svn commit: r427319 - head/devel/p5-Params-Classify/files

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Mon Nov 28 14:02:14 UTC 2016

Author: mat
Date: Mon Nov 28 14:02:13 2016
New Revision: 427319

  Fix with Perl 5.25+ and 5.22/24 with PERL_OP_PARENT.
  Obtained from:
  Sponsored by:	Absolight

  head/devel/p5-Params-Classify/files/patch-lib_Params_Classify.xs   (contents, props changed)

Added: head/devel/p5-Params-Classify/files/patch-lib_Params_Classify.xs
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/devel/p5-Params-Classify/files/patch-lib_Params_Classify.xs	Mon Nov 28 14:02:13 2016	(r427319)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+From 0d301779bd42da52b4f8e13a667499846fc2cc55 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Reini Urban <rurban at>
+Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2016 17:08:24 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix 5.25 or 5.22/24 with PERL_OP_PARENT
+Fixes RT #114490
+--- lib/Params/Classify.xs.orig	2010-11-16 20:35:47 UTC
++++ lib/Params/Classify.xs
+@@ -123,6 +123,22 @@ static void *THX_ptr_table_fetch(pTHX_ P
+ # define sv_is_regexp(sv) 0
+ #endif /* <5.11.0 */
++#ifndef OpSIBLING
++# ifdef PERL_OP_PARENT
++#  define OpSIBLING(o)		(0 + (o)->op_moresib ? (o)->op_sibparent : NULL)
++#  define OpMAYBESIB_set(o, sib, parent) \
++       ((o)->op_sibparent = ((o)->op_moresib = cBOOL(sib)) ? (sib) : (parent))
++# else
++#  define OpSIBLING(o)		(0 + (o)->op_sibling)
++#  if PERL_VERSION_GE(5,11,0)
++#    define OpMAYBESIB_set(o, sib, parent) ((o)->op_sibling = (sib))
++#  else
++#    define OpMAYBESIB_set(o, sib, parent) ((o)->op_moresib = cBOOL(sib), (o)->op_sibling = (sib))
++#  endif
++# endif
+ #define sv_is_undef(sv) (!sv_is_glob(sv) && !sv_is_regexp(sv) && !SvOK(sv))
+ #define sv_is_string(sv) \
+@@ -625,8 +641,8 @@ static OP *myck_entersub(pTHX_ OP *op)
+ 	OP *(*ppfunc)(pTHX);
+ 	I32 cvflags;
+ 	pushop = cUNOPx(op)->op_first;
+-	if(!pushop->op_sibling) pushop = cUNOPx(pushop)->op_first;
+-	for(cvop = pushop; cvop->op_sibling; cvop = cvop->op_sibling) ;
++	if(!OpSIBLING(pushop)) pushop = cUNOPx(pushop)->op_first;
++	for(cvop = pushop; OpSIBLING(cvop); cvop = OpSIBLING(cvop)) ;
+ 	if(!(cvop->op_type == OP_RV2CV &&
+ 			!(cvop->op_private & OPpENTERSUB_AMPER) &&
+ 			(cv = rvop_cv(cUNOPx(cvop)->op_first)) &&
+@@ -635,20 +651,20 @@ static OP *myck_entersub(pTHX_ OP *op)
+ 		return nxck_entersub(aTHX_ op);
+ 	cvflags = CvXSUBANY(cv).any_i32;
+ 	op = nxck_entersub(aTHX_ op);   /* for prototype checking */
+-	aop = pushop->op_sibling;
+-	bop = aop->op_sibling;
++	aop = OpSIBLING(pushop);
++	bop = OpSIBLING(aop);
+ 	if(bop == cvop) {
+ 		if(!(cvflags & PC_ALLOW_UNARY)) return op;
+ 		unary:
+-		pushop->op_sibling = bop;
+-		aop->op_sibling = NULL;
++		OpMAYBESIB_set(pushop, bop, NULL);
++		OpMAYBESIB_set(aop, NULL, NULL);
+ 		op_free(op);
+ 		op = newUNOP(OP_NULL, 0, aop);
+ 		op->op_type = OP_RAND;
+ 		op->op_ppaddr = ppfunc;
+ 		op->op_private = (U8)cvflags;
+ 		return op;
+-	} else if(bop && bop->op_sibling == cvop) {
++	} else if(bop && OpSIBLING(bop) == cvop) {
+ 		if(!(cvflags & PC_ALLOW_BINARY)) return op;
+ 		if(ppfunc == THX_pp_check_sclass &&
+ 				(cvflags & PC_TYPE_MASK) == SCLASS_REF) {
+@@ -667,9 +683,9 @@ static OP *myck_entersub(pTHX_ OP *op)
+ 			cvflags &= ~PC_TYPE_MASK;
+ 			ppfunc = THX_pp_check_dyn_battr;
+ 		}
+-		pushop->op_sibling = cvop;
+-		aop->op_sibling = NULL;
+-		bop->op_sibling = NULL;
++		OpMAYBESIB_set(pushop, cvop, NULL);
++		OpMAYBESIB_set(aop, NULL, NULL);
++		OpMAYBESIB_set(bop, NULL, NULL);
+ 		op_free(op);
+ 		op = newBINOP(OP_NULL, 0, aop, bop);
+ 		op->op_type = OP_RAND;

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