svn commit: r436389 - in head/databases: mariadb100-client/files mariadb100-server mariadb100-server/files

Bernard Spil brnrd at
Sat Mar 18 10:11:24 UTC 2017

Author: brnrd
Date: Sat Mar 18 10:11:22 2017
New Revision: 436389

  databases/mariadb100-server: Update to 10.0.30
    - Update to 10.0.30
    - Modify upstream patch for clang build failure
    - Add upstream patch for WITHOUT_SERVER build failure
  Security:	4d2f9d09-ddb7-11e6-a9a5-b499baebfeaf
  Security:	CVE-2017-3302
  Security:	CVE-2017-3313

  head/databases/mariadb100-client/files/patch-build-fail-MDEV-12261   (contents, props changed)

Added: head/databases/mariadb100-client/files/patch-build-fail-MDEV-12261
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/databases/mariadb100-client/files/patch-build-fail-MDEV-12261	Sat Mar 18 10:11:22 2017	(r436389)
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+From 2c2bd8c1556b081fccd0fc3e010dc3ea2c38fffb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Sergei Golubchik <serg at>
+Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2017 11:46:54 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] MDEV-12261 build failure without P_S
+restore mysql_file_delete_with_symlink() but let it use
+new my_handler_delete_with_symlink() mysys helper.
+ include/my_sys.h                 |  3 +--
+ include/mysql/psi/mysql_file.h   | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ mysys/my_symlink2.c              | 14 ++++++-------
+ sql/                   |  2 +-
+ sql/                    |  6 +++---
+ sql/                     |  2 +-
+ storage/maria/ma_delete_table.c  |  8 ++++----
+ storage/myisam/mi_delete_table.c |  8 ++++----
+ 8 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/include/my_sys.h b/include/my_sys.h
+index 4e129cc..5b0a114 100644
+--- include/my_sys.h.orig
++++ include/my_sys.h
+@@ -597,8 +597,7 @@ extern File my_create_with_symlink(const char *linkname, const char *filename,
+ 				   myf MyFlags);
+ extern int my_rename_with_symlink(const char *from,const char *to,myf MyFlags);
+ extern int my_symlink(const char *content, const char *linkname, myf MyFlags);
+-extern int my_handler_delete_with_symlink(PSI_file_key key, const char *name,
+-                                          const char *ext, myf sync_dir);
++extern int my_handler_delete_with_symlink(const char *filename, myf sync_dir);
+ extern size_t my_read(File Filedes,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count,myf MyFlags);
+ extern size_t my_pread(File Filedes,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count,my_off_t offset,
+diff --git a/include/mysql/psi/mysql_file.h b/include/mysql/psi/mysql_file.h
+index aca66bd..df94603 100644
+--- include/mysql/psi/mysql_file.h.orig
++++ include/mysql/psi/mysql_file.h
+@@ -442,6 +442,20 @@
+ #endif
+ /**
++  @def mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(K, P1, P2, P3)
++  Instrumented delete with symbolic link.
++  @c mysql_file_delete_with_symlink is a replacement
++  for @c my_handler_delete_with_symlink.
++  #define mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(K, P1, P2, P3) \
++  inline_mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, P1, P2, P3)
++  #define mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(K, P1, P2, P3) \
++  inline_mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(P1, P2, P3)
+   @def mysql_file_rename_with_symlink(K, P1, P2, P3)
+   Instrumented rename with symbolic link.
+   @c mysql_file_rename_with_symlink is a replacement
+@@ -1294,6 +1308,7 @@ inline_mysql_file_rename(
+   return result;
+ }
+ static inline File
+ inline_mysql_file_create_with_symlink(
+@@ -1325,6 +1340,35 @@ inline_mysql_file_create_with_symlink(
+ static inline int
++  PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line,
++  const char *name, const char *ext, myf flags)
++  int result;
++  char fullname[FN_REFLEN];
++  fn_format(fullname, name, "", ext, MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_APPEND_EXT);
++  struct PSI_file_locker *locker;
++  PSI_file_locker_state state;
++  locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker)
++    (&state, key, PSI_FILE_DELETE, fullname, &locker);
++  if (likely(locker != NULL))
++  {
++    PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_close_wait)(locker, src_file, src_line);
++    result= my_handler_delete_with_symlink(fullname, flags);
++    PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_close_wait)(locker, result);
++    return result;
++  }
++  result= my_handler_delete_with_symlink(fullname, flags);
++  return result;
++static inline int
+ inline_mysql_file_rename_with_symlink(
+   PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line,
+diff --git a/mysys/my_symlink2.c b/mysys/my_symlink2.c
+index defcb59..c851468 100644
+--- mysys/my_symlink2.c.orig
++++ mysys/my_symlink2.c
+@@ -170,22 +170,20 @@ int my_rename_with_symlink(const char *from, const char *to, myf MyFlags)
+   in this case both the symlink and the symlinked file are deleted,
+   but only if the symlinked file is not in the datadir.
+ */
+-int my_handler_delete_with_symlink(PSI_file_key key, const char *name,
+-                                   const char *ext, myf sync_dir)
++int my_handler_delete_with_symlink(const char *filename, myf sync_dir)
+ {
+-  char orig[FN_REFLEN], real[FN_REFLEN];
++  char real[FN_REFLEN];
+   int res= 0;
+   DBUG_ENTER("my_handler_delete_with_symlink");
+-  fn_format(orig, name, "", ext, MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_APPEND_EXT);
+-  if (my_is_symlink(orig))
++  if (my_is_symlink(filename))
+   {
+     /*
+       Delete the symlinked file only if the symlink is not
+       pointing into datadir.
+     */
+-    if (!(my_realpath(real, orig, MYF(0)) || mysys_test_invalid_symlink(real)))
+-      res= mysql_file_delete(key, real, MYF(MY_NOSYMLINKS | sync_dir));
++    if (!(my_realpath(real, filename, MYF(0)) || mysys_test_invalid_symlink(real)))
++      res= my_delete(real, MYF(MY_NOSYMLINKS | sync_dir));
+   }
+-  DBUG_RETURN(mysql_file_delete(key, orig, MYF(sync_dir)) || res);
++  DBUG_RETURN(my_delete(filename, MYF(sync_dir)) || res);
+ }
+diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
+index 7fa8afd..fc70ed5 100644
+--- sql/
++++ sql/
+@@ -3850,7 +3850,7 @@ int handler::delete_table(const char *name)
+   for (const char **ext=bas_ext(); *ext ; ext++)
+   {
+-    if (my_handler_delete_with_symlink(key_file_misc, name, *ext, 0))
++    if (mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(key_file_misc, name, *ext, 0))
+     {
+       if (my_errno != ENOENT)
+       {
+diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
+index 3f43a33..6c8c384 100644
+--- sql/
++++ sql/
+@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ bool mysql_rm_db(THD *thd,char *db,bool if_exists, bool silent)
+      if there exists a table with the name 'db', so let's just do it
+      separately. We know this file exists and needs to be deleted anyway.
+   */
+-  if (my_handler_delete_with_symlink(key_file_misc, path, "", MYF(0)) &&
++  if (mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(key_file_misc, path, "", MYF(0)) &&
+       my_errno != ENOENT)
+   {
+     my_error(EE_DELETE, MYF(0), path, my_errno);
+@@ -1119,7 +1119,7 @@ static bool find_db_tables_and_rm_known_files(THD *thd, MY_DIR *dirp,
+         We ignore ENOENT error in order to skip files that was deleted
+         by concurrently running statement like REPAIR TABLE ...
+       */
+-      if (my_handler_delete_with_symlink(key_file_misc, filePath, "", MYF(0)) &&
++      if (mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(key_file_misc, filePath, "", MYF(0)) &&
+           my_errno != ENOENT)
+       {
+         my_error(EE_DELETE, MYF(0), filePath, my_errno);
+@@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ long mysql_rm_arc_files(THD *thd, MY_DIR *dirp, const char *org_path)
+       continue;
+     }
+     strxmov(filePath, org_path, "/", file->name, NullS);
+-    if (my_handler_delete_with_symlink(key_file_misc, filePath, "", MYF(MY_WME)))
++    if (mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(key_file_misc, filePath, "", MYF(MY_WME)))
+     {
+       goto err;
+     }
+diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
+index 80d0e02..975d9d5 100644
+--- sql/
++++ sql/
+@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ enum open_frm_error open_table_def(THD *thd, TABLE_SHARE *share, uint flags)
+   {
+     DBUG_ASSERT(flags & GTS_TABLE);
+-    my_handler_delete_with_symlink(key_file_frm, path, "", MYF(0));
++    mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(key_file_frm, path, "", MYF(0));
+     file= -1;
+   }
+   else
+diff --git a/storage/maria/ma_delete_table.c b/storage/maria/ma_delete_table.c
+index a9ab8e5..186075d 100644
+--- storage/maria/ma_delete_table.c.orig
++++ storage/maria/ma_delete_table.c
+@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ int maria_delete_table_files(const char *name, myf sync_dir)
+ {
+   DBUG_ENTER("maria_delete_table_files");
+-  if (my_handler_delete_with_symlink(key_file_kfile, name, MARIA_NAME_IEXT, MYF(MY_WME | sync_dir)) ||
+-      my_handler_delete_with_symlink(key_file_dfile, name, MARIA_NAME_DEXT, MYF(MY_WME | sync_dir)))
++  if (mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(key_file_kfile, name, MARIA_NAME_IEXT, MYF(MY_WME | sync_dir)) ||
++      mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(key_file_dfile, name, MARIA_NAME_DEXT, MYF(MY_WME | sync_dir)))
+     DBUG_RETURN(my_errno);
+-  my_handler_delete_with_symlink(key_file_dfile, name, ".TMD", MYF(0));
+-  my_handler_delete_with_symlink(key_file_dfile, name, ".OLD", MYF(0));
++  mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(key_file_dfile, name, ".TMD", MYF(0));
++  mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(key_file_dfile, name, ".OLD", MYF(0));
+ }
+diff --git a/storage/myisam/mi_delete_table.c b/storage/myisam/mi_delete_table.c
+index 3422e6b..d766fb2 100644
+--- storage/myisam/mi_delete_table.c.orig
++++ storage/myisam/mi_delete_table.c
+@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ int mi_delete_table(const char *name)
+   check_table_is_closed(name,"delete");
+ #endif
+-  if (my_handler_delete_with_symlink(mi_key_file_kfile, name, MI_NAME_IEXT, MYF(MY_WME)) ||
+-      my_handler_delete_with_symlink(mi_key_file_dfile, name, MI_NAME_DEXT, MYF(MY_WME)))
++  if (mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(mi_key_file_kfile, name, MI_NAME_IEXT, MYF(MY_WME)) ||
++      mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(mi_key_file_dfile, name, MI_NAME_DEXT, MYF(MY_WME)))
+     DBUG_RETURN(my_errno);
+   // optionally present:
+-  my_handler_delete_with_symlink(mi_key_file_dfile, name, ".OLD", MYF(0));
+-  my_handler_delete_with_symlink(mi_key_file_dfile, name, ".TMD", MYF(0));
++  mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(mi_key_file_dfile, name, ".OLD", MYF(0));
++  mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(mi_key_file_dfile, name, ".TMD", MYF(0));
+ }

Modified: head/databases/mariadb100-server/Makefile
--- head/databases/mariadb100-server/Makefile	Sat Mar 18 09:40:21 2017	(r436388)
+++ head/databases/mariadb100-server/Makefile	Sat Mar 18 10:11:22 2017	(r436389)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 # $FreeBSD$
 PORTNAME?=	mariadb
 CATEGORIES=	databases ipv6

Modified: head/databases/mariadb100-server/distinfo
--- head/databases/mariadb100-server/distinfo	Sat Mar 18 09:40:21 2017	(r436388)
+++ head/databases/mariadb100-server/distinfo	Sat Mar 18 10:11:22 2017	(r436389)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1484413888
-SHA256 (mariadb-10.0.29.tar.gz) = f5f8da646f7df4b1fb21adb8d2b15e6dfbe1964ceb8cea53207d580a464350f4
-SIZE (mariadb-10.0.29.tar.gz) = 63385696
+TIMESTAMP = 1489029439
+SHA256 (mariadb-10.0.30.tar.gz) = 9a2cb7f06ecce1bb64dddc70c484e36507b50b756c110c1d37fa145a13a796bb
+SIZE (mariadb-10.0.30.tar.gz) = 63433598

Modified: head/databases/mariadb100-server/files/patch-storage_connect_tabmysql.cpp
--- head/databases/mariadb100-server/files/patch-storage_connect_tabmysql.cpp	Sat Mar 18 09:40:21 2017	(r436388)
+++ head/databases/mariadb100-server/files/patch-storage_connect_tabmysql.cpp	Sat Mar 18 10:11:22 2017	(r436389)
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
---- storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp.orig	2016-04-28 20:27:49 UTC
+--- storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp.orig	2017-03-06 20:04:37 UTC
 +++ storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp
-@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ bool MYSQLDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCST
+@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ bool MYSQLDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCST
      Delayed = !!GetIntCatInfo("Delayed", 0);
    } else {
      // MYSQL access from a PROXY table 
--    Database = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Database", Schema ? Schema : PlugDup(g, "*"));
-+    Database = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Database", Schema ? Schema : PlugDup(g, (PSZ)"*"));
+-    Tabschema = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Database", Tabschema ? Tabschema : PlugDup(g, "*"));
++    Tabschema = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Database", Tabschema ? Tabschema : PlugDup(g, (PSZ)"*"));
      Isview = GetBoolCatInfo("View", false);
      // We must get other connection parms from the calling table

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