svn commit: r559774 - in head: editors/xcoral lang/scm lang/scm/files

Mikhail T. mi+t at
Thu Dec 31 20:55:20 UTC 2020

On 31.12.20 15:45, Kyle Evans wrote:
> You should go ahead and drop the soversion suffix if you're going to
> do it this way.

There may be a stale on computers of people, who 
upgrade their base OS from source -- and I didn't want it to be used 

> It's only necessary at all if you're going to let older FreeBSD versions use the non-broken version.

I'm letting users of the currently-supported FreeBSD releases use the 
newer version of gnuregex. All they need is to install it (such as via 
your new port) first -- before building my ports... Unlike your way, 
they /don't have to do it/. But they /can/...



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