svn commit: r384218 - in head/news: husky husky-fidoconf

Jan Beich jbeich at
Sat Apr 18 20:35:39 UTC 2015

John Marino < at> writes:

>> John Marino <marino at> writes:
>>> Log:
>>>   The fidoconf package uses texi files to build an info page and an html
>>>   page.  It appears there is no man page equivalent.  I couldn't find a
>>>   patch to fix the old-format texi files that the latest texinfo programs
>>>   can read, so I blocked them from building on FreeBSD 11 and DragonFly
>>>   where the port was broken.
>> Would the following work? Found within a minute on $search_engine for
>> "raising the section level of @subsection which is too low".
> I think most of these had multiple problems, not just @subsection.  The
> other husky INFO page had unrecognized functions or something like that.

pkg-fallout skipped husky-htick port. I've committed the fix.
Unless there're more errors can you back out INFO-crippling stuff?

> The maintainer has been notified so he can figure out what the best
> approach is.

Privately? After landing the workaround?

> Right now only FreeBSD 11 is even affected.
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