svn commit: r327791 - in head/graphics/eos-movrec: . files

Boris Samorodov bsam at
Tue Sep 24 08:15:03 UTC 2013

23.09.2013 10:49, Alexey Dokuchaev пишет:
> On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 05:58:20AM +0000, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:

>> When I first ported this nice little program, it was simple GUI application
>> (hence USE_QT4=gui only).  Now with what looks like minor version update,
>> it pulls in the whole Qt framework with everything including qt3support and
>> webkit.
>> Can you elaborate what happened to an utility for capturing short movies
>> from a camera that it started to require webkit, designer, phonon, etc.?
>> Did the author go insane?  Broken prebuild checks?  Can this shit be made
>> optional at least?
> I've just checked on my tindy, it builds fine with my original USE_QT4
> value.

OK, it's my fault, I've committed not paying adequate attention at
additions to my patch. Return me my pointyhat and no cookies at Sunday.

Rusmir, can you test/approve/commit the following patch? I've just
tested it for building/packaging. The patch restores the staus-quo
for USE_QT4 and allows using the stage phase.

WBR, Boris Samorodov (bsam)
FreeBSD Committer, The Power To Serve
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