svn commit: r536325 - head/multimedia/din

Santhosh Raju fox at
Sat May 23 17:31:48 UTC 2020

Author: fox
Date: Sat May 23 17:31:47 2020
New Revision: 536325

  audio/din: Updates to 47
  Changes since 46.3:
  DIN Is Noise 47 @ Chennai, India
  	+ Menu > Drone Params now split into 3 tabs:
  		+ Modulation:
  			+ has controls to edit drone modulation parameters like AM/FM depth, BPM
  		+ Visual:
  			+ has controls to edit drone trail length, handle size,
  				connection stiffness (see below), colors (see below) etc
  		+ Motion:
  			+ controls to edit drone parameters like velocity, acceleration,
  				drones per minute, lifetime etc
  	+ On the mouse slider
  		+ when you can slide both horizontally and vertically:
  			+ press SHIFT to slide just vertically
  			+ press CTRL to slide just horizontally
  	/* connect and disconnect drones
  		+ Workflow:
  			+ select a bunch of drones (eg., Menu > Drone Tools > Select all drones)
  			+ Menu > Drone Tools > Connect
  				+ DIN connects drones in selection order
  					+ points one drone to next
  						+ last drone points in the direction second last drone points
  						+ To select drones in desired order, select drones one at a time by
  							click+moving a box around a drone and use SHIFT / CTRL keys while
  							selecting to add to existing selection or remove a drone from selection
  				+ Steps @ 1 connects drones successively, this is default
  					Steps @ 2 connects alternate drones
  					Steps @ 1 2 does both
  						try other steps sequences:
  							eg., 1 3 5 OR 1 2 4 etc
  							!note! separate steps with SPACE not comma
  			+ Just select a drone and move (Menu > Drone Tools > Move) and all the
  				connected drones move to keep their original distance on connection.
  					'But then one lizard (or iguana) moved, and all moved'
  						- VS Naipaul, Among the Believers
  				+ Use Connection Stiffness parameter to control the 'elasticity' of
  					the connections (Menu > Drone Params > Visual)
  						+ This is a global parameter, affects all connections among all drones
  			+ Menu > Drone Tools > Disconnect to disconnect the connected drones
  				+ Select a drone in the middle of a chain and disconnect splits the chain in two
  				+ Select the 'head' drones of two different chains and connect to merge the two
  					chains into one
  	/*	new curve & curve editor to sculpt amplitude (aka depth) & bpm of
  			drone pendulum's drones
  		+ access using Menu > Editors > Drone Pendulum
  		+ edit curves even after creating drone pendulums!
  			+ affects drone pendulums selected drones belong to
  			+ use Menu > Overlay Instrument on the editor to see the effects of the
  				edits while making them.
  	/* new color sliders to set the color of selected drones
  		+ 2 sets of 3 sliders (1 for Red, Green and Blue).
  			+ Top set called Top
  			+ Bottom set called Bottom
  			+ Select some drones and
  				+ change color to Top to set color of all selected drones to the RGB of Top sliders
  				+ change color to Bottom to set color of all selected drones to RGB of Bottom sliders
  				+ change color to Blend to set color of all selected drones to RGB blended from Top to Bottom sliders
  					+ first selected drone color is from the Top sliders
  					+ last selected drone is from the Bottom sliders
  					+ other drones take inbetween colors
  					+ To select drones in desired order, select drones one at a time by click+moving a box
  						around a drone and use SHIFT / CTRL keys while selecting to add or remove drone to an
  						existing selection
  				+ change color to Random to set random colors on all selected drones
  					+ not truly random but a random color between RGB of Top and Bottom sliders
  						+ useful as colors are random but still from a certain part of the spectrum
  			+ If drones are noise, their color is grayscale, derived from just the Red channel of Top
  				and/or/both Bottom sliders, based on the chosen scheme.
  			+ If you edit a color slider, DIN hides the menu so you can see the edits better, hit ESC or click on Close
  				to finish/abort
  	/* abort octave shift
  		+ useful to take the key note away from 'piano notes' into 'weird' pitches yet still have 'scales' based on
  			this new key 'note'.
  				+ without Abort this was still possible by editing the octave shift curve
  					(Menu > Editors > Octave Shift)
  		+ to set the key back to a note, goto Settings screen and use the Key spinner
  		+ click Menu > Misc > Abort on Microtonal-Keyboard, Mondrian and Binaural Drones instruments
  			+ or press SHIFT + ESC
  		+ click Abort button on Keyboard-Keyboard
  			+ or press n
  	/* edit arrow width, depth for each drone
  		+ until DIN46, this was global
  		+ very useful for snake/centepede like visualisations of connected drones
  	* scale drones
  		* press CTRL to scale along horizontal
  		* press SHIFT to scale along vertical
  	+ moved Scale, Rotate drones to join Move in Menu > Drone Tools
  	+ SHIFT + e to scale selected drones
  	+ CTRL + e to rotate selected drones
  	+ press ` to flip between current instrument and last used curve editor
  	+ detach Spinners from Menu when using the < and > buttons to decrease/increase values
  	* Optimised GUI controls
  		* field, spinner etc
  	\0/ fixed crash when browsing waveforms on keyboard-keyboard
  	\0/ fixed search field in countries
  	\0/ fixed value field in number for bits of char


Modified: head/multimedia/din/Makefile
--- head/multimedia/din/Makefile	Sat May 23 17:26:50 2020	(r536324)
+++ head/multimedia/din/Makefile	Sat May 23 17:31:47 2020	(r536325)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # $FreeBSD$
 CATEGORIES=	multimedia

Modified: head/multimedia/din/distinfo
--- head/multimedia/din/distinfo	Sat May 23 17:26:50 2020	(r536324)
+++ head/multimedia/din/distinfo	Sat May 23 17:31:47 2020	(r536325)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1589705687
-SHA256 (din-46.3.tar.gz) = 547163242ae294170d610d6b1f65ab3b81cab0f9289d8ed94df2860ab89392f1
-SIZE (din-46.3.tar.gz) = 3655646
+TIMESTAMP = 1590254234
+SHA256 (din-47.tar.gz) = d9fcbeec608da09fc07cdc61f144424986de1a0cec9500a5b4585bfc7ab62200
+SIZE (din-47.tar.gz) = 3667413

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