svn commit: r301497 - in head: databases/rubygem-dm-migrations deskutils/libgcal deskutils/p5-ZConf- [...] [ID#2012072509000198]

Alexey Dokuchaev danfe at
Wed Jul 25 05:59:02 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 06:48:30AM +0200, Carlo Strub wrote:
> Thanks for the kind words and hints. When I started searching for typos, I
> thought there will be just a few. I am really shocked how many, sometimes
> stupid, errors there are just in COMMENT -- not to mention pkg-descr...

Nothing to be shocked about.  Lowering quality of commits had been pointed
out by number of people in the past few years.  Unfortunately, hardly any
calls for changing something about this situation were constructively
accepted.  It took portmgr@ several years just to formally acknowledge there
is a problem.  At least one committer who tended to speak up loudly on this
matter was repeatedly shut up and eventually had left the project.

On the bright side, it seems we're getting better now...

> And yes, Doug, please do add your comments to TPH. Regarding your comments
> Alexey, I try to fix them and more grammatical errors (I was aware of them).
> But, so far I am happy if I can fix the simple typos in our many ports :-)

Cool.  Sure, no worries, I perfectly understand that this is a moving
target.  One can never finish fixing all spelling nits, only stop.  :-)


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