svn commit: r534269 - in head/lang: rust rust-bootstrap rust/files rust/files/powerpc64-elfv1 rust/files/powerpc64-elfv2

Tobias Kortkamp tobik at
Thu May 7 15:58:39 UTC 2020

Author: tobik
Date: Thu May  7 15:58:38 2020
New Revision: 534269

  lang/rust: Update to 1.43.1
  - Remove upstreamed patches
  - On ppc64 revert e82ec2315e5adb1c291c3702cd2ac1f46ecd0fcf to fix segfaults
  With hat:	rust
  Differential Revision:

  head/lang/rust/files/powerpc64-elfv1/   (contents, props changed)
  head/lang/rust/files/powerpc64-elfv2/   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/lang/rust-bootstrap/Makefile
--- head/lang/rust-bootstrap/Makefile	Thu May  7 15:36:07 2020	(r534268)
+++ head/lang/rust-bootstrap/Makefile	Thu May  7 15:58:38 2020	(r534269)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # $FreeBSD$
 		LOCAL/tobik:armbase \

Modified: head/lang/rust-bootstrap/distinfo
--- head/lang/rust-bootstrap/distinfo	Thu May  7 15:36:07 2020	(r534268)
+++ head/lang/rust-bootstrap/distinfo	Thu May  7 15:58:38 2020	(r534269)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1587438306
-SHA256 (rust/rustc-1.43.0-src.tar.xz) = d0899933840369f07394b211cb0b53a5cd4634907633f0bee541133c8b75e309
-SIZE (rust/rustc-1.43.0-src.tar.xz) = 94354332
+TIMESTAMP = 1588774437
+SHA256 (rust/rustc-1.43.1-src.tar.xz) = eb0a103c67c4565403d9e6f84a1c708982a5e9e5b3c0d831e4d6f6451795d106
+SIZE (rust/rustc-1.43.1-src.tar.xz) = 94405276
 SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.3-RELEASE-arm64.tar.xz) = 0c1ee2bdbec3b6b404edef6858f38f5cdacd727abc53b1dee23910cab939d0c1
 SIZE (FreeBSD-11.3-RELEASE-arm64.tar.xz) = 97990888
 SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.3-RELEASE-amd64.tar.xz) = 4599023ac136325b86f2fddeec64c1624daa83657e40b00b2ef944c81463a4ff

Modified: head/lang/rust/Makefile
--- head/lang/rust/Makefile	Thu May  7 15:36:07 2020	(r534268)
+++ head/lang/rust/Makefile	Thu May  7 15:58:38 2020	(r534269)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # $FreeBSD$

Modified: head/lang/rust/distinfo
--- head/lang/rust/distinfo	Thu May  7 15:36:07 2020	(r534268)
+++ head/lang/rust/distinfo	Thu May  7 15:58:38 2020	(r534269)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1587600298
-SHA256 (rust/rustc-1.43.0-src.tar.xz) = d0899933840369f07394b211cb0b53a5cd4634907633f0bee541133c8b75e309
-SIZE (rust/rustc-1.43.0-src.tar.xz) = 94354332
+TIMESTAMP = 1588774409
+SHA256 (rust/rustc-1.43.1-src.tar.xz) = eb0a103c67c4565403d9e6f84a1c708982a5e9e5b3c0d831e4d6f6451795d106
+SIZE (rust/rustc-1.43.1-src.tar.xz) = 94405276
 SHA256 (rust/2020-03-12/rustc-1.42.0-aarch64-unknown-freebsd.tar.xz) = a8f1f858837b160bd63ce2526ab6add67ed6fcda56b6e5d566434b11f0e5f56f
 SIZE (rust/2020-03-12/rustc-1.42.0-aarch64-unknown-freebsd.tar.xz) = 26088116
 SHA256 (rust/2020-03-12/rust-std-1.42.0-aarch64-unknown-freebsd.tar.xz) = 5d24030cf4476850c2873caa1f00580b4c9e21d71aace2318c0b3ba496e7b6a7

Added: head/lang/rust/files/powerpc64-elfv1/
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/lang/rust/files/powerpc64-elfv1/	Thu May  7 15:58:38 2020	(r534269)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+it causes sigsegv on powerpc64
+--- src/librustc_mir/dataflow/generic/	2020-04-21 00:17:56 UTC
++++ src/librustc_mir/dataflow/generic/
+@@ -239,27 +239,24 @@ where
+             }
+             SwitchInt { ref targets, ref values, ref discr, .. } => {
+-                let Engine { tcx, body, .. } = *self;
+-                let enum_ = discr
+-                    .place()
+-                    .and_then(|discr| switch_on_enum_discriminant(tcx, body, bb_data, discr));
+-                match enum_ {
+-                    // If this is a switch on an enum discriminant, a custom effect may be applied
+-                    // along each outgoing edge.
+-                    Some((enum_place, enum_def)) => {
++                // If this is a switch on an enum discriminant, a custom effect may be applied
++                // along each outgoing edge.
++                if let Some(place) = {
++                    let enum_def = switch_on_enum_discriminant(self.tcx, self.body, bb_data, place);
++                    if let Some(enum_def) = enum_def {
+                         self.propagate_bits_into_enum_discriminant_switch_successors(
+-                            in_out, bb, enum_def, enum_place, dirty_list, &*values, &*targets,
++                            in_out, bb, enum_def, place, dirty_list, &*values, &*targets,
+                         );
+-                    }
+-                    // Otherwise, it's just a normal `SwitchInt`, and every successor sees the same
+-                    // exit state.
+-                    None => {
+-                        for target in targets.iter().copied() {
+-                            self.propagate_bits_into_entry_set_for(&in_out, target, dirty_list);
+-                        }
++                        return;
+                     }
+                 }
++                // Otherwise, it's just a normal `SwitchInt`, and every successor sees the same
++                // exit state.
++                for target in targets.iter().copied() {
++                    self.propagate_bits_into_entry_set_for(&in_out, target, dirty_list);
++                }
+             }
+             Call { cleanup, ref destination, ref func, ref args, .. } => {
+@@ -345,27 +342,22 @@ where
+     }
+ }
+-/// Inspect a `SwitchInt`-terminated basic block to see if the condition of that `SwitchInt` is
+-/// an enum discriminant.
+-/// We expect such blocks to have a call to `discriminant` as their last statement like so:
+-///   _42 = discriminant(_1)
++/// Look at the last statement of a block that ends with  to see if it is an assignment of an enum
++/// discriminant to the local that determines the target of a `SwitchInt` like so:
++///   _42 = discriminant(..)
+ ///   SwitchInt(_42, ..)
+-/// If the basic block matches this pattern, this function returns the place corresponding to the
+-/// enum (`_1` in the example above) as well as the `AdtDef` of that enum.
+ fn switch_on_enum_discriminant(
+     tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
+-    body: &'mir mir::Body<'tcx>,
+-    block: &'mir mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
++    body: &mir::Body<'tcx>,
++    block: &mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
+     switch_on: &mir::Place<'tcx>,
+-) -> Option<(&'mir mir::Place<'tcx>, &'tcx ty::AdtDef)> {
++) -> Option<&'tcx ty::AdtDef> {
+     match block.statements.last().map(|stmt| &stmt.kind) {
+         Some(mir::StatementKind::Assign(box (lhs, mir::Rvalue::Discriminant(discriminated))))
+             if lhs == switch_on =>
+         {
+             match &discriminated.ty(body, tcx).ty.kind {
+-                ty::Adt(def, _) => Some((discriminated, def)),
++                ty::Adt(def, _) => Some(def),
+                 // `Rvalue::Discriminant` is also used to get the active yield point for a
+                 // generator, but we do not need edge-specific effects in that case. This may

Added: head/lang/rust/files/powerpc64-elfv2/
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/lang/rust/files/powerpc64-elfv2/	Thu May  7 15:58:38 2020	(r534269)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+it causes sigsegv on powerpc64
+--- src/librustc_mir/dataflow/generic/	2020-04-21 00:17:56 UTC
++++ src/librustc_mir/dataflow/generic/
+@@ -239,27 +239,24 @@ where
+             }
+             SwitchInt { ref targets, ref values, ref discr, .. } => {
+-                let Engine { tcx, body, .. } = *self;
+-                let enum_ = discr
+-                    .place()
+-                    .and_then(|discr| switch_on_enum_discriminant(tcx, body, bb_data, discr));
+-                match enum_ {
+-                    // If this is a switch on an enum discriminant, a custom effect may be applied
+-                    // along each outgoing edge.
+-                    Some((enum_place, enum_def)) => {
++                // If this is a switch on an enum discriminant, a custom effect may be applied
++                // along each outgoing edge.
++                if let Some(place) = {
++                    let enum_def = switch_on_enum_discriminant(self.tcx, self.body, bb_data, place);
++                    if let Some(enum_def) = enum_def {
+                         self.propagate_bits_into_enum_discriminant_switch_successors(
+-                            in_out, bb, enum_def, enum_place, dirty_list, &*values, &*targets,
++                            in_out, bb, enum_def, place, dirty_list, &*values, &*targets,
+                         );
+-                    }
+-                    // Otherwise, it's just a normal `SwitchInt`, and every successor sees the same
+-                    // exit state.
+-                    None => {
+-                        for target in targets.iter().copied() {
+-                            self.propagate_bits_into_entry_set_for(&in_out, target, dirty_list);
+-                        }
++                        return;
+                     }
+                 }
++                // Otherwise, it's just a normal `SwitchInt`, and every successor sees the same
++                // exit state.
++                for target in targets.iter().copied() {
++                    self.propagate_bits_into_entry_set_for(&in_out, target, dirty_list);
++                }
+             }
+             Call { cleanup, ref destination, ref func, ref args, .. } => {
+@@ -345,27 +342,22 @@ where
+     }
+ }
+-/// Inspect a `SwitchInt`-terminated basic block to see if the condition of that `SwitchInt` is
+-/// an enum discriminant.
+-/// We expect such blocks to have a call to `discriminant` as their last statement like so:
+-///   _42 = discriminant(_1)
++/// Look at the last statement of a block that ends with  to see if it is an assignment of an enum
++/// discriminant to the local that determines the target of a `SwitchInt` like so:
++///   _42 = discriminant(..)
+ ///   SwitchInt(_42, ..)
+-/// If the basic block matches this pattern, this function returns the place corresponding to the
+-/// enum (`_1` in the example above) as well as the `AdtDef` of that enum.
+ fn switch_on_enum_discriminant(
+     tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
+-    body: &'mir mir::Body<'tcx>,
+-    block: &'mir mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
++    body: &mir::Body<'tcx>,
++    block: &mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
+     switch_on: &mir::Place<'tcx>,
+-) -> Option<(&'mir mir::Place<'tcx>, &'tcx ty::AdtDef)> {
++) -> Option<&'tcx ty::AdtDef> {
+     match block.statements.last().map(|stmt| &stmt.kind) {
+         Some(mir::StatementKind::Assign(box (lhs, mir::Rvalue::Discriminant(discriminated))))
+             if lhs == switch_on =>
+         {
+             match &discriminated.ty(body, tcx).ty.kind {
+-                ty::Adt(def, _) => Some((discriminated, def)),
++                ty::Adt(def, _) => Some(def),
+                 // `Rvalue::Discriminant` is also used to get the active yield point for a
+                 // generator, but we do not need edge-specific effects in that case. This may

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