svn commit: r544539 - in head/net/nng: . files

Steve Wills swills at
Sun Aug 9 02:37:34 UTC 2020

Author: swills
Date: Sun Aug  9 02:37:32 2020
New Revision: 544539

  net/nng: update to 1.3.2

  head/net/nng/files/patch-36d8031   (contents, props changed)
  head/net/nng/files/patch-bbc04b8   (contents, props changed)
  head/net/nng/Makefile   (contents, props changed)
  head/net/nng/distinfo   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/net/nng/Makefile
--- head/net/nng/Makefile	Sun Aug  9 01:58:36 2020	(r544538)
+++ head/net/nng/Makefile	Sun Aug  9 02:37:32 2020	(r544539)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 MAINTAINER=	swills at

Modified: head/net/nng/distinfo
--- head/net/nng/distinfo	Sun Aug  9 01:58:36 2020	(r544538)
+++ head/net/nng/distinfo	Sun Aug  9 02:37:32 2020	(r544539)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1596391258
-SHA256 (nanomsg-nng-v1.3.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 3f258514b6aed931485ce1a6e5745e07416d32e6c4315ae771ff358e9fd18e55
-SIZE (nanomsg-nng-v1.3.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 664921
+TIMESTAMP = 1596939511
+SHA256 (nanomsg-nng-v1.3.2_GH0.tar.gz) = 0f8f2ede7f5ea2018c7fa615c76f48662eb06d39c71c3339f8ff38da44470855
+SIZE (nanomsg-nng-v1.3.2_GH0.tar.gz) = 680767

Added: head/net/nng/files/patch-36d8031
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/net/nng/files/patch-36d8031	Sun Aug  9 02:37:32 2020	(r544539)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+commit 36d803182ceb1ef6bd8a0646e4245c6ee67e4773
+Author: Steve Wills <steve at>
+Date:   Tue Aug 4 14:26:39 2020 -0400
+    Fix build on FreeBSD (#1272)
+diff --git src/platform/posix/posix_ipcconn.c src/platform/posix/posix_ipcconn.c
+index 8dded3a3..c5760e53 100644
+--- src/platform/posix/posix_ipcconn.c
++++ src/platform/posix/posix_ipcconn.c
+@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
+ #define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0
+ #endif
++#ifndef SOL_LOCAL
++#define SOL_LOCAL 0
+ #include "posix_ipc.h"
+ typedef struct nni_ipc_conn ipc_conn;

Added: head/net/nng/files/patch-bbc04b8
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/net/nng/files/patch-bbc04b8	Sun Aug  9 02:37:32 2020	(r544539)
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+commit bbc04b889523c137a1556917571a4ca9ee8a324e
+Author: Garrett D'Amore <garrett at>
+Date:   Sat Aug 8 10:04:17 2020 -0700
+    fixes #1275 Test timeouts on FreeBSD
+    This was responsible for hangs in close on FreeBSD.  Apparently
+    our use of EVFILT_USER was incorrect, and rather than fix it, we
+    have switched to using a notification pipe for synchronizing
+    closing pipes. In addition to fixing this problem, it should
+    significantly improve things for NetBSD and OpenBSD, which will
+    now be able tbenefit from kqueue(), since we no longer depend on
+diff --git CMakeLists.txt CMakeLists.txt
+index 46df35d9..0aecbd8e 100644
+--- CMakeLists.txt
++++ CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -333,9 +333,7 @@ else ()
+     nng_check_sym(backtrace_symbols_fd execinfo.h NNG_HAVE_BACKTRACE)
+     nng_check_struct_member(msghdr msg_control sys/socket.h NNG_HAVE_MSG_CONTROL)
+     nng_check_sym(eventfd sys/eventfd.h NNG_HAVE_EVENTFD)
+-    # While some systems (NetBSD) have kqueue, our use depends on EVFILT_USER
+-    # This means that NetBSD and OpenBSD will be stuck with poll().
+-    nng_check_sym(EVFILT_USER sys/event.h NNG_HAVE_KQUEUE)
++    nng_check_sym(kqueue sys/event.h NNG_HAVE_KQUEUE)
+     nng_check_sym(port_create port.h NNG_HAVE_PORT_CREATE)
+     nng_check_sym(epoll_create sys/epoll.h NNG_HAVE_EPOLL)
+     nng_check_sym(epoll_create1 sys/epoll.h NNG_HAVE_EPOLL_CREATE1)
+diff --git src/platform/posix/posix_pollq_epoll.c src/platform/posix/posix_pollq_epoll.c
+index 63cdaeb5..d7a2c70f 100644
+--- src/platform/posix/posix_pollq_epoll.c
++++ src/platform/posix/posix_pollq_epoll.c
+@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ struct nni_posix_pollq {
+ };
+ struct nni_posix_pfd {
++        nni_list_node    node;
+ 	nni_posix_pollq *pq;
+-	nni_list_node    node;
+ 	int              fd;
+ 	nni_posix_pfd_cb cb;
+ 	void *           arg;
+@@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ nni_posix_pfd_init(nni_posix_pfd **pfdp, int fd)
+ 	nni_mtx_init(&pfd->mtx);
+ 	nni_cv_init(&pfd->cv, &pq->mtx);
+-	nni_mtx_lock(&pfd->mtx);
+ 	pfd->pq      = pq;
+ 	pfd->fd      = fd;
+ 	pfd->cb      = NULL;
+@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ nni_posix_pfd_init(nni_posix_pfd **pfdp, int fd)
+ 	pfd->closed  = false;
+ 	NNI_LIST_NODE_INIT(&pfd->node);
+-	nni_mtx_unlock(&pfd->mtx);
+ 	// notifications disabled to begin with
+   = 0;
+@@ -115,6 +113,7 @@ nni_posix_pfd_init(nni_posix_pfd **pfdp, int fd)
+ 	if (epoll_ctl(pq->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev) != 0) {
+ 		rv = nni_plat_errno(errno);
+ 		nni_cv_fini(&pfd->cv);
++		nni_mtx_fini(&pfd->mtx);
+ 		return (rv);
+ 	}
+diff --git src/platform/posix/posix_pollq_kqueue.c src/platform/posix/posix_pollq_kqueue.c
+index 299479ab..7d827d7d 100644
+--- src/platform/posix/posix_pollq_kqueue.c
++++ src/platform/posix/posix_pollq_kqueue.c
+@@ -29,22 +29,24 @@ typedef struct nni_posix_pollq nni_posix_pollq;
+ // pollq implementation
+ struct nni_posix_pollq {
+ 	nni_mtx  mtx;
+-	int      kq;    // kqueue handle
+-	nni_thr  thr;   // worker thread
+-	nni_list reapq; // items to reap
++	int      wake_wfd; // write side of wake pipe
++	int      wake_rfd; // read side of wake pipe
++	bool     closed;   // request for worker to exit
++	int      kq;       // kqueue handle
++	nni_thr  thr;      // worker thread
++	nni_list reapq;    // items to reap
+ };
+ struct nni_posix_pfd {
+ 	nni_list_node    node; // linkage into the reap list
+ 	nni_posix_pollq *pq;   // associated pollq
+ 	int              fd;   // file descriptor to poll
+-	void *           data; // user data
++	void *           arg;  // user data
+ 	nni_posix_pfd_cb cb;   // user callback on event
+-	nni_cv           cv;   // signaled when poller has unregistered
+-	nni_mtx          mtx;
+-	unsigned         events;
+-	bool             closing;
+ 	bool             closed;
++	unsigned         events;
++	nni_cv           cv; // signaled when poller has unregistered
++	nni_mtx          mtx;
+ };
+@@ -77,22 +79,31 @@ nni_posix_pfd_init(nni_posix_pfd **pfdp, int fd)
+ 		return (NNG_ENOMEM);
+ 	}
++	nni_mtx_init(&pf->mtx);
++	nni_cv_init(&pf->cv, &pq->mtx);
++	pf->pq     = pq;
++	pf->fd     = fd;
++	pf->cb     = NULL;
++	pf->arg    = NULL;
++	pf->events = 0;
++	pf->closed = false;
++	NNI_LIST_NODE_INIT(&pf->node);
++	*pfdp = pf;
+ 	// Create entries in the kevent queue, without enabling them.
+ 	EV_SET(&ev[0], (uintptr_t) fd, EVFILT_READ, flags, 0, 0, pf);
+ 	EV_SET(&ev[1], (uintptr_t) fd, EVFILT_WRITE, flags, 0, 0, pf);
+ 	// We update the kqueue list, without polling for events.
+ 	if (kevent(pq->kq, ev, 2, NULL, 0, NULL) != 0) {
++		int rv;
++		rv = nni_plat_errno(errno);
++		nni_cv_fini(&pf->cv);
++		nni_mtx_fini(&pf->mtx);
+-		return (nni_plat_errno(errno));
++		return (rv);
+ 	}
+-	pf->fd = fd;
+-	pf->cb = NULL;
+-	pf->pq = pq;
+-	nni_mtx_init(&pf->mtx);
+-	nni_cv_init(&pf->cv, &pq->mtx);
+-	NNI_LIST_NODE_INIT(&pf->node);
+-	*pfdp = pf;
+ 	return (0);
+ }
+@@ -103,9 +114,9 @@ nni_posix_pfd_close(nni_posix_pfd *pf)
+ 	nni_posix_pollq *pq = pf->pq;
+ 	nni_mtx_lock(&pq->mtx);
+-	if (!pf->closing) {
++	if (!pf->closed) {
+ 		struct kevent ev[2];
+-		pf->closing = true;
++		pf->closed = true;
+ 		EV_SET(&ev[0], pf->fd, EVFILT_READ, EV_DELETE, 0, 0, pf);
+ 		EV_SET(&ev[1], pf->fd, EVFILT_WRITE, EV_DELETE, 0, 0, pf);
+ 		(void) shutdown(pf->fd, SHUT_RDWR);
+@@ -128,18 +139,17 @@ nni_posix_pfd_fini(nni_posix_pfd *pf)
+ 	// unless they are synchronous on user threads.
+ 	NNI_ASSERT(!nni_thr_is_self(&pq->thr));
+-	struct kevent ev;
+ 	nni_mtx_lock(&pq->mtx);
+-	nni_list_append(&pq->reapq, pf);
+-	EV_SET(
+-	// If this fails, the cleanup will stall.  That should
+-	// only occur in a memory pressure situation, and it
+-	// will self-heal when the next event comes in.
+-	(void) kevent(pq->kq, &ev, 1, NULL, 0, NULL);
+-	while (!pf->closed) {
+-		nni_cv_wait(&pf->cv);
++	// If we're running on the callback, then don't bother to kick
++	// the pollq again.  This is necessary because we cannot modify
++	// the poller while it is polling.
++	if ((!nni_thr_is_self(&pq->thr)) && (!pq->closed)) {
++		nni_list_append(&pq->reapq, pf);
++		nni_plat_pipe_raise(pq->wake_wfd);
++		while (nni_list_active(&pq->reapq, pf)) {
++			nni_cv_wait(&pf->cv);
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	nni_mtx_unlock(&pq->mtx);
+@@ -160,8 +170,8 @@ nni_posix_pfd_set_cb(nni_posix_pfd *pf, nni_posix_pfd_cb cb, void *arg)
+ {
+ 	NNI_ASSERT(cb != NULL); // must not be null when established.
+ 	nni_mtx_lock(&pf->mtx);
+-	pf->cb   = cb;
+-	pf->data = arg;
++	pf->cb  = cb;
++	pf->arg = arg;
+ 	nni_mtx_unlock(&pf->mtx);
+ }
+@@ -174,7 +184,7 @@ nni_posix_pfd_arm(nni_posix_pfd *pf, unsigned events)
+ 	nni_posix_pollq *pq    = pf->pq;
+ 	nni_mtx_lock(&pf->mtx);
+-	if (pf->closing) {
++	if (pf->closed) {
+ 		events = 0;
+ 	} else {
+ 		pf->events |= events;
+@@ -209,7 +219,6 @@ nni_posix_pollq_reap(nni_posix_pollq *pq)
+ 	nni_mtx_lock(&pq->mtx);
+ 	while ((pf = nni_list_first(&pq->reapq)) != NULL) {
+ 		nni_list_remove(&pq->reapq, pf);
+-		pf->closed = true;
+ 		nni_cv_wake(&pf->cv);
+ 	}
+ 	nni_mtx_unlock(&pq->mtx);
+@@ -227,16 +236,15 @@ nni_posix_poll_thr(void *arg)
+ 		nni_posix_pfd_cb cb;
+ 		void *           cbarg;
+ 		unsigned         revents;
+-		bool             reap = false;
+-		n = kevent(pq->kq, NULL, 0, evs, NNI_MAX_KQUEUE_EVENTS, NULL);
+-		if (n < 0) {
+-			if (errno == EBADF) {
+-				nni_posix_pollq_reap(pq);
+-				return;
+-			}
+-			reap = true;
++		nni_mtx_lock(&pq->mtx);
++		if (pq->closed) {
++			nni_mtx_unlock(&pq->mtx);
++			nni_posix_pollq_reap(pq);
++			return;
+ 		}
++		nni_mtx_unlock(&pq->mtx);
++		n = kevent(pq->kq, NULL, 0, evs, NNI_MAX_KQUEUE_EVENTS, NULL);
+ 		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ 			struct kevent *ev = &evs[i];
+@@ -248,9 +256,10 @@ nni_posix_poll_thr(void *arg)
+ 			case EVFILT_WRITE:
+ 				revents = POLLOUT;
+ 				break;
+-			case EVFILT_USER:
+-			default:
+-				reap = true;
++			}
++			if (ev->udata == NULL) {
++				nni_plat_pipe_clear(pq->wake_rfd);
++				nni_posix_pollq_reap(pq);
+ 				continue;
+ 			}
+ 			pf = (void *) ev->udata;
+@@ -260,7 +269,7 @@ nni_posix_poll_thr(void *arg)
+ 			nni_mtx_lock(&pf->mtx);
+ 			cb    = pf->cb;
+-			cbarg = pf->data;
++			cbarg = pf->arg;
+ 			pf->events &= ~(revents);
+ 			nni_mtx_unlock(&pf->mtx);
+@@ -268,47 +277,33 @@ nni_posix_poll_thr(void *arg)
+ 				cb(pf, revents, cbarg);
+ 			}
+ 		}
+-		if (reap) {
+-			nni_posix_pollq_reap(pq);
+-		}
+ 	}
+ }
+ static void
+ nni_posix_pollq_destroy(nni_posix_pollq *pq)
+ {
++	nni_mtx_lock(&pq->mtx);
++	pq->closed = true;
++	nni_mtx_unlock(&pq->mtx);
++	nni_plat_pipe_raise(pq->wake_wfd);
++	nni_thr_fini(&pq->thr);
++	nni_plat_pipe_close(pq->wake_wfd, pq->wake_rfd);
+ 	if (pq->kq >= 0) {
+ 		close(pq->kq);
++		pq->kq = -1;
+ 	}
+-	nni_thr_fini(&pq->thr);
+-	pq->kq = -1;
+-	nni_posix_pollq_reap(pq);
+ 	nni_mtx_fini(&pq->mtx);
+ }
+ static int
+-nni_posix_pollq_add_wake_evt(nni_posix_pollq *pq)
++nni_posix_pollq_create(nni_posix_pollq *pq)
+ {
+ 	int           rv;
+ 	struct kevent ev;
+-	EV_SET(&ev, 0, EVFILT_USER, EV_ADD | EV_CLEAR, 0, 0, NULL);
+-	while ((rv = kevent(pq->kq, &ev, 1, NULL, 0, NULL)) != 0) {
+-		if (errno == EINTR) {
+-			continue;
+-		}
+-		return (nni_plat_errno(errno));
+-	}
+-	return (0);
+-static int
+-nni_posix_pollq_create(nni_posix_pollq *pq)
+-	int rv;
+ 	if ((pq->kq = kqueue()) < 0) {
+ 		return (nni_plat_errno(errno));
+ 	}
+@@ -317,7 +312,18 @@ nni_posix_pollq_create(nni_posix_pollq *pq)
+ 	NNI_LIST_INIT(&pq->reapq, nni_posix_pfd, node);
+ 	if (((rv = nni_thr_init(&pq->thr, nni_posix_poll_thr, pq)) != 0) ||
+-	    (rv = nni_posix_pollq_add_wake_evt(pq)) != 0) {
++	    ((rv = nni_plat_pipe_open(&pq->wake_wfd, &pq->wake_rfd)) != 0)) {
++		nni_posix_pollq_destroy(pq);
++		return (rv);
++	}
++	// Register the wake pipe.  We use this to synchronize closing
++	// file descriptors.
++	EV_SET(&ev, (uintptr_t) pq->wake_rfd, EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD | EV_CLEAR,
++	    0, 0, NULL);
++	if ((rv = kevent(pq->kq, &ev, 1, NULL, 0, NULL)) != 0) {
++		rv = nni_plat_errno(rv);
+ 		nni_posix_pollq_destroy(pq);
+ 		return (rv);
+ 	}

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