svn commit: r508922 - in head: databases/opendbviewer devel/cmake devel/cmake-doc devel/cmake-gui devel/cmake/files devel/kms-cmake-utils graphics/peruse/files misc/libemos misc/libemos/files

Adam Weinberger adamw at
Wed Aug 14 22:35:25 UTC 2019

On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 3:28 PM Adriaan de Groot <adridg at> wrote:
> [[ Also BCC-ing some people who reported this separately. ]]
> On Wednesday, 14 August 2019 19:32:54 CEST Po-Chuan Hsieh wrote:
> > > +%%DATADIR%%/Help/release/%%PYTHON_VER%%.rst
> >
> > This change is incorrect.
> > And it breaks packaging for people not using Python 3.6 as default version.
> Your -- Po-Chuan Hsieh -- comment is entirely correct. That was a bad change
> to the plist, and I'd like to thank adamw for stepping in and fixing it in
> r508973. This is one of those unexpected replacements inserted into plists
> when (re)generating them. I don't know how to express "not every 3.6 is a
> PYTHON_VER" though to the tooling :(
> Something to keep checking in the future, I'll add it to the post-it.

It's a catch-22. Some plists are way too difficult to update manually
between releases, but the likelihood of error increases with size.
Furthermore, you only get accurate and complete plists when all
relevant options are enabled, which necessarily increases the size of
the substitution set.

I have a small script of sanity checks that I run before committing.
One of them contains something like this (from memory; I don't have it
in front of me):
  svn diff pkg-plist | grep '^\+.*/.*%%'
The idea is to flag all the new lines that use plist substitutions
anywhere except at the beginning.

# Adam

Adam Weinberger
adamw at

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