svn commit: r525624 - in head/shells: . ksh2020
Cy Schubert
Cy.Schubert at
Thu Feb 13 20:56:51 UTC 2020
Resending this. I managed to get an email address wrong.
In message <202002090532.0195WjTr052655 at>, Cy Schubert
> Author: cy
> Date: Sun Feb 9 05:32:45 2020
> New Revision: 525624
> URL:
> Log:
> att/ast on Github has branched ksh2020 and reverted mainline back to
> ksh93u+ and v-. See github commit 0be82553e98be77238577bc0eaafda0f1cf807f
> To learn how and why our att/ast upstream made this decision see
> and
> The next steps will be to update shells/ksh93-devel to att/ast master.
> shells/ksh93 will likely be based on att/ast master at
> 0be82553e98be77238577bc0eaafda0f1cf807fe or some future tag or branch.
> Added:
> head/shells/ksh2020/
> - copied from r525517, head/shells/ksh93-devel/
> Modified:
> head/shells/Makefile
> head/shells/ksh2020/Makefile
> head/shells/ksh2020/distinfo
There appears to be growing support for the next generation of ksh.
We already have ksh93 and ksh93-devel. Current thinking is to copy rename
ksh93 to a new name in line with the new project, whatever they decide.
ksh93-devel will be copied to a new ksh<something>-devel, tracking the new
project while ksh93-devel itself will revert back to the AT&T 2020/02/08
rebase. That leaves ast-ksh which IMO should be renamed back to ksh93.
The todo at the moment is to see what the community decides. But this is
currently my thinking about this.
Cy Schubert <Cy.Schubert at>
FreeBSD UNIX: <cy at> Web:
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
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