svn commit: r312141 - head/www/nginx

Sergey A. Osokin osa at
Wed Feb 13 04:33:54 UTC 2013

Author: osa
Date: Wed Feb 13 04:33:53 2013
New Revision: 312141

  Update from 1.2.6 to 1.2.7.
  *) Change: now if the "include" directive with mask is used on Unix
     systems, included files are sorted in alphabetical order.
  *) Change: the "add_header" directive adds headers to 201 responses.
  *) Feature: the "geo" directive now supports IPv6 addresses in CIDR
  *) Feature: the "flush" and "gzip" parameters of the "access_log"
  *) Feature: variables support in the "auth_basic" directive.
  *) Feature: the $pipe, $request_length, $time_iso8601, and $time_local
     variables can now be used not only in the "log_format" directive.
     Thanks to Kiril Kalchev.
  *) Feature: IPv6 support in the ngx_http_geoip_module.
     Thanks to Gregor Kaliе║nik.
  *) Bugfix: nginx could not be built with the ngx_http_perl_module in
     some cases.
  *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if the
     ngx_http_xslt_module was used.
  *) Bugfix: nginx could not be built on MacOSX in some cases.
     Thanks to Piotr Sikora.
  *) Bugfix: the "limit_rate" directive with high rates might result in
     truncated responses on 32-bit platforms.
     Thanks to Alexey Antropov.
  *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if the
     "if" directive was used.
     Thanks to Piotr Sikora.
  *) Bugfix: a "100 Continue" response was issued with "413 Request Entity
     Too Large" responses.
  *) Bugfix: the "image_filter", "image_filter_jpeg_quality" and
     "image_filter_sharpen" directives might be inherited incorrectly.
     Thanks to Ian Babrou.
  *) Bugfix: "crypt_r() failed" errors might appear if the "auth_basic"
     directive was used on Linux.
  *) Bugfix: in backup servers handling.
     Thanks to Thomas Chen.
  *) Bugfix: proxied HEAD requests might return incorrect response if the
     "gzip" directive was used.
  *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault occurred on start or during
     reconfiguration if the "keepalive" directive was specified more than
     once in a single upstream block.
  *) Bugfix: in the "proxy_method" directive.
  *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if
     resolver was used with the poll method.
  *) Bugfix: nginx might hog CPU during SSL handshake with a backend if
     the select, poll, or /dev/poll methods were used.
  *) Bugfix: the "[crit] SSL_write() failed (SSL:)" error.
  *) Bugfix: in the "fastcgi_keep_conn" directive.


Modified: head/www/nginx/Makefile
--- head/www/nginx/Makefile	Wed Feb 13 02:01:34 2013	(r312140)
+++ head/www/nginx/Makefile	Wed Feb 13 04:33:53 2013	(r312141)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # $FreeBSD$
 PORTNAME=	nginx
@@ -743,6 +743,7 @@ CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--add-module=${WRKDIR}/n
+IGNORE= incompatible with syslog_support patch
 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-syslog --with-syslog-facility=${NGINX_SYSLOG_SUPPORT_FACILITY}
 EXTRA_PATCHES+=	${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-syslog_support

Modified: head/www/nginx/distinfo
--- head/www/nginx/distinfo	Wed Feb 13 02:01:34 2013	(r312140)
+++ head/www/nginx/distinfo	Wed Feb 13 04:33:53 2013	(r312141)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-SHA256 (nginx-1.2.6.tar.gz) = 0510af71adac4b90484ac8caf3b8bd519a0f7126250c2799554d7a751a2db388
-SIZE (nginx-1.2.6.tar.gz) = 726025
+SHA256 (nginx-1.2.7.tar.gz) = 2457a878943fb409ec4fcb46b43af222d06a584f93228e17a4f02b0e7bfc9de3
+SIZE (nginx-1.2.7.tar.gz) = 730332
 SHA256 (giom-nginx_accept_language_module-02262ce.tar.gz) = 3191f4caa70d9a8942c4f10b6abaaa96af451991d4b5e1e3d7b991376b00bf0c
 SIZE (giom-nginx_accept_language_module-02262ce.tar.gz) = 3398
 SHA256 (nginx-accesskey-2.0.3.tar.gz) = d9e94321e78a02de16c57f3e048fd31059fd8116ed03d6de7180f435c52502b1
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ SHA256 (agentzh-chunkin-nginx-module-v0.
 SIZE (agentzh-chunkin-nginx-module-v0.22rc1-0-gb0a3ee3.tar.gz) = 32575
 SHA256 (chaoslawful-drizzle-nginx-module-v0.1.4-0-g59e12ad.tar.gz) = c9b476acce35bdf904b2276cf6a365f68d66994824d5df874615629a46809d1a
 SIZE (chaoslawful-drizzle-nginx-module-v0.1.4-0-g59e12ad.tar.gz) = 61064
+SHA256 (simpl-ngx_devel_kit-v0.2.18-0-g48bc5dd.tar.gz) = bfd737ee5608c1ec2e59409c47cb29e390aeb882b8c0bf00d7322e74585cebae
+SIZE (simpl-ngx_devel_kit-v0.2.18-0-g48bc5dd.tar.gz) = 64972
 SHA256 (agentzh-encrypted-session-nginx-module-v0.02-0-gc752861.tar.gz) = 9689fbef49b6c3b4c4fc67b21fe1aa60880a374af988e93b36b8cf5335109cd9
 SIZE (agentzh-encrypted-session-nginx-module-v0.02-0-gc752861.tar.gz) = 8763
 SHA256 (mdirolf-nginx-gridfs-v0.8-0-gb5f8113.tar.gz) = f55617873c9b123d610d59e4da52703c07be0bae5c719ef0cc3d45a53480d29c
@@ -102,8 +104,6 @@ SHA256 (gabor-nginx-x-rid-header-0daa3cc
 SIZE (gabor-nginx-x-rid-header-0daa3cc.tar.gz) = 2714
 SHA256 (agentzh-xss-nginx-module-v0.03rc9-0-gbeddbe1.tar.gz) = 444d7e319bb2af4c7892815407f53e4ffe21183f3e6711eafe86ed7523a3531b
 SIZE (agentzh-xss-nginx-module-v0.03rc9-0-gbeddbe1.tar.gz) = 9891
-SHA256 (simpl-ngx_devel_kit-v0.2.18-0-g48bc5dd.tar.gz) = bfd737ee5608c1ec2e59409c47cb29e390aeb882b8c0bf00d7322e74585cebae
-SIZE (simpl-ngx_devel_kit-v0.2.18-0-g48bc5dd.tar.gz) = 64972
 SHA256 (agentzh-array-var-nginx-module-v0.03rc1-0-gfed751a.tar.gz) = 345e60d7a479409b7a7aba933a042629d59fd4fbfaed1d0f7fe43cc688e48ced
 SIZE (agentzh-array-var-nginx-module-v0.03rc1-0-gfed751a.tar.gz) = 9500
 SHA256 (calio-form-input-nginx-module-v0.07rc5-0-gd41681d.tar.gz) = 831bb3fa339206130b6395aa2cb4dfe4cdf9222e2a7da9de8d3de4a1a4620abc

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