svn commit: r461844 - in head: . net-mgmt net-mgmt/prometheus net-mgmt/prometheus1 net-mgmt/prometheus2 net-mgmt/prometheus2/files

Brad Davis brd at
Thu Feb 15 21:38:24 UTC 2018

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018, at 9:42 AM, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 09:24:48AM -0700, Brad Davis wrote:
> > > 
> > > You added 1 to the package name, which seems ok, though renaming
> > > packages is probably a bad idea because of the wtf moment people using
> > > it will have :-)
> > 
> > Yeah, this is part of the explanation below..
> > 
> > Steve and I wondered if pkg uses MOVED at all?
> No, poudriere uses it though. And MOVED is about origins, pkg is about
> package names, so it could nto really be interesting for it.

OK, thanks..

> > > But you did not add a 2 to this one, so people who run pkg upgrade will
> > > go to 1.8.2 to 2.1.0 and it'll break, as, like you said, upgrading is
> > > non trivial.
> > 
> > We are trying to encourage people to upgrade and help new users that
> > just do: `pkg install' get the newer version, instead of discovering
> > later that they installed the old one.
> > 
> > There is a hook in the version 2 start up script and a pkg-message to
> > help with this.
> Mmmm, ok, but then, the directory should be named prometheus, not
> prometheus2, it is always confusing when the directory name does not
> match PKGBASE, one wonders which one is supposed to be the correct one,
> a bit like when code and documentation do not say the same thing.

Well.. I figured prometheus2, so that when prometheus 3.x comes out it goes in as net-mgmt/prometheus3..

I am not sure if that will pay off in the end, but when I maintained rsyslog, it was useful because of the regular major version number bumps there.

Brad Davis

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