svn commit: r387637 - in head/devel/tcllib: . files

Mikhail T. mi+thun at
Thu May 28 18:07:19 UTC 2015

On 05/28/15 12:50, Antoine Brodin wrote:
>> Please, provide error-messages/logs (either by value or by reference), when reporting a problem. Thank you,
Thank you. The error:

    couldn't read file "/usr/local/lib/critcl3.1.12/../md5/md5.tcl": no such file or directory
        while executing
    "source [file join [file dirname [info script]] ../md5/md5.tcl]"
        (file "/usr/local/lib/critcl3.1.12/critcl.tcl" line 56)
        invoked from within
    "source /usr/local/lib/critcl3.1.12/critcl.tcl"

exposes a deficiency in devel/critcl -- it searches for an
md5-implementation and fails to find it, reporting only the very last error.

devel/critcl ought to depend on devel/tcl-trf.



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