svn commit: r387637 - in head/devel/tcllib: . files
Mikhail Teterin
mi at
Wed May 27 17:19:34 UTC 2015
Author: mi
Date: Wed May 27 17:19:32 2015
New Revision: 387637
Rely on critcl port to provide compiled implementations of the
modules, where available.
PR: 195863
Approved by: maintainer (blanket)
head/devel/tcllib/files/patch-jpeg (contents, props changed)
head/devel/tcllib/files/patch-json (contents, props changed)
head/devel/tcllib/files/patch-tests (contents, props changed)
Modified: head/devel/tcllib/Makefile
--- head/devel/tcllib/Makefile Wed May 27 16:26:13 2015 (r387636)
+++ head/devel/tcllib/Makefile Wed May 27 17:19:32 2015 (r387637)
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
PORTNAME= tcllib
CATEGORIES= devel tcl
MAINTAINER= tcltk at
@@ -13,6 +14,8 @@ LICENSE_NAME= Tcl/Tk License
LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/license.terms
LICENSE_PERMS= dist-mirror dist-sell pkg-mirror pkg-sell auto-accept
+BUILD_DEPENDS= critcl:${PORTSDIR}/devel/critcl
@@ -22,9 +25,11 @@ GH_TAGNAME= ${PORTNAME}_${PORTVERSION:S/
USES+= tcl
CONFIGURE_ENV+= ac_cv_path_tclsh="${TCLSH}"
+ALL_TARGET= critcl
+PLIST_SUB+= BINARCH=${OPSYS:tl}-${ARCH:S/i386/ix86/}
INSTALL_ARGS= -pkgs -pkg-path ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/tcllib \
-apps -app-path ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin \
@@ -71,11 +76,6 @@ post-patch:
${WRKSRC}/modules/doctools/tests/text/04 > ${WRKSRC}/modules/doctools/tests/text/
${MV} ${WRKSRC}/modules/doctools/tests/text/ ${WRKSRC}/modules/doctools/tests/text/04
-# .orig files confuse the pt module test suite and eventually get
-# installed
- ${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name "*.orig" -delete
# man pages have the .tcllib suffix, so there's no need to have a
# tcllib_ prefix too
@@ -97,11 +97,14 @@ post-patch:
for man in `${FIND} . -name "*.n"`; do \
${MV} $$man `echo $$man | ${SED} -e 's|n$$|tcllib.n|'`; \
+ cd ${WRKSRC}/modules/json/c && ${YACC} -b json json.y
cd ${WRKSRC} && ${TCLSH} ./installer.tcl ${INSTALL_ARGS}
+ ${RM} ${WRKSRC}/modules/tcllibc/license.terms
+ ${CP} -Rp ${WRKSRC}/modules/tcllibc ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/tcllib/
-regression-test: build
+test check xregression-test: build
.include <>
Added: head/devel/tcllib/files/patch-jpeg
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/devel/tcllib/files/patch-jpeg Wed May 27 17:19:32 2015 (r387637)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+--- modules/jpeg/jpeg.tcl 2014-02-11 14:04:18.000000000 -0500
++++ modules/jpeg/jpeg.tcl 2014-12-09 00:28:21.000000000 -0500
+@@ -364,5 +364,8 @@
+ set fh [openJFIF $file]
+ set r [catch {getExifFromChannel $fh $type} err]
+- close $fh
++ if {$err != ""} {
++ # If err is empty, the file is closed already
++ close $fh
++ }
+ return -code $r $err
+ }
Added: head/devel/tcllib/files/patch-json
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/devel/tcllib/files/patch-json Wed May 27 17:19:32 2015 (r387637)
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+--- modules/json/c/json.y
++++ modules/json/c/json.y
+@@ -3,26 +3,32 @@
+ * Mikhail.
+ */
+ %{
+ #include <tcl.h>
++#include <errno.h>
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ #include <math.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <assert.h>
++#define USE_DICT
+ #include <json_y.h>
+ #define TOKEN(tok) TRACE (("TOKEN %s\n", tok))
+ #define TOKEN1(tok) TRACE (("TOKEN %s (%s)\n", tok, Tcl_GetString(context->obj)))
+ #define REDUCE(rule) TRACE (("REDUCE %s\n", rule))
+-#define TRUE_O (Tcl_NewStringObj("true", 4))
+-#define FALSE_O (Tcl_NewStringObj("false", 5))
+-#define NULL_O (Tcl_NewStringObj("null", 4))
++#define TRUE_O staticobj(TRUEO)
++#define FALSE_O staticobj(FALSEO)
++#define NULL_O staticobj(NULLO)
++enum constants { FALSEO, TRUEO, NULLO, NUMCONSTANTS };
++static Tcl_Obj * staticobj(enum constants);
+ static void jsonerror(struct context *, const char *);
+ static int jsonlexp(struct context *context);
+ #define YYPARSE_PARAM_TYPE void *
+ #define YYPARSE_PARAM context
+@@ -105,18 +111,27 @@
+ }
+ ;
+ members : member
+ {
++#ifdef USE_DICT
++ $$ = Tcl_NewDictObj();
++ Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, $$, $1.key, $1.val);
+ $$ = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL);
+ Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, $$, $1.key);
+ Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, $$, $1.val);
+ }
+ | members ',' member
+ {
++#ifdef USE_DICT
++ Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, $1, $3.key, $3.val);
+ Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, $1, $3.key);
+ Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, $1, $3.val);
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ ;
+ member : string ':' value
+@@ -177,10 +192,69 @@
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
++ * JSON has 3 string-literals: "null", "true", and "false". Instead of
++ * creating a NEW Tcl-object EACH TIME such literal is encountered, we
++ * return the reference to the first such object created (and bump its
++ * reference-count to prevent memory errors).
++ */
++Tcl_Obj *
++staticobj(enum constants constant)
++ static Tcl_Obj *objects[NUMCONSTANTS];
++ Tcl_Obj **p;
++ assert(constant >= 0 && constant < NUMCONSTANTS);
++ p = objects + constant;
++ if (*p == NULL) {
++ /*
++ * This is the first time we were asked for an object for
++ * this constant. Create it to the best of our ability.
++ *
++ * Using the trick below, rather than the usual
++ * Tcl_NewStringObj(), avoids creation of a COPY
++ * of the string "null". Such copying is a waste,
++ * if the object itself is never to be freed...
++ */
++ *p = Tcl_NewObj();
++ switch (constant) {
++ case NULLO:
++ (*p)->bytes = (void *)"null";
++ (*p)->length = 4;
++ break;
++ case TRUEO:
++ /*
++ * A boolean-object's default string representation is
++ * "0" or "1", but we'd like the fancier "false" and
++ * "true" for our objects to better match the
++ * expectations of JSON-users.
++ */
++ Tcl_SetBooleanObj(*p, 1);
++ (*p)->bytes = (void *)"true";
++ (*p)->length = 4;
++ break;
++ case FALSEO:
++ Tcl_SetBooleanObj(*p, 0);
++ (*p)->bytes = (void *)"false";
++ (*p)->length = 5;
++ break;
++ default:
++ Tcl_Panic("Internal error in %s:%d unknown constant %d",
++ __FILE__, __LINE__, (int)constant);
++ }
++ }
++ /*
++ * Increase the ref-count so nothing ever attempts to free
++ * neither the static object we are returning, nor its bytes.
++ */
++ Tcl_IncrRefCount(*p);
++ return *p;
+ static int
+ jsonlexp(struct context *context)
+ {
+ const char *bp = NULL;
+@@ -191,10 +265,17 @@
+ enum {
+ PLAIN = 0x0000ff00,
+ INSTR = 0x00ff0000
+ } lstate;
+ double d;
++ int i;
++ long l;
++ long long ll;
++ Tcl_WideInt wi;
++#ifdef USE_BIG_NUM
++ mp_int mpi;
+ char *end;
+ const char *p;
+ int initialized = 0;
+ /*
+@@ -343,32 +424,63 @@
+ yyerror("Escape character outside of string");
+ TOKEN ("escape error");
+ return -1;
+ }
++ context->obj = NULL;
+ /*
+ * We already considered the null, true, and false
+ * above, so it can only be a number now.
+- *
+- * NOTE: At this point we do not care about double
+- * versus integer, nor about the possible integer
+- * range. We generate a plain string Tcl_Obj and leave
+- * it to the user of the generated structure to
+- * convert to a number when actually needed. This
+- * defered conversion also ensures that the Tcl and
+- * platform we are building against does not matter
+- * regarding integer range, only the abilities of the
+- * Tcl at runtime.
+ */
++ errno = 0;
+ d = strtod(context->text, &end);
+- if (end == context->text)
+- goto bareword; /* Nothing parsed */
+- context->obj = Tcl_NewStringObj (context->text,
+- end - context->text);
++ if (end == context->text || isnan(d) || isinf(d))
++ goto bareword; /* Nothing parsed */
++ if (context->text[0] == '0' && context->text[1] != '.') {
++ yyerror("Leading zeros aren't allowed in JSON");
++ TOKEN("Leading zero error");
++ return -1;
++ }
++ if (errno == ERANGE) {
++ /* Too large. Let TCL core deal with it */
++ goto donewithnumber;
++ }
++ /* See, if there was anything other than digit there: */
++ for (p = context->text; p != end; p++) {
++ if ((*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') || *p == '+' || *p == '-')
++ continue;
++ context->obj = Tcl_NewDoubleObj(d);
++ goto donewithnumber;
++ }
++ /* Didn't find any non-digits, must be an integer: */
++ errno = 0;
++ ll = strtoll(context->text, &end, 10);
++ if (errno == ERANGE) {
++ /* Too large. Let TCL core deal with it */
++ goto donewithnumber;
++ }
++ /* Find the right integer-type for this number */
++ i = ll; /* int ? */
++ if (i == ll) {
++ context->obj = Tcl_NewIntObj(i);
++ goto donewithnumber;
++ }
++ l = ll; /* long ? */
++ if (l == ll) {
++ context->obj = Tcl_NewLongObj(l);
++ goto donewithnumber;
++ }
++ wi = ll; /* Tcl_WideInt */
++ if (wi == ll) {
++ context->obj = Tcl_NewWideIntObj(wi);
++ goto donewithnumber;
++ }
++ donewithnumber:
++ if (context->obj == NULL) {
++ context->obj = Tcl_NewStringObj(context->text,
++ end - context->text);
++ }
+ context->remaining -= (end - context->text);
+ context->text = end;
+ return CONSTANT;
+ }
+--- modules/json/tests/numbers.json
++++ modules/json/tests/numbers.json
+@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
++{"numbers": {
++ "int" : 123,
++ "long" : 1234567890123456789,
++ "bigint": 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
+--- modules/json/tests/numbers.result
++++ modules/json/tests/numbers.result
+@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
++numbers {int 123 long 1234567890123456789 bigint 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789}
Added: head/devel/tcllib/files/patch-tests
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/devel/tcllib/files/patch-tests Wed May 27 17:19:32 2015 (r387637)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+--- modules/clock/iso8601.test 2014-02-11 14:04:18.000000000 -0500
++++ modules/clock/iso8601.test 2014-12-09 00:12:22.000000000 -0500
+@@ -27,5 +27,5 @@
+ test clock-iso8601-1.1 {parse_date, bad option} -body {
+ clock::iso8601 parse_date 1994-11-05 -foo x
+-} -returnCodes error -result {bad switch "-foo", must be -base, -format, -gmt, -locale or -timezone}
++} -returnCodes error -match regexp -result {bad (option|switch) "-foo", must be -base, -format, -gmt, -locale or -timezone}
+ # NOTE: While listed as legal, -format is NOT. This is because the
+--- modules/struct/sets.test 2014-02-11 14:04:18.000000000 -0500
++++ modules/struct/sets.test 2014-12-09 01:39:00.000000000 -0500
+@@ -87,5 +87,5 @@
+ }
+ tcl {
+- if {[package vsatisfies [package present Tcl] 8.5]} {
++ if {$tcl_version == 8.5} {
+ # In 8.5 head the alias itself is reported, not what it
+ # resolved to.
Modified: head/devel/tcllib/pkg-plist
--- head/devel/tcllib/pkg-plist Wed May 27 16:26:13 2015 (r387636)
+++ head/devel/tcllib/pkg-plist Wed May 27 17:19:32 2015 (r387637)
@@ -554,6 +554,10 @@ lib/tcllib/struct/tree_c.tcl
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