svn commit: r351529 - in head/lang/gcc-aux: . files

John Marino marino at
Fri Apr 18 10:36:24 UTC 2014

Author: marino
Date: Fri Apr 18 10:36:22 2014
New Revision: 351529

  lang/gcc-aux + gnatdroid-armv7: Update to 16 April prerelease


Modified: head/lang/gcc-aux/Makefile.version
--- head/lang/gcc-aux/Makefile.version	Fri Apr 18 10:24:07 2014	(r351528)
+++ head/lang/gcc-aux/Makefile.version	Fri Apr 18 10:36:22 2014	(r351529)
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
-SNAPSHOT=		20140406
-MAIN_PR=		2
-ARMV5_PR=		1
-ARMV7_PR=		2
+SNAPSHOT=		20140416
+MAIN_PR=		0
+ARMV5_PR=		0
+ARMV7_PR=		0

Modified: head/lang/gcc-aux/distinfo
--- head/lang/gcc-aux/distinfo	Fri Apr 18 10:24:07 2014	(r351528)
+++ head/lang/gcc-aux/distinfo	Fri Apr 18 10:36:22 2014	(r351529)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-SHA256 (gcc-4.9-20140406.tar.bz2) = 5f9e1c96b5bc000456b7fe7805dca90866cd18b6fbe00e26f3f3e8236d07d0a3
-SIZE (gcc-4.9-20140406.tar.bz2) = 85440592
+SHA256 (gcc-4.9-20140416.tar.bz2) = a1bac4e9fe8d8eca0c70fe22374e34abecd138dfc49130b01d73133f68b03b48
+SIZE (gcc-4.9-20140416.tar.bz2) = 85454889
 SHA256 (ada-bootstrap.i386.dragonfly.36A.tar.bz2) = 6b1a6ff0fe0e3bf13c667db2fef177b811329cd998400a1303969a86911cb1c8
 SIZE (ada-bootstrap.i386.dragonfly.36A.tar.bz2) = 39357314
 SHA256 (ada-bootstrap.i386.freebsd.84.tar.bz2) = b410336cb0e71c8a29dd5f831a17b4b7282e7d590f452475a94c6a625cfc8846

Modified: head/lang/gcc-aux/files/diff-ada
--- head/lang/gcc-aux/files/diff-ada	Fri Apr 18 10:24:07 2014	(r351528)
+++ head/lang/gcc-aux/files/diff-ada	Fri Apr 18 10:36:22 2014	(r351529)
@@ -1994,531 +1994,6 @@
     Non_Empty_Node : constant Project_Node_Id := 1;
 --- /dev/null
-+++ gcc/ada/s-intman-android.adb
-@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
-+--                                                                          --
-+--                 GNAT RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS                 --
-+--                                                                          --
-+--           S Y S T E M . I N T E R R U P T _ M A N A G E M E N T          --
-+--                                                                          --
-+--                                  B o d y                                 --
-+--                                                                          --
-+--             Copyright (C) 2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.           --
-+--                                                                          --
-+-- GNARL is free software; you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
-+-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
-+-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
-+-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
-+--                                                                          --
-+-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-+-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
-+-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
-+--                                                                          --
-+-- In particular,  you can freely  distribute your programs  built with the --
-+-- GNAT Pro compiler, including any required library run-time units,  using --
-+-- any licensing terms  of your choosing.  See the AdaCore Software License --
-+-- for full details.                                                        --
-+--                                                                          --
-+-- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University.       --
-+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc.     --
-+--                                                                          --
-+--  This is the Android version of this package
-+--  Make a careful study of all signals available under the OS, to see which
-+--  need to be reserved, kept always unmasked, or kept always unmasked. Be on
-+--  the lookout for special signals that may be used by the thread library.
-+--  Since this is a multi target file, the signal <-> exception mapping
-+--  is simple minded. If you need a more precise and target specific
-+--  signal handling, create a new s-intman.adb that will fit your needs.
-+--  This file assumes that:
-+--    SIGFPE, SIGILL, SIGSEGV and SIGBUS exist. They are mapped as follows:
-+--      SIGPFE  => Constraint_Error
-+--      SIGILL  => Program_Error
-+--      SIGSEGV => Storage_Error
-+--      SIGBUS  => Storage_Error
-+--    SIGINT exists and will be kept unmasked unless the pragma
-+--     Unreserve_All_Interrupts is specified anywhere in the application.
-+--    System.OS_Interface contains the following:
-+--      SIGADAABORT: the signal that will be used to abort tasks.
-+--      Unmasked: the OS specific set of signals that should be unmasked in
-+--                all the threads. SIGADAABORT is unmasked by
-+--                default
-+--      Reserved: the OS specific set of signals that are reserved.
-+with System.Task_Primitives;
-+package body System.Interrupt_Management is
-+   use Interfaces.C;
-+   use System.OS_Interface;
-+   type Interrupt_List is array (Interrupt_ID range <>) of Interrupt_ID;
-+   Exception_Interrupts : constant Interrupt_List :=
-+   Unreserve_All_Interrupts :;
-+   pragma Import
-+     (C, Unreserve_All_Interrupts, "__gl_unreserve_all_interrupts");
-+   -----------------------
-+   -- Local Subprograms --
-+   -----------------------
-+   procedure Signal_Trampoline
-+     (signo    : Signal;
-+      siginfo  : System.Address;
-+      ucontext : System.Address;
-+      handler  : System.Address);
-+   pragma Import (C, Signal_Trampoline, "__gnat_sigtramp");
-+   --  Pass the real handler to a speical function that handles unwinding by
-+   --  skipping over the kernel signal frame (which doesn't contain any unwind
-+   --  information).
-+   function State (Int : Interrupt_ID) return Character;
-+   pragma Import (C, State, "__gnat_get_interrupt_state");
-+   --  Get interrupt state. Defined in init.c The input argument is the
-+   --  interrupt number, and the result is one of the following:
-+   procedure Map_Signal
-+     (signo    : Signal;
-+      siginfo  : System.Address;
-+      ucontext : System.Address);
-+   --  This function identifies the Ada exception to be raised using the
-+   --  information when the system received a synchronous signal.
-+-- Map_Signal --
-+   procedure Map_Signal
-+     (signo    : Signal;
-+      siginfo  : System.Address;
-+      ucontext : System.Address)
-+   is
-+      pragma Unreferenced (siginfo);
-+      pragma Unreferenced (ucontext);
-+   begin
-+      --  Check that treatment of exception propagation here is consistent with
-+      --  treatment of the abort signal in System.Task_Primitives.Operations.
-+      case signo is
-+         when SIGFPE =>
-+            raise Constraint_Error;
-+         when SIGILL =>
-+            raise Program_Error;
-+         when SIGSEGV =>
-+            raise Storage_Error;
-+         when SIGBUS =>
-+            raise Storage_Error;
-+         when others =>
-+            null;
-+      end case;
-+   end Map_Signal;
-+-- Notify_Exception --
-+   User    : constant Character := 'u';
-+   Runtime : constant Character := 'r';
-+   Default : constant Character := 's';
-+   --    'n'   this interrupt not set by any Interrupt_State pragma
-+   --    'u'   Interrupt_State pragma set state to User
-+   --    'r'   Interrupt_State pragma set state to Runtime
-+   --    's'   Interrupt_State pragma set state to System (use "default"
-+   --           system handler)
-+   procedure Notify_Exception
-+     (signo    : Signal;
-+      siginfo  : System.Address;
-+      ucontext : System.Address);
-+   --  This function is the signal handler and calls a trampoline subprogram
-+   --  that adjusts the unwind information so the ARM unwinder can find it's
-+   --  way back to the context of the originating subprogram. Compare with
-+   --  __gnat_error_handler for non-tasking programs.
-+   ----------------------
-+   -- Notify_Exception --
-+   ----------------------
-+   Signal_Mask : aliased sigset_t;
-+   --  The set of signals handled by Notify_Exception
-+   procedure Notify_Exception
-+     (signo    : Signal;
-+      siginfo  : System.Address;
-+      ucontext : System.Address)
-+   is
-+      Result :;
-+   begin
-+      --  With the __builtin_longjmp, the signal mask is not restored, so we
-+      --  need to restore it explicitly.  ??? We don't use __builtin_longjmp
-+      --  anymore, so do we still need this?   */
-+      Result := pthread_sigmask (SIG_UNBLOCK, Signal_Mask'Access, null);
-+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
-+      --  Perform the necessary context adjustments prior to calling the
-+      --  trampoline subprogram with the "real" signal handler.
-+      Adjust_Context_For_Raise (signo, ucontext);
-+      Signal_Trampoline (signo, siginfo, ucontext, Map_Signal'Address);
-+   end Notify_Exception;
-+   ----------------
-+   -- Initialize --
-+   ----------------
-+   Initialized : Boolean := False;
-+   procedure Initialize is
-+      act     : aliased struct_sigaction;
-+      old_act : aliased struct_sigaction;
-+      Result  :;
-+      Use_Alternate_Stack : constant Boolean :=
-+                              System.Task_Primitives.Alternate_Stack_Size /= 0;
-+      --  Whether to use an alternate signal stack for stack overflows
-+   begin
-+      if Initialized then
-+         return;
-+      end if;
-+      Initialized := True;
-+      --  Need to call pthread_init very early because it is doing signal
-+      --  initializations.
-+      pthread_init;
-+      Abort_Task_Interrupt := SIGADAABORT;
-+      act.sa_handler := Notify_Exception'Address;
-+      --  Setting SA_SIGINFO asks the kernel to pass more than just the signal
-+      --  number argument to the handler when it is called. The set of extra
-+      --  parameters includes a pointer to the interrupted context, which the
-+      --  ZCX propagation scheme needs.
-+      --  Most man pages for sigaction mention that sa_sigaction should be set
-+      --  instead of sa_handler when SA_SIGINFO is on.  In practice, the two
-+      --  fields are actually union'ed and located at the same offset.
-+      --  On some targets, we set sa_flags to SA_NODEFER so that during the
-+      --  handler execution we do not change the Signal_Mask to be masked for
-+      --  the Signal.
-+      --  This is a temporary fix to the problem that the Signal_Mask is not
-+      --  restored after the exception (longjmp) from the handler. The right
-+      --  fix should be made in sigsetjmp so that we save the Signal_Set and
-+      --  restore it after a longjmp.
-+      --  We set SA_NODEFER to be compatible with what is done in
-+      --  __gnat_error_handler.
-+      Result := sigemptyset (Signal_Mask'Access);
-+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
-+      --  Add signals that map to Ada exceptions to the mask
-+      for J in Exception_Interrupts'Range loop
-+         if State (Exception_Interrupts (J)) /= Default  then
-+            Result :=
-+              sigaddset
-+                (Signal_Mask'Access, Signal (Exception_Interrupts (J)));
-+            pragma Assert (Result = 0);
-+         end if;
-+      end loop;
-+      act.sa_mask := Signal_Mask;
-+      pragma Assert (Keep_Unmasked = (Interrupt_ID'Range => False));
-+      pragma Assert (Reserve = (Interrupt_ID'Range => False));
-+      --  Process state of exception signals
-+      for J in Exception_Interrupts'Range loop
-+         if State (Exception_Interrupts (J)) /= User then
-+            Keep_Unmasked (Exception_Interrupts (J)) := True;
-+            Reserve (Exception_Interrupts (J)) := True;
-+            if State (Exception_Interrupts (J)) /= Default then
-+               act.sa_flags := SA_NODEFER + SA_RESTART + SA_SIGINFO;
-+               if Use_Alternate_Stack
-+                 and then Exception_Interrupts (J) = SIGSEGV
-+               then
-+                  act.sa_flags := act.sa_flags + SA_ONSTACK;
-+               end if;
-+               Result :=
-+                 sigaction
-+                   (Signal (Exception_Interrupts (J)), act'Unchecked_Access,
-+                    old_act'Unchecked_Access);
-+               pragma Assert (Result = 0);
-+            end if;
-+         end if;
-+      end loop;
-+      if State (Abort_Task_Interrupt) /= User then
-+         Keep_Unmasked (Abort_Task_Interrupt) := True;
-+         Reserve (Abort_Task_Interrupt) := True;
-+      end if;
-+      --  Set SIGINT to unmasked state as long as it is not in "User" state.
-+      --  Check for Unreserve_All_Interrupts last.
-+      if State (SIGINT) /= User then
-+         Keep_Unmasked (SIGINT) := True;
-+         Reserve (SIGINT) := True;
-+      end if;
-+      --  Check all signals for state that requires keeping them unmasked and
-+      --  reserved.
-+      for J in Interrupt_ID'Range loop
-+         if State (J) = Default or else State (J) = Runtime then
-+            Keep_Unmasked (J) := True;
-+            Reserve (J) := True;
-+         end if;
-+      end loop;
-+      --  Add the set of signals that must always be unmasked for this target
-+      for J in Unmasked'Range loop
-+         Keep_Unmasked (Interrupt_ID (Unmasked (J))) := True;
-+         Reserve (Interrupt_ID (Unmasked (J))) := True;
-+      end loop;
-+      --  Add target-specific reserved signals
-+      for J in Reserved'Range loop
-+         Reserve (Interrupt_ID (Reserved (J))) := True;
-+      end loop;
-+      --  Process pragma Unreserve_All_Interrupts. This overrides any settings
-+      --  due to pragma Interrupt_State:
-+      if Unreserve_All_Interrupts /= 0 then
-+         Keep_Unmasked (SIGINT) := False;
-+         Reserve (SIGINT) := False;
-+      end if;
-+      --  We do not really have Signal 0. We just use this value to identify
-+      --  non-existent signals (see Therefore, Signal should not
-+      --  be used in all signal related operations hence mark it as reserved.
-+      Reserve (0) := True;
-+   end Initialize;
-+end System.Interrupt_Management;
---- /dev/null
-+++ gcc/ada/
-@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
-+--                                                                          --
-+--                GNU ADA RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS               --
-+--                                                                          --
-+--                          S Y S T E M .  L I N U X                        --
-+--                                                                          --
-+--                                  S p e c                                 --
-+--                                                                          --
-+--            Copyright (C) 2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.            --
-+--                                                                          --
-+-- GNARL is free software; you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
-+-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
-+-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
-+-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
-+--                                                                          --
-+-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-+-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
-+-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
-+--                                                                          --
-+-- In particular,  you can freely  distribute your programs  built with the --
-+-- GNAT Pro compiler, including any required library run-time units,  using --
-+-- any licensing terms  of your choosing.  See the AdaCore Software License --
-+-- for full details.                                                        --
-+--                                                                          --
-+--                                                                          --
-+--  This is the Android version of this package
-+--  This package encapsulates cpu specific differences between implementations
-+--  of GNU/Linux, in order to share
-+--  PLEASE DO NOT add any with-clauses to this package or remove the pragma
-+--  Preelaborate. This package is designed to be a bottom-level (leaf) package
-+package System.Linux is
-+   pragma Preelaborate;
-+   ------------
-+   -- time_t --
-+   ------------
-+   type time_t is new Long_Integer;
-+   -----------
-+   -- Errno --
-+   -----------
-+   EAGAIN    : constant := 11;
-+   EINTR     : constant := 4;
-+   EINVAL    : constant := 22;
-+   ENOMEM    : constant := 12;
-+   EPERM     : constant := 1;
-+   ETIMEDOUT : constant := 110;
-+   -------------
-+   -- Signals --
-+   -------------
-+   SIGHUP     : constant := 1; --  hangup
-+   SIGINT     : constant := 2; --  interrupt (rubout)
-+   SIGQUIT    : constant := 3; --  quit (ASCD FS)
-+   SIGILL     : constant := 4; --  illegal instruction (not reset)
-+   SIGTRAP    : constant := 5; --  trace trap (not reset)
-+   SIGIOT     : constant := 6; --  IOT instruction
-+   SIGABRT    : constant := 6; --  used by abort, replace SIGIOT in the  future
-+   SIGFPE     : constant := 8; --  floating point exception
-+   SIGKILL    : constant := 9; --  kill (cannot be caught or ignored)
-+   SIGBUS     : constant := 7; --  bus error
-+   SIGSEGV    : constant := 11; --  segmentation violation
-+   SIGPIPE    : constant := 13; --  write on a pipe with no one to read it
-+   SIGALRM    : constant := 14; --  alarm clock
-+   SIGTERM    : constant := 15; --  software termination signal from kill
-+   SIGUSR1    : constant := 10; --  user defined signal 1
-+   SIGUSR2    : constant := 12; --  user defined signal 2
-+   SIGCLD     : constant := 17; --  alias for SIGCHLD
-+   SIGCHLD    : constant := 17; --  child status change
-+   SIGPWR     : constant := 30; --  power-fail restart
-+   SIGWINCH   : constant := 28; --  window size change
-+   SIGURG     : constant := 23; --  urgent condition on IO channel
-+   SIGPOLL    : constant := 29; --  pollable event occurred
-+   SIGIO      : constant := 29; --  I/O now possible (4.2 BSD)
-+   SIGLOST    : constant := 29; --  File lock lost
-+   SIGSTOP    : constant := 19; --  stop (cannot be caught or ignored)
-+   SIGTSTP    : constant := 20; --  user stop requested from tty
-+   SIGCONT    : constant := 18; --  stopped process has been continued
-+   SIGTTIN    : constant := 21; --  background tty read attempted
-+   SIGTTOU    : constant := 22; --  background tty write attempted
-+   SIGVTALRM  : constant := 26; --  virtual timer expired
-+   SIGPROF    : constant := 27; --  profiling timer expired
-+   SIGXCPU    : constant := 24; --  CPU time limit exceeded
-+   SIGXFSZ    : constant := 25; --  filesize limit exceeded
-+   SIGUNUSED  : constant := 31; --  unused signal (GNU/Linux)
-+   SIGSTKFLT  : constant := 16; --  coprocessor stack fault (Linux)
-+   SIGLTHRRES : constant := 32; --  GNU/LinuxThreads restart signal
-+   SIGLTHRCAN : constant := 33; --  GNU/LinuxThreads cancel signal
-+   SIGLTHRDBG : constant := 34; --  GNU/LinuxThreads debugger signal
-+   --  struct_sigaction offsets
-+   sa_handler_pos : constant := 0;
-+   sa_mask_pos    : constant := Standard'Address_Size / 8;
-+   sa_flags_pos   : constant := 4 + sa_mask_pos;
-+   SA_SIGINFO  : constant := 16#00000004#;
-+   SA_ONSTACK  : constant := 16#08000000#;
-+   SA_RESTART  : constant := 16#10000000#;
-+   SA_NODEFER  : constant := 16#40000000#;
-+end System.Linux;
---- gcc/ada/
-+++ gcc/ada/
-@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- --                                                                          --
- --                                  S p e c                                 --
- --                                                                          --
----          Copyright (C) 1995-2013, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
-+--          Copyright (C) 1995-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
- --                                                                          --
- -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
- -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
-@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
-    -- Signals --
-    -------------
--   Max_Interrupt : constant := 63;
-+   Max_Interrupt : constant := 31;
-    type Signal is new int range 0 .. Max_Interrupt;
-    for Signal'Size use int'Size;
-@@ -114,9 +114,6 @@
-    SIGXFSZ    : constant := System.Linux.SIGXFSZ;
-    SIGUNUSED  : constant := System.Linux.SIGUNUSED;
-    SIGSTKFLT  : constant := System.Linux.SIGSTKFLT;
--   SIGLTHRRES : constant := System.Linux.SIGLTHRRES;
--   SIGLTHRCAN : constant := System.Linux.SIGLTHRCAN;
--   SIGLTHRDBG : constant := System.Linux.SIGLTHRDBG;
-    SIGADAABORT : constant := SIGABRT;
-    --  Change this to use another signal for task abort. SIGTERM might be a
-@@ -138,13 +135,9 @@
-       SIGPROF,
-       --  To avoid confusing the profiler
-       --  These two signals actually can't be masked (POSIX won't allow it)
--      --  These three signals are used by GNU/LinuxThreads starting from glibc
--      --  2.1 (future 2.2).
-    Reserved : constant Signal_Set := (SIGVTALRM, SIGUNUSED);
-    --  Not clear why these two signals are reserved. Perhaps they are not
-    --  supported by this version of GNU/Linux ???
-@@ -187,6 +180,8 @@
-    SA_SIGINFO : constant := System.Linux.SA_SIGINFO;
-    SA_ONSTACK : constant := System.Linux.SA_ONSTACK;
-+   SA_NODEFER : constant := System.Linux.SA_NODEFER;
-+   SA_RESTART : constant := System.Linux.SA_RESTART;
-    SIG_BLOCK   : constant := 0;
-    SIG_UNBLOCK : constant := 1;
-@@ -580,17 +575,16 @@
- private
--   type sigset_t is
--   --  array (0 .. OS_Constants.SIZEOF_sigset - 1) of unsigned_char;
--       array (1 .. 127) of unsigned_char;
-+   type sigset_t is new Interfaces.C.unsigned_long;
-    pragma Convention (C, sigset_t);
-    for sigset_t'Alignment use Interfaces.C.unsigned_long'Alignment;
-    pragma Warnings (Off);
-    for struct_sigaction use record
-       sa_handler at Linux.sa_handler_pos range 0 .. Standard'Address_Size - 1;
--      sa_mask    at Linux.sa_mask_pos    range 0 .. 1023;
--      sa_flags   at Linux.sa_flags_pos   range 0 .. Standard'Address_Size - 1;
-+      sa_mask    at Linux.sa_mask_pos range 0 .. sigset_t'Size - 1;
-+      sa_flags   at Linux.sa_flags_pos
-+        range 0 .. Interfaces.C.unsigned_long'Size - 1;
-    end record;
-    --  We intentionally leave sa_restorer unspecified and let the compiler
-    --  append it after the last field, so disable corresponding warning.
---- /dev/null
 +++ gcc/ada/s-osinte-dragonfly.adb
 @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
@@ -7479,213 +6954,6 @@
 +   end Initialize;
 +end System.OS_Primitives;
---- /dev/null
-+++ gcc/ada/sigtramp-armdroid.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
-+ *                                                                          *
-+ *                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         *
-+ *                                                                          *
-+ *                             S I G T R A M P                              *
-+ *                                                                          *
-+ *                         Asm Implementation File                          *
-+ *                                                                          *
-+ *           Copyright (C) 2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.             *
-+ *                                                                          *
-+ * GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under *
-+ * terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- *
-+ * ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- *
-+ * sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- *
-+ * OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *
-+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     *
-+ *                                                                          *
-+ * As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted *
-+ * additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   *
-+ * version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               *
-+ *                                                                          *
-+ * In particular,  you can freely  distribute your programs  built with the *
-+ * GNAT Pro compiler, including any required library run-time units,  using *
-+ * any licensing terms  of your choosing.  See the AdaCore Software License *
-+ * for full details.                                                        *
-+ *                                                                          *
-+ * GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. *
-+ * Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      *
-+ *                                                                          *
-+ ****************************************************************************/
-+ * ARM-Android version of the __gnat_sigtramp service *
-+ ******************************************************/
-+#include "sigtramp.h"
-+/* See sigtramp.h for a general explanation of functionality.  */
-+/* ----------------------
-+   -- General comments --
-+   ----------------------
-+   Stubs are generated from toplevel asms,
-+   The general idea is to establish CFA as the sigcontext
-+   and state where to find the registers as offsets from there.
-+   We support stubs for VxWorks and Android, providing unwind info for
-+   common registers. We might need variants with support for floating
-+   point or altivec registers as well at some point.
-+   For Android it would be simpler to write this in Asm since there's only
-+   one variant, but to keep it looking like the VxWorks stubs,
-+   C is the choice for our toplevel interface.
-+   Note that the registers we "restore" here are those to which we have
-+   direct access through the system sigcontext structure, which includes
-+   only a partial set of the non-volatiles ABI-wise.  */
-+/* -----------------------------------------
-+   -- Protypes for our internal asm stubs --
-+   -----------------------------------------
-+   The registers are expected to be at SIGCONTEXT + 12 (reference the
-+   sicontext structure in asm/sigcontext.h which describes the first
-+   3 * 4byte fields.)  Even though our symbols will remain local, the
-+   prototype claims "extern" and not "static" to prevent compiler complaints
-+   about a symbol used but never defined.  */
-+/* sigtramp stub providing unwind info for common registers.  */
-+extern void __gnat_sigtramp_common
-+  (int signo, void *siginfo, void *sigcontext,
-+   __sigtramphandler_t * handler);
-+void __gnat_sigtramp (int signo, void *si, void *sc,
-+                      __sigtramphandler_t * handler)
-+     __attribute__((optimize(2)));
-+void __gnat_sigtramp (int signo, void *si, void *ucontext,
-+                      __sigtramphandler_t * handler)
-+  struct sigcontext *mcontext = &((ucontext_t *) ucontext)->uc_mcontext;
-+  __gnat_sigtramp_common (signo, si, mcontext, handler);
-+/* asm string construction helpers.  */
-+#define STR(TEXT) #TEXT
-+/* stringify expanded TEXT, surrounding it with double quotes.  */
-+#define S(E) STR(E)
-+/* stringify E, which will resolve as text but may contain macros
-+   still to be expanded.  */
-+/* asm (TEXT) outputs <tab>TEXT. These facilitate the output of
-+   multiline contents:  */
-+#define TAB(S) "\t" S
-+#define CR(S)  S "\n"
-+#undef TCR
-+#define TCR(S) TAB(CR(S))
-+/* Trampoline body block
-+   ---------------------  */
-+#define SIGTRAMP_BODY \
-+CR("") \
-+TCR("# Allocate frame and also save r2 which is the argument register") \
-+TCR("# containing the sigcontext, so that we can restore it during") \
-+TCR("# unwinding and thereby load the rest of the desired context.") \
-+TCR("stmfd	sp!, {r2, r3, lr}") \
-+TCR("# The unwinder undo's these operations in reverse order so starting") \
-+TCR("# from bottom, restore r2 from the current vsp location, move r2 into") \
-+TCR("# the vsp, add 12 bytes to get the start of the register save area") \
-+TCR("# then restore the 15 general purpose registers of the frame which") \
-+TCR("# raised the signal.") \
-+TCR(".save {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15}") \
-+TCR(".pad #12") \
-+TCR(".movsp r2") \
-+TCR(".save {r2}") \
-+TCR("# Call the real handler. The signo, siginfo and sigcontext") \
-+TCR("# arguments are the same as those we received in r0, r1 and r2.") \
-+TCR("blx	r3") \
-+TCR("# Restore our callee-saved items, release our frame and return") \
-+TCR("# (should never get here!).") \
-+TCR("ldmfd	sp, {r2, r3, pc}")
-+/* Symbol definition block
-+   -----------------------  */
-+CR("# " S(SYM) " unwind trampoline") \
-+TCR(".type " S(SYM) ", %function") \
-+CR("") \
-+CR(S(SYM) ":") \
-+/* Symbol termination block
-+   ------------------------  */
-+#define SIGTRAMP_END(SYM) \
-+CR(".fnend") \
-+TCR(".size " S(SYM) ", .-" S(SYM))
-+  -- And now, the real code --
-+  ---------------------------- */
-+/* Text section start.  The compiler isn't aware of that switch.  */
-+asm (".text\n"
-+     TCR(".align 2"));
-+/* sigtramp stub for common registers.  */
-+#define TRAMP_COMMON __gnat_sigtramp_common
---- gcc/ada/sigtramp.h.orig
-+++ gcc/ada/sigtramp.h
-@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-  *                                                                          *
-  *                              C Header File                               *
-  *                                                                          *
-- *          Copyright (C) 2011-2013, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         *
-+ *          Copyright (C) 2011-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         *
-  *                                                                          *
-  * GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under *
-  * terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- *
-@@ -41,10 +41,29 @@
- extern "C" {
- #endif
--  typedef void sighandler_t (int signo, void *siginfo, void *sigcontext);
-+#ifdef __ANDROID__
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <asm/signal.h>
-+#include <asm/sigcontext.h>
-+/* Android SDK doesn't define these structs */
-+typedef struct sigcontext mcontext_t;
-+typedef struct ucontext
-+  {
-+    unsigned long uc_flags;
-+    struct ucontext *uc_link;
-+    stack_t uc_stack;
-+    mcontext_t uc_mcontext;
-+} ucontext_t;
-+  /* This typedef signature sometimes conflicts with the sighandler_t from
-+     system headers so call it something unique.  */
-+  typedef void __sigtramphandler_t (int signo, void *siginfo, void *sigcontext);
-   void __gnat_sigtramp  (int signo, void *siginfo, void *sigcontext,
--			 sighandler_t * handler);
-+			 __sigtramphandler_t * handler);
-   /* To be called from an established signal handler.  Setup the DWARF CFI
-      bits letting unwinders walk through the signal frame up into the
 --- gcc/ada/socket.c.orig
 +++ gcc/ada/socket.c
 @@ -65,7 +65,10 @@
@@ -8883,42 +8151,31 @@
 --- gcc/ada/gcc-interface/
 +++ gcc/ada/gcc-interface/
-@@ -1044,25 +1044,24 @@
+@@ -1044,6 +1044,7 @@
  ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out arm% linux-androideabi,$(target_cpu) $(target_os))),)
 +  g-socthi.adb<g-socthi-bsd.adb \
    s-inmaop.adb<s-inmaop-posix.adb \
--  s-intman.adb<s-intman-posix.adb \
--< \
-+  s-intman.adb<s-intman-android.adb \
-+< \
-   s-osinte.adb<s-osinte-android.adb \
-< \
-   s-osprim.adb<s-osprim-posix.adb \
-   s-taprop.adb<s-taprop-posix.adb \
--< \
-+< \
-   s-tpopsp.adb<s-tpopsp-posix-foreign.adb \
+   s-intman.adb<s-intman-android.adb \
+< \
+@@ -1056,13 +1057,9 @@< \
+   a-exexpr.adb<a-exexpr-gcc.adb \
+< \
-+  a-exexpr.adb<a-exexpr-gcc.adb \
 -    mlib-tgt-specific.adb<mlib-tgt-specific-linux.adb \
 -    indepsw.adb<indepsw-gnu.adb
++  a-exexpr.adb<a-exexpr-gcc.adb \
-+  EXTRA_LIBGNAT_OBJS+=raise-gcc.o sigtramp-armdroid.o
-+  EXTRA_GNATRTL_NONTASKING_OBJS+=g-cppexc.o s-excmac.o
-   GNATLIB_SHARED = gnatlib-shared-dual
-@@ -1072,6 +1071,7 @@
+   EXTRA_LIBGNAT_OBJS+=raise-gcc.o sigtramp-armdroid.o
+   EXTRA_GNATRTL_NONTASKING_OBJS+=g-cppexc.o s-excmac.o
+@@ -1076,6 +1073,7 @@
  ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out sparc% sun solaris%,$(target_cpu) $(target_vendor) $(target_os))),)
@@ -8926,7 +8183,7 @@
    s-inmaop.adb<s-inmaop-posix.adb \
    s-intman.adb<s-intman-solaris.adb \
    s-mudido.adb<s-mudido-affinity.adb \
-@@ -1114,6 +1114,8 @@
+@@ -1118,6 +1116,8 @@
@@ -8935,7 +8192,7 @@
    THREADSLIB = -lposix4 -lthread
    MISCLIB = -lposix4 -lnsl -lsocket
    SO_OPTS = -Wl,-h,
-@@ -1325,12 +1327,17 @@
+@@ -1329,12 +1329,17 @@
  # x86 FreeBSD
  ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out %86 freebsd%,$(target_cpu) $(target_os))),)
@@ -8955,7 +8212,7 @@
    s-taprop.adb<s-taprop-posix.adb \< \
    s-tpopsp.adb<s-tpopsp-posix.adb \
-@@ -1338,11 +1345,12 @@
+@@ -1342,11 +1347,12 @@
    $(X86_TARGET_PAIRS) \<
@@ -8970,7 +8227,7 @@
    THREADSLIB= -lpthread
-@@ -1354,12 +1362,17 @@
+@@ -1358,12 +1364,17 @@
  # x86-64 FreeBSD
  ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out %86_64 freebsd%,$(target_cpu) $(target_os))),)
@@ -8990,7 +8247,7 @@
    s-taprop.adb<s-taprop-posix.adb \< \
    s-tpopsp.adb<s-tpopsp-posix.adb \
-@@ -1367,11 +1380,240 @@
+@@ -1371,11 +1382,240 @@
    $(X86_64_TARGET_PAIRS) \<
@@ -9233,14 +8490,6 @@
    THREADSLIB= -lpthread
-@@ -3063,6 +3305,7 @@
- socket.o  : socket.c gsocket.h
- sysdep.o  : sysdep.c
- raise.o   : raise.c raise.h
-+sigtramp-armdroid.o : sigtramp-armdroid.c sigtramp.h
- sigtramp-armvxw.o : sigtramp-armvxw.c sigtramp.h
- sigtramp-ppcvxw.o : sigtramp-ppcvxw.c sigtramp.h
- terminals.o : terminals.c
 --- gnattools/
 +++ gnattools/
 @@ -79,11 +79,27 @@

Modified: head/lang/gcc-aux/files/diff-ada-testsuite
--- head/lang/gcc-aux/files/diff-ada-testsuite	Fri Apr 18 10:24:07 2014	(r351528)
+++ head/lang/gcc-aux/files/diff-ada-testsuite	Fri Apr 18 10:36:22 2014	(r351529)
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@
 --- gcc/testsuite/gnat.dg/test_raise_from_pure.adb.orig
 +++ gcc/testsuite/gnat.dg/test_raise_from_pure.adb
 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
---- { dg-do run { xfail arm*-*-* } }
+--- { dg-do run }
 +-- { dg-do run { xfail *-*-openbsd* } }
  -- { dg-options "-O2" }

Modified: head/lang/gcc-aux/files/diff-core
--- head/lang/gcc-aux/files/diff-core	Fri Apr 18 10:24:07 2014	(r351528)
+++ head/lang/gcc-aux/files/diff-core	Fri Apr 18 10:36:22 2014	(r351529)
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
---- gcc/DEV-PHASE.orig
-+++ gcc/DEV-PHASE
-@@ -1 +1 @@
 --- /dev/null
 +++ gcc/config/dragonfly-stdint.h
 @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
@@ -328,23 +323,6 @@
 +#define INTPTR_TYPE       (LONG_TYPE_SIZE == 64 ? "long int" : "int")
 +#define UINTPTR_TYPE      (LONG_TYPE_SIZE == 64 ? "long unsigned int" : "unsigned int")
---- gcc/config/arm/arm.h.orig
-+++ gcc/config/arm/arm.h
-@@ -937,13 +937,13 @@
- /* ttype entries (the only interesting data references used)
-    use TARGET2 relocations.  */
- #define ASM_PREFERRED_EH_DATA_FORMAT(code, data) \
-   (((code) == 0 && (data) == 1 && ARM_UNWIND_INFO) ? ARM_TARGET2_DWARF_FORMAT \
- 			       : DW_EH_PE_absptr)
- /* The native (Norcroft) Pascal compiler for the ARM passes the static chain
-    as an invisible last argument (possible since varargs don't exist in
 --- /dev/null
 +++ gcc/config/i386/dragonfly.h
 @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
@@ -1431,7 +1409,7 @@
  insn-preds.c: s-preds; @true
  tm-preds.h: s-preds-h; @true
  tm-constrs.h: s-constrs-h; @true
-@@ -3210,6 +3221,9 @@
+@@ -3217,6 +3228,9 @@
  	  ( cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) && \
  	    $(LN) $(GCC_INSTALL_NAME)$(exeext) $(target_noncanonical)-gcc-$(version)$(exeext) ); \

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