svn commit: r435688 - head/sysutils/p5-BackupPC-XS

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Wed Mar 8 15:23:40 UTC 2017

Le 08/03/2017 à 15:57, Torsten Zuehlsdorff a écrit :
> +WRKSRC=	${WRKDIR}/backuppc-xs-${DISTVERSION}

Don't set WRKSRC, set GH_PROJECT=${PORTNAME:tl} instead.

As a rule of the thumb, when using USE_GITHUB, you never set DISTNAME,
DISTFILES or WRKSRC, it is all done for you.

Github has a dumb rule about project names being case insensitives, and
it messes things up when you don't pay attention.

Mathieu Arnold

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