svn commit: r471333 - in branches/2018Q2/www/waterfox: . files
Jan Beich
jbeich at
Sat Jun 2 00:36:00 UTC 2018
Author: jbeich
Date: Sat Jun 2 00:35:58 2018
New Revision: 471333
MFH: r471332
www/waterfox: apply some FF61 fixes
Approved by: ports-secteam
- copied unchanged from r471332, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1452375
- copied unchanged from r471332, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1458264
- copied unchanged from r471332, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1464829
- copied unchanged from r471332, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1464872
Directory Properties:
branches/2018Q2/ (props changed)
Modified: branches/2018Q2/www/waterfox/Makefile
--- branches/2018Q2/www/waterfox/Makefile Sat Jun 2 00:33:44 2018 (r471332)
+++ branches/2018Q2/www/waterfox/Makefile Sat Jun 2 00:35:58 2018 (r471333)
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
PORTNAME= waterfox
DISTVERSION= 56.2.0-31
DISTVERSIONSUFFIX= -gf435a827f82ac
CATEGORIES= www ipv6
MAINTAINER= jbeich at
Copied: branches/2018Q2/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1452375 (from r471332, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1452375)
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/2018Q2/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1452375 Sat Jun 2 00:35:58 2018 (r471333, copy of r471332, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1452375)
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+commit 73284efb9ac4
+Author: Jeff Muizelaar <jmuizelaar at>
+Date: Thu May 31 21:19:18 2018 -0400
+ Bug 1452375 - ssse3-scaler: handle init failure. r=sotaro, a=abillings
+ --HG--
+ extra : amend_source : b9070901c9a52e7790db4e81ba093b08511bab6a
+ gfx/2d/ssse3-scaler.c | 8 +++++++-
+ gfx/2d/ssse3-scaler.h | 4 +++-
+ gfx/layers/basic/BasicCompositor.cpp | 14 +++++++-------
+ 3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
+diff --git gfx/2d/ssse3-scaler.c gfx/2d/ssse3-scaler.c
+index 345844b841dc5..0a571e064dc31 100644
+--- gfx/2d/ssse3-scaler.c
++++ gfx/2d/ssse3-scaler.c
+@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
+ #include <tmmintrin.h>
+ #include <stdint.h>
+ #include <assert.h>
++#include "ssse3-scaler.h"
+ typedef int32_t pixman_fixed_16_16_t;
+ typedef pixman_fixed_16_16_t pixman_fixed_t;
+@@ -505,7 +506,7 @@ fail:
+ /* scale the src from src_width/height to dest_width/height drawn
+ * into the rectangle x,y width,height
+ * src_stride and dst_stride are 4 byte units */
+-void ssse3_scale_data(uint32_t *src, int src_width, int src_height, int src_stride,
++bool ssse3_scale_data(uint32_t *src, int src_width, int src_height, int src_stride,
+ uint32_t *dest, int dest_width, int dest_height,
+ int dest_stride,
+ int x, int y,
+@@ -551,6 +552,10 @@ void ssse3_scale_data(uint32_t *src, int src_width, int src_height, int src_stri
+ = NULL;
+ ssse3_bilinear_cover_iter_init(&iter);
++ if (!iter.fini)
++ return false;
+ if ( {
+ for (int iy = 0; iy < height; iy++) {
+ ssse3_fetch_bilinear_cover(&iter, NULL);
+@@ -558,4 +563,5 @@ void ssse3_scale_data(uint32_t *src, int src_width, int src_height, int src_stri
+ }
+ ssse3_bilinear_cover_iter_fini(&iter);
+ }
++ return true;
+ }
+diff --git gfx/2d/ssse3-scaler.h gfx/2d/ssse3-scaler.h
+index b3b53ed643689..ea8d8a066303a 100644
+--- gfx/2d/ssse3-scaler.h
++++ gfx/2d/ssse3-scaler.h
+@@ -6,10 +6,12 @@
++#include <stdbool.h>
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+-void ssse3_scale_data(uint32_t *src, int src_width, int src_height,
++bool ssse3_scale_data(uint32_t *src, int src_width, int src_height,
+ int src_stride,
+ uint32_t *dest, int dest_width, int dest_height,
+ int dest_rowstride,
+diff --git gfx/layers/basic/BasicCompositor.cpp gfx/layers/basic/BasicCompositor.cpp
+index 1ff27f7957301..634d9e3407f7b 100644
+--- gfx/layers/basic/BasicCompositor.cpp
++++ gfx/layers/basic/BasicCompositor.cpp
+@@ -470,15 +470,15 @@ AttemptVideoScale(TextureSourceBasic* aSource, const SourceSurface* aSourceMask,
+ RefPtr<DataSourceSurface> srcSource = aSource->GetSurface(aDest)->GetDataSurface();
+ DataSourceSurface::ScopedMap mapSrc(srcSource, DataSourceSurface::READ);
+- ssse3_scale_data((uint32_t*)mapSrc.GetData(), srcSource->GetSize().width, srcSource->GetSize().height,
+- mapSrc.GetStride()/4,
+- ((uint32_t*)dstData) + fillRect.x + (dstStride / 4) * fillRect.y, dstRect.width, dstRect.height,
+- dstStride / 4,
+- offset.x, offset.y,
+- fillRect.width, fillRect.height);
++ bool success = ssse3_scale_data((uint32_t*)mapSrc.GetData(), srcSource->GetSize().width, srcSource->GetSize().height,
++ mapSrc.GetStride()/4,
++ ((uint32_t*)dstData) + fillRect.x + (dstStride / 4) * fillRect.y, dstRect.width, dstRect.height,
++ dstStride / 4,
++ offset.x, offset.y,
++ fillRect.width, fillRect.height);
+ aDest->ReleaseBits(dstData);
+- return true;
++ return success;
+ } else
+ return false;
+commit 083548141193 (origin/esr52)
+Author: Jeff Muizelaar <jmuizelaar at>
+Date: Thu May 31 21:20:05 2018 -0400
+ Bug 1452375 - ssse3-scaler: make sure iter->x/y is representable. r=sotaro, a=abillings
+ gfx/2d/ssse3-scaler.c | 8 ++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
+diff --git gfx/2d/ssse3-scaler.c gfx/2d/ssse3-scaler.c
+index 0a571e064dc31..745f58f6f8f43 100644
+--- gfx/2d/ssse3-scaler.c
++++ gfx/2d/ssse3-scaler.c
+@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ typedef pixman_fixed_16_16_t pixman_fixed_t;
+ #define pixman_fixed_to_int(f) ((int) ((f) >> 16))
+ #define pixman_int_to_fixed(i) ((pixman_fixed_t) ((i) << 16))
+ #define pixman_double_to_fixed(d) ((pixman_fixed_t) ((d) * 65536.0))
++#define PIXMAN_FIXED_INT_MAX 32767
++#define PIXMAN_FIXED_INT_MIN -32768
+ typedef struct pixman_vector pixman_vector_t;
+ typedef int pixman_bool_t;
+@@ -464,6 +466,12 @@ ssse3_bilinear_cover_iter_init (pixman_iter_t *iter)
+ bilinear_info_t *info;
+ pixman_vector_t v;
++ if (iter->x > PIXMAN_FIXED_INT_MAX ||
++ iter->x < PIXMAN_FIXED_INT_MIN ||
++ iter->y > PIXMAN_FIXED_INT_MAX ||
++ iter->y < PIXMAN_FIXED_INT_MIN)
++ goto fail;
+ /* Reference point is the center of the pixel */
+ v.vector[0] = pixman_int_to_fixed (iter->x) + pixman_fixed_1 / 2;
+ v.vector[1] = pixman_int_to_fixed (iter->y) + pixman_fixed_1 / 2;
Copied: branches/2018Q2/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1458264 (from r471332, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1458264)
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/2018Q2/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1458264 Sat Jun 2 00:35:58 2018 (r471333, copy of r471332, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1458264)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+commit 6b3071113783
+Author: jgilbert at <jdashg at>
+Date: Thu May 24 15:45:25 2018 -0700
+ Bug 1458264 - Reset UNPACK_SKIP vars when uploading zeros. r=kvark, a=RyanVM
+ MozReview-Commit-ID: ILB6MqgnrXX
+ --HG--
+ extra : rebase_source : 645475fd6b978b00b0b61eef42df2a771563968c
+ extra : source : c2f90b73e27aa5402636aee5f03891298502c416
+ dom/canvas/WebGLContextDraw.cpp | 21 +++++++++++++++------
+ 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git dom/canvas/WebGLContextDraw.cpp dom/canvas/WebGLContextDraw.cpp
+index a28d93325692b..3f179477b3bcd 100644
+--- dom/canvas/WebGLContextDraw.cpp
++++ dom/canvas/WebGLContextDraw.cpp
+@@ -205,7 +205,21 @@ WebGLContext::BindFakeBlack(uint32_t texUnit, TexTarget target, FakeBlackType fa
+ UniquePtr<FakeBlackTexture>& fakeBlackTex = *slot;
+ if (!fakeBlackTex) {
++ gl->fPixelStorei(LOCAL_GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
++ if (IsWebGL2()) {
++ gl->fPixelStorei(LOCAL_GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0);
++ gl->fPixelStorei(LOCAL_GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0);
++ gl->fPixelStorei(LOCAL_GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES, 0);
++ }
+ fakeBlackTex = FakeBlackTexture::Create(gl, target, fakeBlack);
++ gl->fPixelStorei(LOCAL_GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, mPixelStore_UnpackAlignment);
++ if (IsWebGL2()) {
++ gl->fPixelStorei(LOCAL_GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, mPixelStore_UnpackSkipPixels);
++ gl->fPixelStorei(LOCAL_GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, mPixelStore_UnpackSkipRows);
++ gl->fPixelStorei(LOCAL_GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES, mPixelStore_UnpackSkipImages);
++ }
+ if (!fakeBlackTex) {
+ return false;
+ }
+@@ -995,13 +1009,8 @@ WebGLContext::FakeBlackTexture::Create(gl::GLContext* gl, TexTarget target,
+ gl->fTexParameteri(target.get(), LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, LOCAL_GL_NEAREST);
+ gl->fTexParameteri(target.get(), LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, LOCAL_GL_NEAREST);
+- // We allocate our zeros on the heap, and we overallocate (16 bytes instead of 4) to
+- // minimize the risk of running into a driver bug in texImage2D, as it is a bit
+- // unusual maybe to create 1x1 textures, and the stack may not have the alignment that
+- // TexImage2D expects.
+ const webgl::DriverUnpackInfo dui = {texFormat, texFormat, LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE};
+- UniqueBuffer zeros = moz_xcalloc(1, 16); // Infallible allocation.
++ UniqueBuffer zeros = moz_xcalloc(1, 4); // Infallible allocation.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(gl->IsCurrent());
Copied: branches/2018Q2/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1464829 (from r471332, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1464829)
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/2018Q2/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1464829 Sat Jun 2 00:35:58 2018 (r471333, copy of r471332, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1464829)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+commit 325496dfe42a
+Author: Nicolas B. Pierron <nicolas.b.pierron at>
+Date: Thu May 31 14:22:14 2018 +0200
+ Bug 1464829 - Ensure the recover instruction vector has the expected size. r=jandem, a=jcristau
+ --HG--
+ extra : source : 931f3ee17589096df1e87223362051c0aec26931
+ extra : intermediate-source : eab56078999a914abc3cf9ac16ca2ca7c06548d8
+ js/src/jit/JitFrameIterator.h | 2 --
+ js/src/jit/JitFrames.cpp | 4 +---
+ 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git js/src/jit/JitFrameIterator.h js/src/jit/JitFrameIterator.h
+index ba5efef6a5438..3620badbda07e 100644
+--- js/src/jit/JitFrameIterator.h
++++ js/src/jit/JitFrameIterator.h
+@@ -322,9 +322,7 @@ class RInstructionResults
+ MOZ_MUST_USE bool init(JSContext* cx, uint32_t numResults);
+ bool isInitialized() const;
+-#ifdef DEBUG
+ size_t length() const;
+ JitFrameLayout* frame() const;
+diff --git js/src/jit/JitFrames.cpp js/src/jit/JitFrames.cpp
+index 646442b4c0358..dbb080e3d08d7 100644
+--- js/src/jit/JitFrames.cpp
++++ js/src/jit/JitFrames.cpp
+@@ -1621,13 +1621,11 @@ RInstructionResults::isInitialized() const
+ return initialized_;
+ }
+-#ifdef DEBUG
+ size_t
+ RInstructionResults::length() const
+ {
+ return results_->length();
+ }
+ JitFrameLayout*
+ RInstructionResults::frame() const
+@@ -2083,7 +2081,7 @@ SnapshotIterator::initInstructionResults(MaybeReadFallback& fallback)
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(results->isInitialized());
+- MOZ_ASSERT(results->length() == recover_.numInstructions() - 1);
++ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(results->length() == recover_.numInstructions() - 1);
+ instructionResults_ = results;
+ return true;
+ }
Copied: branches/2018Q2/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1464872 (from r471332, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1464872)
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/2018Q2/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1464872 Sat Jun 2 00:35:58 2018 (r471333, copy of r471332, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1464872)
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+commit c5d9b6fb8b07
+Author: Jon Coppeard <jcoppeard at>
+Date: Thu May 31 09:27:29 2018 +0100
+ Bug 1464872 - Add forward zone edge for debugger object when calculating sweep groups. r=sfink, a=RyanVM
+ --HG--
+ extra : rebase_source : 4bef781c44aec09e4e8cd13b4131f26548a9f5dc
+ extra : source : 2d1e3d80489de3ac0ab0fef04f20cee5b117cbac
+ js/src/jit-test/tests/gc/bug-1464872.js | 14 ++++++++++
+ js/src/vm/Debugger.cpp | 47 +++++++++++++++++++++------------
+ 2 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
+diff --git js/src/jit-test/tests/gc/bug-1464872.js js/src/jit-test/tests/gc/bug-1464872.js
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000..433e4a1314ce5
+--- /dev/null
++++ js/src/jit-test/tests/gc/bug-1464872.js
+@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
++var g = newGlobal();
++var dbg = Debugger(g);
++dbg.onEnterFrame = function(frame) {};
++var g2 = newGlobal();
++g2[g] = g;
++g2 = undefined;
++g = undefined;
++dbg = undefined;
+diff --git js/src/vm/Debugger.cpp js/src/vm/Debugger.cpp
+index 09b82b9a60d48..26afc6e84f4b4 100644
+--- js/src/vm/Debugger.cpp
++++ js/src/vm/Debugger.cpp
+@@ -3282,26 +3282,39 @@ Debugger::detachAllDebuggersFromGlobal(FreeOp* fop, GlobalObject* global)
+ /* static */ void
+ Debugger::findZoneEdges(Zone* zone, js::gc::ZoneComponentFinder& finder)
+ {
+- /*
+- * For debugger cross compartment wrappers, add edges in the opposite
+- * direction to those already added by JSCompartment::findOutgoingEdges.
+- * This ensure that debuggers and their debuggees are finalized in the same
+- * group.
+- */
+ for (ZoneGroupsIter group(zone->runtimeFromActiveCooperatingThread()); !group.done(); {
+ for (Debugger* dbg : group->debuggerList()) {
+- Zone* w = dbg->object->zone();
+- if (w == zone || !w->isGCMarking())
+- continue;
+- if (dbg->debuggeeZones.has(zone) ||
+- dbg->scripts.hasKeyInZone(zone) ||
+- dbg->sources.hasKeyInZone(zone) ||
+- dbg->objects.hasKeyInZone(zone) ||
+- dbg->environments.hasKeyInZone(zone) ||
+- dbg->wasmInstanceScripts.hasKeyInZone(zone) ||
+- dbg->wasmInstanceSources.hasKeyInZone(zone))
+- {
+- finder.addEdgeTo(w);
++ Zone* debuggerZone = dbg->object->zone();
++ if (!debuggerZone->isGCMarking())
++ continue;
++ if (debuggerZone == zone) {
++ /*
++ * Add edges to debuggee zones. These are weak references that are
++ * not in the cross compartment wrapper map.
++ */
++ for (auto e = dbg->debuggeeZones.all(); !e.empty(); e.popFront()) {
++ Zone* debuggeeZone = e.front();
++ if (debuggeeZone->isGCMarking())
++ finder.addEdgeTo(debuggeeZone);
++ }
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * For debugger cross compartment wrappers, add edges in the
++ * opposite direction to those already added by
++ * JSCompartment::findOutgoingEdges and above. This ensure that
++ * debuggers and their debuggees are finalized in the same group.
++ */
++ if (dbg->debuggeeZones.has(zone) ||
++ dbg->scripts.hasKeyInZone(zone) ||
++ dbg->sources.hasKeyInZone(zone) ||
++ dbg->objects.hasKeyInZone(zone) ||
++ dbg->environments.hasKeyInZone(zone) ||
++ dbg->wasmInstanceScripts.hasKeyInZone(zone) ||
++ dbg->wasmInstanceSources.hasKeyInZone(zone))
++ {
++ finder.addEdgeTo(debuggerZone);
++ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
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