svn commit: r562442 - head/security/krb5-devel

Cy Schubert cy at
Sun Jan 24 03:36:51 UTC 2021

Author: cy
Date: Sun Jan 24 03:36:48 2021
New Revision: 562442

  Update to the latest MIT KRB5 commit on github.
  This commit captures KRB5-1.19-beta2. The beta2 announcement on
  krbdev is as follows:
  MIT krb5-1.19-beta2 is now available for download from
  The main MIT Kerberos web page is
  Please send comments to the krbdev list.  We plan for the final
  release to occur in about one month.  The README file contains a more
  extensive list of changes.
  Major changes in 1.19
  Administrator experience:
  * When a client keytab is present, the GSSAPI krb5 mech will refresh
    credentials even if the current credentials were acquired manually.
  * It is now harder to accidentally delete the K/M entry from a KDB.
  Developer experience:
  * gss_acquire_cred_from() now supports the "password" and "verify"
    options, allowing credentials to be acquired via password and
    verified using a keytab key.
  * When an application accepts a GSS security context, the new
    GSS_C_CHANNEL_BOUND_FLAG will be set if the initiator and acceptor
    both provided matching channel bindings.
  * Added the GSS_KRB5_NT_X509_CERT name type, allowing S4U2Self
    requests to identify the desired client principal by certificate.
  * PKINIT certauth modules can now cause the hw-authent flag to be set
    in issued tickets.
  * The krb5_init_creds_step() API will now issue the same password
    expiration warnings as krb5_get_init_creds_password().
  Protocol evolution:
  * Added client and KDC support for Microsoft's Resource-Based
    Constrained Delegation, which allows cross-realm S4U2Proxy requests.
    A third-party database module is required for KDC support.
  * kadmin/admin is now the preferred server principal name for kadmin
    connections, and the host-based form is no longer created by
    default.  The client will still try the host-based form as a
  * Added client and server support for Microsoft's KERB_AP_OPTIONS_CBT
    extension, which causes channel bindings to be required for the
    initiator if the acceptor provided them.  The client will send this
    option if the client_aware_gss_bindings profile option is set.
  User experience:
  * kinit will now issue a warning if the des3-cbc-sha1 encryption type
    is used in the reply.  This encryption type will be deprecated and
    removed in future releases.
  * Added kvno flags --out-cache, --no-store, and --cached-only
    (inspired by Heimdal's kgetcred).

  head/security/krb5-devel/Makefile   (contents, props changed)
  head/security/krb5-devel/distinfo   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/security/krb5-devel/Makefile
--- head/security/krb5-devel/Makefile	Sun Jan 24 03:36:44 2021	(r562441)
+++ head/security/krb5-devel/Makefile	Sun Jan 24 03:36:48 2021	(r562442)
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ CATEGORIES=		security
 .if !defined(MASTERDIR)
-HASH=			722b77ba3
-MIT_COMMIT_DATE=	2020.12.15
+HASH=			5f5e29c5f
+MIT_COMMIT_DATE=	2021.01.11

Modified: head/security/krb5-devel/distinfo
--- head/security/krb5-devel/distinfo	Sun Jan 24 03:36:44 2021	(r562441)
+++ head/security/krb5-devel/distinfo	Sun Jan 24 03:36:48 2021	(r562442)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1609787279
-SHA256 (krb5-krb5-1.19.2020.12.15-722b77ba3_GH0.tar.gz) = c0cf5e05ba0987ddd09fc440ce401d5d341cf30f7aca91c90bae0b3ada75e52e
-SIZE (krb5-krb5-1.19.2020.12.15-722b77ba3_GH0.tar.gz) = 5167963
+TIMESTAMP = 1611458945
+SHA256 (krb5-krb5-1.19.2021.01.11-5f5e29c5f_GH0.tar.gz) = 969e3fb2fc7ecc3eb3ff9bf80475571d7a1bb8d194722a86f660f1af116e9491
+SIZE (krb5-krb5-1.19.2021.01.11-5f5e29c5f_GH0.tar.gz) = 5169557

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