svn commit: r348304 - in head/lang/perl5.16: . files

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Sat Mar 15 11:16:20 UTC 2014

+--On 15 mars 2014 11:57:18 +0100 Thierry Thomas <thierry at>
| Le sam 15 mar 14 à 11:43:24 +0100, Mathieu Arnold <mat at>
|  écrivait :
|> | Log:
|> |   Fix the build of x11/rxvt-unicode with clang34, by defining a more
|> |   C++-friendly dNOOP.
|> Does this also apply to Perl 5.14 ? Perl 5.18 ?
| I think so - but only the default one is concerned by package building.

Well, no, every version is concerned by package building, you can change
the default and build your own packages. But az pointed out it's only for

Mathieu Arnold

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