svn commit: r325434 - in head: lang/php53/files security/php53-openssl

Renato Botelho garga at
Tue Aug 27 10:33:46 UTC 2013

Author: garga
Date: Tue Aug 27 10:33:45 2013
New Revision: 325434

  - Add a patch to fix CVE-2013-4073
  - Bump php53-openssl PORTREVISION
  PR:		ports/181546
  Submitted by:	garga@
  Approved by:	flo@ (maintainer)
  Obtained from:;a=blobdiff;f=ext/openssl/openssl.c;h=c32748cb6443a4d8e4bb14fe96ad72e32ec8acff;hp=d7ac117e51c8f5d8ab0632c276af48d610b4b19e;hb=2874696a5a8d46639d261571f915c493cd875897;hpb=f4dc2240a048050a87a6e3e31573f13a2256cf2e
  Security:	CVE-2013-4073

  head/lang/php53/files/patch-ext_openssl_openssl.c   (contents, props changed)
  head/security/php53-openssl/Makefile   (contents, props changed)

Added: head/lang/php53/files/patch-ext_openssl_openssl.c
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/lang/php53/files/patch-ext_openssl_openssl.c	Tue Aug 27 10:33:45 2013	(r325434)
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+diff --git a/ext/openssl/openssl.c b/ext/openssl/openssl.c
+index d7ac117..c32748c 100644
+--- ext/openssl/openssl.c
++++ ext/openssl/openssl.c
+@@ -1398,6 +1398,74 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(openssl_x509_check_private_key)
+ }
+ /* }}} */
++/* Special handling of subjectAltName, see CVE-2013-4073
++ * Christian Heimes
++ */
++static int openssl_x509v3_subjectAltName(BIO *bio, X509_EXTENSION *extension)
++	GENERAL_NAMES *names;
++	const X509V3_EXT_METHOD *method = NULL;
++	long i, length, num;
++	const unsigned char *p;
++	method = X509V3_EXT_get(extension);
++	if (method == NULL) {
++		return -1;
++	}
++	p = extension->value->data;
++	length = extension->value->length;
++	if (method->it) {
++		names = (GENERAL_NAMES*)(ASN1_item_d2i(NULL, &p, length,
++						       ASN1_ITEM_ptr(method->it)));
++	} else {
++		names = (GENERAL_NAMES*)(method->d2i(NULL, &p, length));
++	}
++	if (names == NULL) {
++		return -1;
++	}
++	num = sk_GENERAL_NAME_num(names);
++	for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
++			GENERAL_NAME *name;
++			ASN1_STRING *as;
++			name = sk_GENERAL_NAME_value(names, i);
++			switch (name->type) {
++				case GEN_EMAIL:
++					BIO_puts(bio, "email:");
++					as = name->d.rfc822Name;
++					BIO_write(bio, ASN1_STRING_data(as),
++						  ASN1_STRING_length(as));
++					break;
++				case GEN_DNS:
++					BIO_puts(bio, "DNS:");
++					as = name->d.dNSName;
++					BIO_write(bio, ASN1_STRING_data(as),
++						  ASN1_STRING_length(as));
++					break;
++				case GEN_URI:
++					BIO_puts(bio, "URI:");
++					as = name->d.uniformResourceIdentifier;
++					BIO_write(bio, ASN1_STRING_data(as),
++						  ASN1_STRING_length(as));
++					break;
++				default:
++					/* use builtin print for GEN_OTHERNAME, GEN_X400,
++					 */
++					GENERAL_NAME_print(bio, name);
++			}
++			/* trailing ', ' except for last element */
++			if (i < (num - 1)) {
++				BIO_puts(bio, ", ");
++			}
++	}
++	sk_GENERAL_NAME_pop_free(names, GENERAL_NAME_free);
++	return 0;
+ /* {{{ proto array openssl_x509_parse(mixed x509 [, bool shortnames=true])
+    Returns an array of the fields/values of the CERT */
+ PHP_FUNCTION(openssl_x509_parse)
+@@ -1494,15 +1562,29 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(openssl_x509_parse)
+ 	for (i = 0; i < X509_get_ext_count(cert); i++) {
++		int nid;
+ 		extension = X509_get_ext(cert, i);
+-		if (OBJ_obj2nid(X509_EXTENSION_get_object(extension)) != NID_undef) {
++		nid = OBJ_obj2nid(X509_EXTENSION_get_object(extension));
++		if (nid != NID_undef) {
+ 			extname = (char *)OBJ_nid2sn(OBJ_obj2nid(X509_EXTENSION_get_object(extension)));
+ 		} else {
+ 			OBJ_obj2txt(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, X509_EXTENSION_get_object(extension), 1);
+ 			extname = buf;
+ 		}
+ 		bio_out = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
+-		if (X509V3_EXT_print(bio_out, extension, 0, 0)) {
++		if (nid == NID_subject_alt_name) {
++			if (openssl_x509v3_subjectAltName(bio_out, extension) == 0) {
++				add_assoc_stringl(subitem, extname, bio_buf->data, bio_buf->length, 1);
++			} else {
++				zval_dtor(return_value);
++				if (certresource == -1 && cert) {
++					X509_free(cert);
++				}
++				BIO_free(bio_out);
++			}
++		}
++		else if (X509V3_EXT_print(bio_out, extension, 0, 0)) {
+ 			BIO_get_mem_ptr(bio_out, &bio_buf);
+ 			add_assoc_stringl(subitem, extname, bio_buf->data, bio_buf->length, 1);
+ 		} else {

Modified: head/security/php53-openssl/Makefile
--- head/security/php53-openssl/Makefile	Tue Aug 27 09:08:47 2013	(r325433)
+++ head/security/php53-openssl/Makefile	Tue Aug 27 10:33:45 2013	(r325434)
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 # $FreeBSD$
 CATEGORIES=	security
 MASTERDIR=	${.CURDIR}/../../lang/php53

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