svn commit: r470735 - head/net/rubygem-gitaly-proto

Matthias Fechner idefix at
Thu May 24 05:53:08 UTC 2018

Dear Sunpoet,

Am 24.05.18 um 01:24 schrieb Sunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh:
> Log:
>   Update to 0.100.0

I just checked the INDEX-11 file and this port is only used for gitlab
or by dependencies gitlab requires.
The version 0.100.0 is e.g. required for gitlab 10.8.

What do you think that I take maintainer of this port so I update the
port only if it is required?
This would reduce the risk that we forget to remove a port that is not
used anymore and I could clean up all the other version with the gitlab
10.8 commit.


"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to
build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to
produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." --
Rich Cook

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