svn commit: r505245 - in head/databases: postgresql10-client postgresql10-contrib postgresql10-pgtcl postgresql10-server postgresql11-client postgresql11-server postgresql94-server postgresql95-cli...

Alexey Dokuchaev danfe at
Sun Jun 30 09:13:59 UTC 2019

On Sat, Jun 29, 2019 at 07:14:11PM +0200, Matthias Fechner wrote:
> Am 29.06.2019 um 17:56 schrieb Alexey Dokuchaev:
> > We're using Postres in our production at $work and had to carefully evaluate
> > all 9.x versions, so it looks strange the GitLab works with 9.6 but not with
> > 9.5, as changes between these should be pretty minor AFAIR (in comparison to
> > e.g. 9.3).  May we know what exactly breaks, so maybe we can craft a patch
> > to fix it?
> I do not fully remember what it was, but they use a feature that was
> added with 9.6 (used to retrieve data from the database with a more
> complex query):
> If you would like to have more details, there is an issue existing that
> describe why 9.6 is required in detail, but I do not have the link anymore.
> Maybe it is easier to check what new feature was added with 9.6.

I tried to see what had changed but could only find version bump from 9.2
to 9.6 in commits like these:

I'd try to lower those number to 9.5, I'd expect with high probability
things would work just as fine.

> If you run FreeBSD at $work you should anyway have your own poudriere
> build package repository where you have your tested packages in.
> So you can set there in make.conf

Unfortunately, we don't use FreeBSD at $work, but since PG provide their
own packages for a vast variety of versions, there're no problems.

> So we should not block here to go to a more recent version.

Yeah, which is, like, 10.x. :-)


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