Certified Magento Developer for your Magento Site

Abhinav Kumar Singh allin.shwetasinha at gmail.com
Fri May 29 13:58:44 UTC 2015

Hi ,


I am Abhinav Kumar Singh
<http://www.magentocommerce.com/certification/directory/dev/2000581/> ,
representing India's No. 1 Magento Certified Developer Plus Provider. We are
a team of 200+ Certified Magento developers who hold expertise in developing
Magento stores including Automated Integration for Magento Store with Google
shopping, Review, Ajax based Pagination, Q and A module and many more. 


You can click here to check my Magento Developer Plus Certification Profile:


We have successfully completed 5000 + Magento Store Design and Development
projects just on Elance. Click here
<https://www.elance.com/s/allinwebsolutions/job-history/2?k=Magento&t=1>  to
check our ratings & reviews on Elance:


We are widely acclaimed for generating sales through Magento stores as we
have developed an Advanced Skills for Magento Store SEO. We are not only a
Magento store designer & developer but are also engaged in rendering an
elite range of services including web and graphic designing, mobile
application development, WordPress, SEO (search engine optimization) and
many more. 


Click here <https://drive.google.com/drive/#my-drive>  to see how we
transform ideas into real time business:


Services We Offer: 


*	Magento Mobile App. 
*	PSD to Magento Conversion.
*	Custom Magento Development.
*	Custom Magento Website Design.
*	Magento Integration and Maintenance.
*	Magento Extension/Plugins Development.
*	Magento Store/e-commerce Development.

We have a three tier quality check system so there is no chance of
compromise on the quality.   

May I know, if you are interested in availing any of our services! Based on
your response, one of our Expert Magento Store Consultant will be scheduled
for further communication.

Looking forward for your positive response.


Warm Regards,

Abhinav Kumar Singh 

Senior Magento Developer


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