svn commit: r380419 - in head: . mail mail/greylite mail/greylite/files

Alexey Dokuchaev danfe at
Wed Mar 4 11:51:38 UTC 2015

On Wed, Mar 04, 2015 at 10:59:46AM +0100, Oliver Lehmann wrote:
> Alexey Dokuchaev <danfe at> wrote:
> > If it was restored, why it was not properly repocopied?
> I tried to follow [committers guide], but strumbled upon the adding part.
> I guess I missunderstood something :/

OK, then apparently either instructions are unclear, or you did something
wrong.  Why didn't you ask on the lists?  What's good in cutting corners
instead of learning how to use the tool properly?

I don't want to pick on Oliver (or anyone else) in particular, but this is
not the first reply akin to "tried to follow the guide, didn't work out,
committed new port instead" for this "why it was not properly resurrected"
question of mine. :(


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