ void wrl_apply_debit_actual(struct domain *domain)
+ 	trace("wrl: domain %u credit=%ld (reserve=%ld)\n",
+ 	      domain->domid,
+ 	      (long)domain->wrl_credit, (long)wrl_reserve);
++	if (domain->wrl_credit < 0) {
++		if (!domain->wrl_delay_logged++) {
++			WRL_LOG(now, "domain %ld is affected",
++				(long)domain->domid);
++		} else if (!wrl_log_last_warning) {
++			WRL_LOG(now, "rate limiting restarts");
++		}
++		wrl_log_last_warning = now.sec;
++	}
++void wrl_log_periodic(struct wrl_timestampt now)
++	if (wrl_log_last_warning &&
++	    (now.sec - wrl_log_last_warning) > WRL_LOGEVERY) {
++		WRL_LOG(now, "not in force recently");
++		wrl_log_last_warning = 0;
++	}
+ }
+ void wrl_apply_debit_direct(struct connection *conn)
+diff --git a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.h b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.h
+index bdc4044..2b963ed 100644
+--- a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.h
++++ b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_domain.h
+@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ int domain_watch(struct connection *conn);
+ #define WRL_DBURST     10
+ #define WRL_GBURST   1000
+ #define WRL_NEWDOMS     5
++#define WRL_LOGEVERY  120 /* seconds */
+ struct wrl_timestampt {
+ 	time_t sec;
+@@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ void wrl_credit_update(struct domain *domain, struct wrl_timestampt now);
+ void wrl_check_timeout(struct domain *domain,
+                        struct wrl_timestampt now,
+                        int *ptimeout);
++void wrl_log_periodic(struct wrl_timestampt now);
+ void wrl_apply_debit_direct(struct connection *conn);
+ void wrl_apply_debit_trans_commit(struct connection *conn);

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