svn commit: r310063 - in head: . sysutils/cfengine
Glen Barber
gjb at
Tue Jan 8 04:33:11 UTC 2013
Author: gjb
Date: Tue Jan 8 04:33:08 2013
New Revision: 310063
Implement the concept of a "master" port for the set of
sysutils/cfengine* ports.
The idea here is two-fold:
1.) Users should not need to ever change port origins
for a default software version bump;
2.) Users should expect to exist an unversioned port
directory to reflect the latest major version (and
they should be correct in this expectation).
With this change, users can install the sysutils/cfengine
port, and by default track the latest major version of the
software. Subsequent version releases, for example the 3.5
branch, will not require any interaction from user side.
Additionally, users can stay on a certain branch release by
adding, in this case, CFENGINE_VERSION version to make.conf
or specifying the branch during build time with:
The list of available CFENGINE_VERSION values are listed
# make -V VERSIONS
Discussed with: cy
head/sysutils/cfengine/Makefile (contents, props changed)
Modified: head/UPDATING
--- head/UPDATING Tue Jan 8 03:12:23 2013 (r310062)
+++ head/UPDATING Tue Jan 8 04:33:08 2013 (r310063)
@@ -5,6 +5,28 @@ they are unavoidable.
You should get into the habit of checking this file for changes each time
you update your ports collection, before attempting any port upgrades.
+ AFFECTS: users of sysutils/cfengine*
+ AUTHOR: gjb at
+ sysutils/cfengine has been created as a master port for the set of
+ sysutils/cfengine* ports. Users interested in tracking the latest
+ stable branch of cfengine should update their port origins to use
+ the new port, for example:
+ # portmaster -o sysutils/cfengine sysutils/cfengine33
+ or
+ # portupgrade -fo sysutils/cfengine sysutils/cfengine33
+ or
+ # pkg set -o sysutils/cfengine33:sysutils/cfengine
+ Users that switch their port origin and later wish to remain on
+ a particular cfengine release can override the default version by
+ adding CFENGINE_VERSION to /etc/make.conf, where CFENGINE_VERSION
+ is a value from:
+ # make -V VERSIONS
AFFECTS: users of textproc/docproj*
AUTHOR: doceng at
Added: head/sysutils/cfengine/Makefile
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/sysutils/cfengine/Makefile Tue Jan 8 04:33:08 2013 (r310063)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+VERSIONS= 22 32 33 34 -devel
+.include "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile"
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