svn commit: r466343 - head

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Tue Apr 3 12:46:31 UTC 2018

Author: mat
Date: Tue Apr  3 12:46:30 2018
New Revision: 466343

  Improve the 20180308 PHP flavors entry.
  Sponsored by:	Absolight


Modified: head/UPDATING
--- head/UPDATING	Tue Apr  3 12:45:01 2018	(r466342)
+++ head/UPDATING	Tue Apr  3 12:46:30 2018	(r466343)
@@ -104,12 +104,18 @@ you update your ports collection, before attempting an
   PHP extensions and modules have been flavored.
-  People using Poudriere 3.2+ and binary packages do not have to do anything.
+  People using Poudriere 3.2+ and binary packages do not have to do anything if
+  they are using PHP applications.
   PHP modules and extensions may have change their names from php5- or php7- to
   fully versionned phpXY-.
   PECL extensions and PEAR modules package names have changed from pecl- and
   pear- to phpXX-pecl and phpXX-pear-.
+  To rename an installed package to match the new naming scheme, for example,
+  for the imagick pecl extension, run:
+    # pkg set -n pecl-imagick:php56-pecl-imagick
   For other people, to build the PHP 7.2 version of, for example,
   databases/php-memcached, you need to run:

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