svn commit: r385792 - in head/editors/openoffice-4: . files
Don Lewis
truckman at
Fri May 8 15:58:39 UTC 2015
Author: truckman
Date: Fri May 8 15:58:38 2015
New Revision: 385792
Add a patch to fix the HWP filter vulnerability documented in
CVE-2015-1774 and
Approved by: mat (mentor)
MFH: 2015Q2
Security: b13af778-f4fc-11e4-a95d-ac9e174be3af
Differential Revision:
head/editors/openoffice-4/files/patch-CVE-2015-1774 (contents, props changed)
Modified: head/editors/openoffice-4/Makefile
--- head/editors/openoffice-4/Makefile Fri May 8 15:55:16 2015 (r385791)
+++ head/editors/openoffice-4/Makefile Fri May 8 15:58:38 2015 (r385792)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
PORTNAME= apache-openoffice
CATEGORIES= editors java
MASTER_SITES= APACHE/openoffice/${PORTVERSION}/source \ \
Added: head/editors/openoffice-4/files/patch-CVE-2015-1774
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/editors/openoffice-4/files/patch-CVE-2015-1774 Fri May 8 15:58:38 2015 (r385792)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Index: scp2/source/writer/module_writer.scp
+--- scp2/source/writer/module_writer.scp (revision 1677189)
++++ scp2/source/writer/module_writer.scp (revision 1677190)
+@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
+ Styles = (HIDDEN_ROOT);
+ Files = (gid_File_Bin_Cde_Sagenda,gid_File_Bin_Cde_Sfax,gid_File_Bin_Cde_Slabel,
+ gid_File_Bin_Cde_Sletter,gid_File_Bin_Cde_Smemo,gid_File_Bin_Cde_Svcard,
+- gid_File_Lib_Hwpreader,
+ gid_File_Lib_Swd,
+ gid_File_Lib_Swui,
+ gid_File_Lib_Msword,
+Index: scp2/source/writer/file_writer.scp
+--- scp2/source/writer/file_writer.scp (revision 1677189)
++++ scp2/source/writer/file_writer.scp (revision 1677190)
+@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
+ STD_LIB_FILE( gid_File_Lib_Swd , swd)
+-SPECIAL_LIB_FILE(gid_File_Lib_Hwpreader, hwp)
+ File gid_File_Exe_Swriter
+ Dir = gid_Brand_Dir_Program;
+Index: postprocess/packcomponents/
+--- postprocess/packcomponents/ (revision 1677189)
++++ postprocess/packcomponents/ (revision 1677190)
+@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@
+ fps_office \
+ frm \
+ guesslang \
+- hwp \
+ i18npool \
+ i18nsearch \
+ lng \
+Index: postprocess/prj/build.lst
+--- postprocess/prj/build.lst (revision 1677189)
++++ postprocess/prj/build.lst (revision 1677190)
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-po postprocess :: svgio accessibility automation basctl bean chart2 configmgr CRASHREP:crashrep COINMP:coinmp cui dbaccess desktop dtrans embeddedobj embedserv EPM:epm eventattacher extensions extras fileaccess filter forms fpicker helpcontent2 hwpfilter io JAVAINSTALLER2:javainstaller2 lingucomponent MATHMLDTD:MathMLDTD ODK:odk officecfg package padmin psprint_config remotebridges sc scaddins sccomp scp2 scripting sd setup_native slideshow starmath sw sysui testtools ucb UnoControls unoxml ure wizards xmerge xmlsecurity MORE_FONTS:more_fonts OOo:pyuno OOo:readlicense_oo SO:top unodevtools JFREEREPORT:jfreereport REPORTBUILDER:reportbuilder reportdesign sdext SWEXT:swext smoketestdoc uui writerfilter winaccessibility oox MYSQLC:mysqlc LIBXSLT:libxslt NULL
++po postprocess :: svgio accessibility automation basctl bean chart2 configmgr CRASHREP:crashrep COINMP:coinmp cui dbaccess desktop dtrans embeddedobj embedserv EPM:epm eventattacher extensions extras fileaccess filter forms fpicker helpcontent2 io JAVAINSTALLER2:javainstaller2 lingucomponent MATHMLDTD:MathMLDTD ODK:odk officecfg package padmin psprint_config remotebridges sc scaddins sccomp scp2 scripting sd setup_native slideshow starmath sw sysui testtools ucb UnoControls unoxml ure wizards xmerge xmlsecurity MORE_FONTS:more_fonts OOo:pyuno OOo:readlicense_oo SO:top unodevtools JFREEREPORT:jfreereport REPORTBUILDER:reportbuilder reportdesign sdext SWEXT:swext smoketestdoc uui writerfilter winaccessibility oox MYSQLC:mysqlc LIBXSLT:libxslt NULL
+ po postprocess usr1 - all po_mkout NULL
+ po postprocess\checkxml nmake - all po_checkxml NULL
+ po postprocess\checkdeliver nmake - all po_checkdlv NULL
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