svn commit: r389243 - in head/sysutils/xen-tools: . files
Baptiste Daroussin
bapt at
Thu Jun 11 18:26:49 UTC 2015
Author: bapt
Date: Thu Jun 11 18:26:45 2015
New Revision: 389243
Fix multiple security issues Remove previous XSA-133 fix for consistency
Security: XSA-119 / CVE-2015-2152
Security: XSA-125 / CVE-2015-2752
Security: XSA-126 / CVE-2015-2756
Security: XSA-128 / CVE-2015-4103
Security: XSA-129 / CVE-2015-4104
Security: XSA-130 / CVE-2015-4105
Security: XSA-131 / CVE-2015-4106
Security: XSA-133 / CVE-2015-3456
Security: XSA-135 / CVE-2015-3209
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa119-unstable.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa125.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa126-qemut.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa126-qemuu.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa128-qemut.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa128-qemuu.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa129-qemut.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa129-qemuu.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa130-qemut.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa130-qemuu.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa131-qemut-1.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa131-qemut-2.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa131-qemut-3.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa131-qemut-4.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa131-qemut-5.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa131-qemut-6.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa131-qemut-7.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa131-qemut-8.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa131-qemuu-1.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa131-qemuu-2.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa131-qemuu-3.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa131-qemuu-4.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa131-qemuu-5.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa131-qemuu-6.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa131-qemuu-7.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa131-qemuu-8.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa133-qemut.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa133-qemuu.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa135-qemut-1.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa135-qemut-2.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa135-qemuu-4.5-1.patch (contents, props changed)
head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa135-qemuu-4.5-2.patch (contents, props changed)
Modified: head/sysutils/xen-tools/Makefile
--- head/sysutils/xen-tools/Makefile Thu Jun 11 18:14:48 2015 (r389242)
+++ head/sysutils/xen-tools/Makefile Thu Jun 11 18:26:45 2015 (r389243)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
CATEGORIES= sysutils emulators
@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ QEMU_ARGS= --disable-gtk \
--disable-tools \
--disable-curl \
+EXTRA_PATCHES= ${FILESDIR}/xsa119-unstable.patch:-p1 \
+ ${FILESDIR}/xsa125.patch:-p1
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-extra-qemuu-configure-args="${QEMU_ARGS}"
SHEBANG_FILES= tools/misc/xencov_split \
@@ -71,6 +75,14 @@ post-patch:
${WRKSRC}/tools/libxl/libxl_dm.c \
${WRKSRC}/tools/qemu-xen-traditional/i386-dm/helper2.c \
+ @for p in ${FILESDIR}/*qemut*.patch; do \
+ ${ECHO_CMD} "====> Applying $${p##*/}" ; \
+ patch -s -p1 -i $${p} -d ${WRKSRC}/tools/qemu-xen-traditional ; \
+ done
+ @for p in ${FILESDIR}/*qemuu*.patch; do \
+ ${ECHO_CMD} "====> Applying $${p##*/}" ; \
+ patch -s -p1 -i $${p} -d ${WRKSRC}/tools/qemu-xen ; \
+ done
${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}/var/run/xen
Added: head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa119-unstable.patch
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa119-unstable.patch Thu Jun 11 18:26:45 2015 (r389243)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+From f433bfafbaf7d8a41c4c27aa3e8e78b1ab900b69 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell at>
+Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 14:41:09 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] tools: libxl: Explicitly disable graphics backends on qemu
+ cmdline
+By default qemu will try to create some sort of backend for the
+emulated VGA device, either SDL or VNC.
+However when the user specifies sdl=0 and vnc=0 in their configuration
+libxl was not explicitly disabling either backend, which could lead to
+one unexpectedly running.
+If either sdl=1 or vnc=1 is configured then both before and after this
+change only the backends which are explicitly enabled are configured,
+i.e. this issue only occurs when all backends are supposed to have
+been disabled.
+This affects qemu-xen and qemu-xen-traditional differently.
+If qemu-xen was compiled with SDL support then this would result in an
+SDL window being opened if $DISPLAY is valid, or a failure to start
+the guest if not. Passing "-display none" to qemu before any further
+-sdl options disables this default behaviour and ensures that SDL is
+only started if the libxl configuration demands it.
+If qemu-xen was compiled without SDL support then qemu would instead
+start a VNC server listening on ::1 (IPv6 localhost) or
+(IPv4 localhost) with IPv6 preferred if available. Explicitly pass
+"-vnc none" when vnc is not enabled in the libxl configuration to
+remove this possibility.
+qemu-xen-traditional would never start a vnc backend unless asked.
+However by default it will start an SDL backend, the way to disable
+this is to pass a -vnc option. In other words passing "-vnc none" will
+disable both vnc and sdl by default. sdl can then be reenabled if
+configured by subsequent use of the -sdl option.
+Tested with both qemu-xen and qemu-xen-traditional built with SDL
+support and:
+ xl cr # defaults
+ xl cr sdl=0 vnc=0
+ xl cr sdl=1 vnc=0
+ xl cr sdl=0 vnc=1
+ xl cr sdl=0 vnc=0 vga=\"none\"
+ xl cr sdl=0 vnc=0 nographic=1
+with both valid and invalid $DISPLAY.
+This is XSA-119.
+Reported-by: Sander Eikelenboom <linux at>
+Signed-off-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell at>
+Acked-by: Ian Jackson <ian.jackson at>
+ tools/libxl/libxl_dm.c | 21 +++++++++++++++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tools/libxl/libxl_dm.c b/tools/libxl/libxl_dm.c
+index 8599a6a..3b918c6 100644
+--- a/tools/libxl/libxl_dm.c
++++ b/tools/libxl/libxl_dm.c
+@@ -180,7 +180,14 @@ static char ** libxl__build_device_model_args_old(libxl__gc *gc,
+ if (libxl_defbool_val(vnc->findunused)) {
+ flexarray_append(dm_args, "-vncunused");
+ }
+- }
++ } else
++ /*
++ * VNC is not enabled by default by qemu-xen-traditional,
++ * however passing -vnc none causes SDL to not be
++ * (unexpectedly) enabled by default. This is overridden by
++ * explicitly passing -sdl below as required.
++ */
++ flexarray_append_pair(dm_args, "-vnc", "none");
+ if (sdl) {
+ flexarray_append(dm_args, "-sdl");
+@@ -522,7 +529,17 @@ static char ** libxl__build_device_model_args_new(libxl__gc *gc,
+ }
+ flexarray_append(dm_args, vncarg);
+- }
++ } else
++ /*
++ * Ensure that by default no vnc server is created.
++ */
++ flexarray_append_pair(dm_args, "-vnc", "none");
++ /*
++ * Ensure that by default no display backend is created. Further
++ * options given below might then enable more.
++ */
++ flexarray_append_pair(dm_args, "-display", "none");
+ if (sdl) {
+ flexarray_append(dm_args, "-sdl");
Added: head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa125.patch
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa125.patch Thu Jun 11 18:26:45 2015 (r389243)
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+From 98670acc98cad5aee0e0714694a64d3b96675c36 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk at>
+Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 12:57:11 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] Limit XEN_DOMCTL_memory_mapping hypercall to only process up
+ to 64 GFNs (or less)
+Said hypercall for large BARs can take quite a while. As such
+we can require that the hypercall MUST break up the request
+in smaller values.
+Another approach is to add preemption to it - whether we do the
+preemption using hypercall_create_continuation or returning
+EAGAIN to userspace (and have it re-invocate the call) - either
+way the issue we cannot easily solve is that in 'map_mmio_regions'
+if we encounter an error we MUST call 'unmap_mmio_regions' for the
+whole BAR region.
+Since the preemption would re-use input fields such as nr_mfns,
+first_gfn, first_mfn - we would lose the original values -
+and only undo what was done in the current round (i.e. ignoring
+anything that was done prior to earlier preemptions).
+Unless we re-used the return value as 'EAGAIN|nr_mfns_done<<10' but
+that puts a limit (since the return value is a long) on the amount
+of nr_mfns that can provided.
+This patch sidesteps this problem by:
+ - Setting an hard limit of nr_mfns having to be 64 or less.
+ - Toolstack adjusts correspondingly to the nr_mfn limit.
+ - If the there is an error when adding the toolstack will call the
+ remove operation to remove the whole region.
+The need to break this hypercall down is for large BARs can take
+more than the guest (initial domain usually) time-slice. This has
+the negative result in that the guest is locked out for a long
+duration and is unable to act on any pending events.
+We also augment the code to return zero if nr_mfns instead
+of trying to the hypercall.
+Suggested-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich at>
+Acked-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich at>
+Signed-off-by: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk at>
+Acked-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell at>
+[v50: Simplify loop]
+[v51: If max_batch_sz 1 (or less) we would return zero. Fix that]
+[v52: Handle nr_mfns being zero]
+[v53: Fix up return value]
+ tools/libxc/xc_domain.c | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
+ xen/common/domctl.c | 5 +++++
+ xen/include/public/domctl.h | 1 +
+ 3 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tools/libxc/xc_domain.c b/tools/libxc/xc_domain.c
+index 845d1d7..bba7672 100644
+--- a/tools/libxc/xc_domain.c
++++ b/tools/libxc/xc_domain.c
+@@ -1988,6 +1988,8 @@ int xc_domain_memory_mapping(
+ {
+ xc_dominfo_t info;
++ int ret = 0, err;
++ unsigned long done = 0, nr, max_batch_sz;
+ if ( xc_domain_getinfo(xch, domid, 1, &info) != 1 ||
+ info.domid != domid )
+@@ -1998,14 +2000,50 @@ int xc_domain_memory_mapping(
+ if ( !xc_core_arch_auto_translated_physmap(&info) )
+ return 0;
++ if ( !nr_mfns )
++ return 0;
+ domctl.cmd = XEN_DOMCTL_memory_mapping;
+ domctl.domain = domid;
+- domctl.u.memory_mapping.first_gfn = first_gfn;
+- domctl.u.memory_mapping.first_mfn = first_mfn;
+- domctl.u.memory_mapping.nr_mfns = nr_mfns;
+ domctl.u.memory_mapping.add_mapping = add_mapping;
++ max_batch_sz = nr_mfns;
++ do
++ {
++ nr = min(nr_mfns - done, max_batch_sz);
++ domctl.u.memory_mapping.nr_mfns = nr;
++ domctl.u.memory_mapping.first_gfn = first_gfn + done;
++ domctl.u.memory_mapping.first_mfn = first_mfn + done;
++ err = do_domctl(xch, &domctl);
++ if ( err && errno == E2BIG )
++ {
++ if ( max_batch_sz <= 1 )
++ break;
++ max_batch_sz >>= 1;
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* Save the first error... */
++ if ( !ret )
++ ret = err;
++ /* .. and ignore the rest of them when removing. */
++ if ( err && add_mapping != DPCI_REMOVE_MAPPING )
++ break;
+- return do_domctl(xch, &domctl);
++ done += nr;
++ } while ( done < nr_mfns );
++ /*
++ * Undo what we have done unless unmapping, by unmapping the entire region.
++ * Errors here are ignored.
++ */
++ if ( ret && add_mapping != DPCI_REMOVE_MAPPING )
++ xc_domain_memory_mapping(xch, domid, first_gfn, first_mfn, nr_mfns,
++ /* We might get E2BIG so many times that we never advance. */
++ if ( !done && !ret )
++ ret = -1;
++ return ret;
+ }
+ int xc_domain_ioport_mapping(
+diff --git a/xen/common/domctl.c b/xen/common/domctl.c
+index d396cc4..c2e60a7 100644
+--- a/xen/common/domctl.c
++++ b/xen/common/domctl.c
+@@ -1027,6 +1027,11 @@ long do_domctl(XEN_GUEST_HANDLE_PARAM(xen_domctl_t) u_domctl)
+ (gfn + nr_mfns - 1) < gfn ) /* wrap? */
+ break;
++ ret = -E2BIG;
++ /* Must break hypercall up as this could take a while. */
++ if ( nr_mfns > 64 )
++ break;
+ ret = -EPERM;
+ if ( !iomem_access_permitted(current->domain, mfn, mfn_end) ||
+ !iomem_access_permitted(d, mfn, mfn_end) )
+diff --git a/xen/include/public/domctl.h b/xen/include/public/domctl.h
+index ca0e51e..0c9f474 100644
+--- a/xen/include/public/domctl.h
++++ b/xen/include/public/domctl.h
+@@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ DEFINE_XEN_GUEST_HANDLE(xen_domctl_bind_pt_irq_t);
+ /* Bind machine I/O address range -> HVM address range. */
++/* If this returns -E2BIG lower nr_mfns value. */
+ /* XEN_DOMCTL_memory_mapping */
+ #define DPCI_ADD_MAPPING 1
Added: head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa126-qemut.patch
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa126-qemut.patch Thu Jun 11 18:26:45 2015 (r389243)
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+xen: limit guest control of PCI command register
+Otherwise the guest can abuse that control to cause e.g. PCIe
+Unsupported Request responses (by disabling memory and/or I/O decoding
+and subsequently causing [CPU side] accesses to the respective address
+ranges), which (depending on system configuration) may be fatal to the
+This is CVE-2015-2756 / XSA-126.
+Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich at>
+Reviewed-by: Stefano Stabellini <stefano.stabellini at>
+Acked-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell at>
+--- a/hw/pass-through.c
++++ b/hw/pass-through.c
+@@ -172,9 +172,6 @@ static int pt_word_reg_read(struct pt_de
+ static int pt_long_reg_read(struct pt_dev *ptdev,
+ struct pt_reg_tbl *cfg_entry,
+ uint32_t *value, uint32_t valid_mask);
+-static int pt_cmd_reg_read(struct pt_dev *ptdev,
+- struct pt_reg_tbl *cfg_entry,
+- uint16_t *value, uint16_t valid_mask);
+ static int pt_bar_reg_read(struct pt_dev *ptdev,
+ struct pt_reg_tbl *cfg_entry,
+ uint32_t *value, uint32_t valid_mask);
+@@ -286,9 +283,9 @@ static struct pt_reg_info_tbl pt_emu_reg
+ .size = 2,
+ .init_val = 0x0000,
+ .ro_mask = 0xF880,
+- .emu_mask = 0x0740,
++ .emu_mask = 0x0743,
+ .init = pt_common_reg_init,
+- = pt_cmd_reg_read,
++ = pt_word_reg_read,
+ .u.w.write = pt_cmd_reg_write,
+ .u.w.restore = pt_cmd_reg_restore,
+ },
+@@ -1905,7 +1902,7 @@ static int pt_dev_is_virtfn(struct pci_d
+ return rc;
+ }
+-static int pt_register_regions(struct pt_dev *assigned_device)
++static int pt_register_regions(struct pt_dev *assigned_device, uint16_t *cmd)
+ {
+ int i = 0;
+ uint32_t bar_data = 0;
+@@ -1925,17 +1922,26 @@ static int pt_register_regions(struct pt
+ /* Register current region */
+ if ( pci_dev->base_addr[i] & PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO )
++ {
+ pci_register_io_region((PCIDevice *)assigned_device, i,
+ (uint32_t)pci_dev->size[i], PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO,
+ pt_ioport_map);
++ *cmd |= PCI_COMMAND_IO;
++ }
+ else if ( pci_dev->base_addr[i] & PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_MEM_PREFETCH )
++ {
+ pci_register_io_region((PCIDevice *)assigned_device, i,
+ (uint32_t)pci_dev->size[i], PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_MEM_PREFETCH,
+ pt_iomem_map);
++ }
+ else
++ {
+ pci_register_io_region((PCIDevice *)assigned_device, i,
+ (uint32_t)pci_dev->size[i], PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_MEM,
+ pt_iomem_map);
++ }
+ PT_LOG("IO region registered (size=0x%08x base_addr=0x%08x)\n",
+ (uint32_t)(pci_dev->size[i]),
+@@ -3263,27 +3269,6 @@ static int pt_long_reg_read(struct pt_de
+ return 0;
+ }
+-/* read Command register */
+-static int pt_cmd_reg_read(struct pt_dev *ptdev,
+- struct pt_reg_tbl *cfg_entry,
+- uint16_t *value, uint16_t valid_mask)
+- struct pt_reg_info_tbl *reg = cfg_entry->reg;
+- uint16_t valid_emu_mask = 0;
+- uint16_t emu_mask = reg->emu_mask;
+- if ( ptdev->is_virtfn )
+- emu_mask |= PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY;
+- if ( pt_is_iomul(ptdev) )
+- emu_mask |= PCI_COMMAND_IO;
+- /* emulate word register */
+- valid_emu_mask = emu_mask & valid_mask;
+- *value = PT_MERGE_VALUE(*value, cfg_entry->data, ~valid_emu_mask);
+- return 0;
+ /* read BAR */
+ static int pt_bar_reg_read(struct pt_dev *ptdev,
+ struct pt_reg_tbl *cfg_entry,
+@@ -3418,19 +3403,13 @@ static int pt_cmd_reg_write(struct pt_de
+ uint16_t writable_mask = 0;
+ uint16_t throughable_mask = 0;
+ uint16_t wr_value = *value;
+- uint16_t emu_mask = reg->emu_mask;
+- if ( ptdev->is_virtfn )
+- emu_mask |= PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY;
+- if ( pt_is_iomul(ptdev) )
+- emu_mask |= PCI_COMMAND_IO;
+ /* modify emulate register */
+ writable_mask = ~reg->ro_mask & valid_mask;
+ cfg_entry->data = PT_MERGE_VALUE(*value, cfg_entry->data, writable_mask);
+ /* create value for writing to I/O device register */
+- throughable_mask = ~emu_mask & valid_mask;
++ throughable_mask = ~reg->emu_mask & valid_mask;
+ if (*value & PCI_COMMAND_DISABLE_INTx)
+ {
+@@ -4211,6 +4190,7 @@ static struct pt_dev * register_real_dev
+ struct pt_dev *assigned_device = NULL;
+ struct pci_dev *pci_dev;
+ uint8_t e_device, e_intx;
++ uint16_t cmd = 0;
+ char *key, *val;
+ int msi_translate, power_mgmt;
+@@ -4300,7 +4280,7 @@ static struct pt_dev * register_real_dev
+ assigned_device->dev.config[i] = pci_read_byte(pci_dev, i);
+ /* Handle real device's MMIO/PIO BARs */
+- pt_register_regions(assigned_device);
++ pt_register_regions(assigned_device, &cmd);
+ /* Setup VGA bios for passthroughed gfx */
+ if ( setup_vga_pt(assigned_device) < 0 )
+@@ -4378,6 +4358,10 @@ static struct pt_dev * register_real_dev
+ }
+ out:
++ if (cmd)
++ pci_write_word(pci_dev, PCI_COMMAND,
++ *(uint16_t *)(&assigned_device->dev.config[PCI_COMMAND]) | cmd);
+ PT_LOG("Real physical device %02x:%02x.%x registered successfuly!\n"
+ "IRQ type = %s\n", r_bus, r_dev, r_func,
+ assigned_device->msi_trans_en? "MSI-INTx":"INTx");
Added: head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa126-qemuu.patch
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa126-qemuu.patch Thu Jun 11 18:26:45 2015 (r389243)
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+xen: limit guest control of PCI command register
+Otherwise the guest can abuse that control to cause e.g. PCIe
+Unsupported Request responses (by disabling memory and/or I/O decoding
+and subsequently causing [CPU side] accesses to the respective address
+ranges), which (depending on system configuration) may be fatal to the
+This is CVE-2015-2756 / XSA-126.
+Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich at>
+Reviewed-by: Stefano Stabellini <stefano.stabellini at>
+Acked-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell at>
+--- a/hw/xen/xen_pt.c
++++ b/hw/xen/xen_pt.c
+@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ static const MemoryRegionOps ops = {
+ .write = xen_pt_bar_write,
+ };
+-static int xen_pt_register_regions(XenPCIPassthroughState *s)
++static int xen_pt_register_regions(XenPCIPassthroughState *s, uint16_t *cmd)
+ {
+ int i = 0;
+ XenHostPCIDevice *d = &s->real_device;
+@@ -406,6 +406,7 @@ static int xen_pt_register_regions(XenPC
+ if (r->type & XEN_HOST_PCI_REGION_TYPE_IO) {
++ *cmd |= PCI_COMMAND_IO;
+ } else {
+@@ -414,6 +415,7 @@ static int xen_pt_register_regions(XenPC
+ if (r->type & XEN_HOST_PCI_REGION_TYPE_MEM_64) {
+ }
+ }
+ memory_region_init_io(&s->bar[i], OBJECT(s), &ops, &s->dev,
+@@ -638,6 +640,7 @@ static int xen_pt_initfn(PCIDevice *d)
+ XenPCIPassthroughState *s = DO_UPCAST(XenPCIPassthroughState, dev, d);
+ int rc = 0;
+ uint8_t machine_irq = 0;
++ uint16_t cmd = 0;
+ /* register real device */
+@@ -672,7 +675,7 @@ static int xen_pt_initfn(PCIDevice *d)
+ s->io_listener = xen_pt_io_listener;
+ /* Handle real device's MMIO/PIO BARs */
+- xen_pt_register_regions(s);
++ xen_pt_register_regions(s, &cmd);
+ /* reinitialize each config register to be emulated */
+ if (xen_pt_config_init(s)) {
+@@ -736,6 +739,11 @@ static int xen_pt_initfn(PCIDevice *d)
+ }
+ out:
++ if (cmd) {
++ xen_host_pci_set_word(&s->real_device, PCI_COMMAND,
++ pci_get_word(d->config + PCI_COMMAND) | cmd);
++ }
+ memory_listener_register(&s->memory_listener, &address_space_memory);
+ memory_listener_register(&s->io_listener, &address_space_io);
+--- a/hw/xen/xen_pt_config_init.c
++++ b/hw/xen/xen_pt_config_init.c
+@@ -286,23 +286,6 @@ static int xen_pt_irqpin_reg_init(XenPCI
+ }
+ /* Command register */
+-static int xen_pt_cmd_reg_read(XenPCIPassthroughState *s, XenPTReg *cfg_entry,
+- uint16_t *value, uint16_t valid_mask)
+- XenPTRegInfo *reg = cfg_entry->reg;
+- uint16_t valid_emu_mask = 0;
+- uint16_t emu_mask = reg->emu_mask;
+- if (s->is_virtfn) {
+- emu_mask |= PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY;
+- }
+- /* emulate word register */
+- valid_emu_mask = emu_mask & valid_mask;
+- *value = XEN_PT_MERGE_VALUE(*value, cfg_entry->data, ~valid_emu_mask);
+- return 0;
+ static int xen_pt_cmd_reg_write(XenPCIPassthroughState *s, XenPTReg *cfg_entry,
+ uint16_t *val, uint16_t dev_value,
+ uint16_t valid_mask)
+@@ -310,18 +293,13 @@ static int xen_pt_cmd_reg_write(XenPCIPa
+ XenPTRegInfo *reg = cfg_entry->reg;
+ uint16_t writable_mask = 0;
+ uint16_t throughable_mask = 0;
+- uint16_t emu_mask = reg->emu_mask;
+- if (s->is_virtfn) {
+- emu_mask |= PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY;
+- }
+ /* modify emulate register */
+ writable_mask = ~reg->ro_mask & valid_mask;
+ cfg_entry->data = XEN_PT_MERGE_VALUE(*val, cfg_entry->data, writable_mask);
+ /* create value for writing to I/O device register */
+- throughable_mask = ~emu_mask & valid_mask;
++ throughable_mask = ~reg->emu_mask & valid_mask;
+ throughable_mask |= PCI_COMMAND_INTX_DISABLE;
+@@ -605,9 +583,9 @@ static XenPTRegInfo xen_pt_emu_reg_heade
+ .size = 2,
+ .init_val = 0x0000,
+ .ro_mask = 0xF880,
+- .emu_mask = 0x0740,
++ .emu_mask = 0x0743,
+ .init = xen_pt_common_reg_init,
+- = xen_pt_cmd_reg_read,
++ = xen_pt_word_reg_read,
+ .u.w.write = xen_pt_cmd_reg_write,
+ },
+ /* Capabilities Pointer reg */
Added: head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa128-qemut.patch
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa128-qemut.patch Thu Jun 11 18:26:45 2015 (r389243)
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+xen: properly gate host writes of modified PCI CFG contents
+The old logic didn't work as intended when an access spanned multiple
+fields (for example a 32-bit access to the location of the MSI Message
+Data field with the high 16 bits not being covered by any known field).
+Remove it and derive which fields not to write to from the accessed
+fields' emulation masks: When they're all ones, there's no point in
+doing any host write.
+This fixes a secondary issue at once: We obviously shouldn't make any
+host write attempt when already the host read failed.
+This is XSA-128.
+Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich at>
+Reviewed-by: Stefano Stabellini <stefano.stabellini at>
+--- a/hw/pass-through.c
++++ b/hw/pass-through.c
+@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ static struct pt_reg_info_tbl pt_emu_reg
+ .size = 4,
+ .init_val = 0,
+- .no_wb = 1,
++ .emu_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ = pt_intel_opregion_read,
+ .u.dw.write = pt_intel_opregion_write,
+ .u.dw.restore = NULL,
+@@ -657,7 +657,6 @@ static struct pt_reg_info_tbl pt_emu_reg
+ .init_val = 0x00000000,
+ .ro_mask = 0x00000003,
+ .emu_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
+- .no_wb = 1,
+ .init = pt_common_reg_init,
+ = pt_long_reg_read,
+ .u.dw.write = pt_msgaddr32_reg_write,
+@@ -670,7 +669,6 @@ static struct pt_reg_info_tbl pt_emu_reg
+ .init_val = 0x00000000,
+ .ro_mask = 0x00000000,
+ .emu_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
+- .no_wb = 1,
+ .init = pt_msgaddr64_reg_init,
+ = pt_long_reg_read,
+ .u.dw.write = pt_msgaddr64_reg_write,
+@@ -683,7 +681,6 @@ static struct pt_reg_info_tbl pt_emu_reg
+ .init_val = 0x0000,
+ .ro_mask = 0x0000,
+ .emu_mask = 0xFFFF,
+- .no_wb = 1,
+ .init = pt_msgdata_reg_init,
+ = pt_word_reg_read,
+ .u.w.write = pt_msgdata_reg_write,
+@@ -696,7 +693,6 @@ static struct pt_reg_info_tbl pt_emu_reg
+ .init_val = 0x0000,
+ .ro_mask = 0x0000,
+ .emu_mask = 0xFFFF,
+- .no_wb = 1,
+ .init = pt_msgdata_reg_init,
+ = pt_word_reg_read,
+ .u.w.write = pt_msgdata_reg_write,
+@@ -1524,7 +1520,7 @@ static void pt_pci_write_config(PCIDevic
+ uint32_t find_addr = address;
+ uint32_t real_offset = 0;
+ uint32_t valid_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+- uint32_t read_val = 0;
++ uint32_t read_val = 0, wb_mask;
+ uint8_t *ptr_val = NULL;
+ int emul_len = 0;
+ int index = 0;
+@@ -1597,7 +1593,10 @@ static void pt_pci_write_config(PCIDevic
+ {
+ PT_LOG("Error: pci_read_block failed. return value[%d].\n", ret);
+ memset((uint8_t *)&read_val, 0xff, len);
++ wb_mask = 0;
+ }
++ else
++ wb_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF >> ((4 - len) << 3);
+ /* pass directly to libpci for passthrough type register group */
+ if (reg_grp_entry == NULL)
+@@ -1620,6 +1619,11 @@ static void pt_pci_write_config(PCIDevic
+ valid_mask = (0xFFFFFFFF >> ((4 - emul_len) << 3));
+ valid_mask <<= ((find_addr - real_offset) << 3);
+ ptr_val = ((uint8_t *)&val + (real_offset & 3));
++ if (reg->emu_mask == (0xFFFFFFFF >> ((4 - reg->size) << 3))) {
++ wb_mask &= ~((reg->emu_mask
++ >> ((find_addr - real_offset) << 3))
++ << ((len - emul_len) << 3));
++ }
+ /* do emulation depend on register size */
+ switch (reg->size) {
+@@ -1677,8 +1681,19 @@ static void pt_pci_write_config(PCIDevic
+ val >>= ((address & 3) << 3);
+ out:
+- if (!(reg && reg->no_wb)) { /* unknown regs are passed through */
+- ret = pci_write_block(pci_dev, address, (uint8_t *)&val, len);
++ for (index = 0; wb_mask; index += len) {
++ /* unknown regs are passed through */
++ while (!(wb_mask & 0xff)) {
++ index++;
++ wb_mask >>= 8;
++ }
++ len = 0;
++ do {
++ len++;
++ wb_mask >>= 8;
++ } while (wb_mask & 0xff);
++ ret = pci_write_block(pci_dev, address + index,
++ (uint8_t *)&val + index, len);
+ if (!ret)
+ PT_LOG("Error: pci_write_block failed. return value[%d].\n", ret);
+--- a/hw/pass-through.h
++++ b/hw/pass-through.h
+@@ -372,8 +372,6 @@ struct pt_reg_info_tbl {
+ uint32_t ro_mask;
+ /* reg emulate field mask (ON:emu, OFF:passthrough) */
+ uint32_t emu_mask;
+- /* no write back allowed */
+- uint32_t no_wb;
+ /* emul reg initialize method */
+ conf_reg_init init;
+ union {
Added: head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa128-qemuu.patch
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa128-qemuu.patch Thu Jun 11 18:26:45 2015 (r389243)
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+xen: properly gate host writes of modified PCI CFG contents
+The old logic didn't work as intended when an access spanned multiple
+fields (for example a 32-bit access to the location of the MSI Message
+Data field with the high 16 bits not being covered by any known field).
+Remove it and derive which fields not to write to from the accessed
+fields' emulation masks: When they're all ones, there's no point in
+doing any host write.
+This fixes a secondary issue at once: We obviously shouldn't make any
+host write attempt when already the host read failed.
+This is XSA-128.
+Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich at>
+Reviewed-by: Stefano Stabellini <stefano.stabellini at>
+--- a/hw/xen/xen_pt.c
++++ b/hw/xen/xen_pt.c
+@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ static void xen_pt_pci_write_config(PCID
+ int index = 0;
+ XenPTRegGroup *reg_grp_entry = NULL;
+ int rc = 0;
+- uint32_t read_val = 0;
++ uint32_t read_val = 0, wb_mask;
+ int emul_len = 0;
+ XenPTReg *reg_entry = NULL;
+ uint32_t find_addr = addr;
+@@ -271,6 +271,9 @@ static void xen_pt_pci_write_config(PCID
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ XEN_PT_ERR(d, "pci_read_block failed. return value: %d.\n", rc);
+ memset(&read_val, 0xff, len);
++ wb_mask = 0;
++ } else {
++ wb_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF >> ((4 - len) << 3);
+ }
+ /* pass directly to the real device for passthrough type register group */
+@@ -298,6 +301,11 @@ static void xen_pt_pci_write_config(PCID
+ valid_mask <<= (find_addr - real_offset) << 3;
+ ptr_val = (uint8_t *)&val + (real_offset & 3);
++ if (reg->emu_mask == (0xFFFFFFFF >> ((4 - reg->size) << 3))) {
++ wb_mask &= ~((reg->emu_mask
++ >> ((find_addr - real_offset) << 3))
++ << ((len - emul_len) << 3));
++ }
+ /* do emulation based on register size */
+ switch (reg->size) {
+@@ -350,10 +358,19 @@ static void xen_pt_pci_write_config(PCID
+ memory_region_transaction_commit();
+ out:
+- if (!(reg && reg->no_wb)) {
++ for (index = 0; wb_mask; index += len) {
+ /* unknown regs are passed through */
+- rc = xen_host_pci_set_block(&s->real_device, addr,
+- (uint8_t *)&val, len);
++ while (!(wb_mask & 0xff)) {
++ index++;
++ wb_mask >>= 8;
++ }
++ len = 0;
++ do {
++ len++;
++ wb_mask >>= 8;
++ } while (wb_mask & 0xff);
++ rc = xen_host_pci_set_block(&s->real_device, addr + index,
++ (uint8_t *)&val + index, len);
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ XEN_PT_ERR(d, "pci_write_block failed. return value: %d.\n", rc);
+--- a/hw/xen/xen_pt.h
++++ b/hw/xen/xen_pt.h
+@@ -105,8 +105,6 @@ struct XenPTRegInfo {
+ uint32_t ro_mask;
+ /* reg emulate field mask (ON:emu, OFF:passthrough) */
+ uint32_t emu_mask;
+- /* no write back allowed */
+- uint32_t no_wb;
+ xen_pt_conf_reg_init init;
+ /* read/write function pointer
+ * for double_word/word/byte size */
+--- a/hw/xen/xen_pt_config_init.c
++++ b/hw/xen/xen_pt_config_init.c
+@@ -1281,7 +1281,6 @@ static XenPTRegInfo xen_pt_emu_reg_msi[]
+ .init_val = 0x00000000,
+ .ro_mask = 0x00000003,
+ .emu_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
+- .no_wb = 1,
+ .init = xen_pt_common_reg_init,
+ = xen_pt_long_reg_read,
+ .u.dw.write = xen_pt_msgaddr32_reg_write,
+@@ -1293,7 +1292,6 @@ static XenPTRegInfo xen_pt_emu_reg_msi[]
+ .init_val = 0x00000000,
+ .ro_mask = 0x00000000,
+ .emu_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
+- .no_wb = 1,
+ .init = xen_pt_msgaddr64_reg_init,
+ = xen_pt_long_reg_read,
+ .u.dw.write = xen_pt_msgaddr64_reg_write,
+@@ -1305,7 +1303,6 @@ static XenPTRegInfo xen_pt_emu_reg_msi[]
+ .init_val = 0x0000,
+ .ro_mask = 0x0000,
+ .emu_mask = 0xFFFF,
+- .no_wb = 1,
+ .init = xen_pt_msgdata_reg_init,
+ = xen_pt_word_reg_read,
+ .u.w.write = xen_pt_msgdata_reg_write,
+@@ -1317,7 +1314,6 @@ static XenPTRegInfo xen_pt_emu_reg_msi[]
+ .init_val = 0x0000,
+ .ro_mask = 0x0000,
+ .emu_mask = 0xFFFF,
+- .no_wb = 1,
+ .init = xen_pt_msgdata_reg_init,
+ = xen_pt_word_reg_read,
+ .u.w.write = xen_pt_msgdata_reg_write,
Added: head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa129-qemut.patch
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa129-qemut.patch Thu Jun 11 18:26:45 2015 (r389243)
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+xen: don't allow guest to control MSI mask register
+It's being used by the hypervisor. For now simply mimic a device not
+capable of masking, and fully emulate any accesses a guest may issue
+nevertheless as simple reads/writes without side effects.
+This is XSA-129.
+Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich at>
+Reviewed-by: Stefano Stabellini <stefano.stabellini at>
+--- a/hw/pass-through.c
++++ b/hw/pass-through.c
+@@ -147,6 +147,10 @@ static uint32_t pt_msgaddr64_reg_init(st
+ struct pt_reg_info_tbl *reg, uint32_t real_offset);
+ static uint32_t pt_msgdata_reg_init(struct pt_dev *ptdev,
+ struct pt_reg_info_tbl *reg, uint32_t real_offset);
++static uint32_t pt_mask_reg_init(struct pt_dev *ptdev,
++ struct pt_reg_info_tbl *reg, uint32_t real_offset);
++static uint32_t pt_pending_reg_init(struct pt_dev *ptdev,
++ struct pt_reg_info_tbl *reg, uint32_t real_offset);
+ static uint32_t pt_msixctrl_reg_init(struct pt_dev *ptdev,
+ struct pt_reg_info_tbl *reg, uint32_t real_offset);
+ static uint32_t pt_header_type_reg_init(struct pt_dev *ptdev,
+@@ -644,7 +648,7 @@ static struct pt_reg_info_tbl pt_emu_reg
+ .size = 2,
+ .init_val = 0x0000,
+ .ro_mask = 0xFF8E,
+- .emu_mask = 0x007F,
++ .emu_mask = 0x017F,
+ .init = pt_msgctrl_reg_init,
+ = pt_word_reg_read,
+ .u.w.write = pt_msgctrl_reg_write,
+@@ -698,6 +702,50 @@ static struct pt_reg_info_tbl pt_emu_reg
+ .u.w.write = pt_msgdata_reg_write,
+ .u.w.restore = NULL,
+ },
++ /* Mask reg (if PCI_MSI_FLAGS_MASK_BIT set, for 32-bit devices) */
++ {
++ .offset = PCI_MSI_MASK_32,
++ .size = 4,
++ .init_val = 0x00000000,
++ .ro_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
++ .emu_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
++ .init = pt_mask_reg_init,
++ = pt_long_reg_read,
++ .u.dw.write = pt_long_reg_write,
++ },
++ /* Mask reg (if PCI_MSI_FLAGS_MASK_BIT set, for 64-bit devices) */
++ {
++ .offset = PCI_MSI_MASK_64,
++ .size = 4,
++ .init_val = 0x00000000,
++ .ro_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
++ .emu_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
++ .init = pt_mask_reg_init,
++ = pt_long_reg_read,
++ .u.dw.write = pt_long_reg_write,
++ },
++ /* Pending reg (if PCI_MSI_FLAGS_MASK_BIT set, for 32-bit devices) */
++ {
++ .offset = PCI_MSI_MASK_32 + 4,
++ .size = 4,
++ .init_val = 0x00000000,
++ .ro_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
++ .emu_mask = 0x00000000,
++ .init = pt_pending_reg_init,
++ = pt_long_reg_read,
++ .u.dw.write = pt_long_reg_write,
++ },
++ /* Pending reg (if PCI_MSI_FLAGS_MASK_BIT set, for 64-bit devices) */
++ {
++ .offset = PCI_MSI_MASK_64 + 4,
++ .size = 4,
++ .init_val = 0x00000000,
++ .ro_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
++ .emu_mask = 0x00000000,
++ .init = pt_pending_reg_init,
++ = pt_long_reg_read,
++ .u.dw.write = pt_long_reg_write,
++ },
+ {
+ .size = 0,
+ },
+@@ -3023,6 +3071,42 @@ static uint32_t pt_msgdata_reg_init(stru
+ return PT_INVALID_REG;
+ }
++/* this function will be called twice (for 32 bit and 64 bit type) */
++/* initialize Mask register */
++static uint32_t pt_mask_reg_init(struct pt_dev *ptdev,
++ struct pt_reg_info_tbl *reg, uint32_t real_offset)
++ uint32_t flags = ptdev->msi->flags;
++ uint32_t offset = reg->offset;
++ if (!(flags & PCI_MSI_FLAGS_MASK_BIT))
++ return PT_INVALID_REG;
++ if (offset == (flags & PCI_MSI_FLAGS_64BIT ?
++ return reg->init_val;
++ return PT_INVALID_REG;
++/* this function will be called twice (for 32 bit and 64 bit type) */
++/* initialize Pending register */
++static uint32_t pt_pending_reg_init(struct pt_dev *ptdev,
++ struct pt_reg_info_tbl *reg, uint32_t real_offset)
++ uint32_t flags = ptdev->msi->flags;
++ uint32_t offset = reg->offset;
++ if (!(flags & PCI_MSI_FLAGS_MASK_BIT))
++ return PT_INVALID_REG;
++ if (offset == (flags & PCI_MSI_FLAGS_64BIT ?
++ PCI_MSI_MASK_64 + 4 : PCI_MSI_MASK_32 + 4))
++ return reg->init_val;
++ return PT_INVALID_REG;
+ /* initialize Message Control register for MSI-X */
+ static uint32_t pt_msixctrl_reg_init(struct pt_dev *ptdev,
+ struct pt_reg_info_tbl *reg, uint32_t real_offset)
+--- a/hw/pass-through.h
++++ b/hw/pass-through.h
+@@ -84,6 +84,12 @@
+ #define PCI_MSI_FLAGS_MASK_BIT 0x0100
+ #endif
++#ifndef PCI_MSI_MASK_32
++/* interrupt masking register */
++#define PCI_MSI_MASK_32 12
++#define PCI_MSI_MASK_64 16
+ /* PCI/PCI-X to PCIE Bridge */
Added: head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa129-qemuu.patch
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/sysutils/xen-tools/files/xsa129-qemuu.patch Thu Jun 11 18:26:45 2015 (r389243)
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+xen: don't allow guest to control MSI mask register
+It's being used by the hypervisor. For now simply mimic a device not
+capable of masking, and fully emulate any accesses a guest may issue
+nevertheless as simple reads/writes without side effects.
+This is XSA-129.
+Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich at>
+Reviewed-by: Stefano Stabellini <stefano.stabellini at>
+--- a/hw/pci/msi.c
++++ b/hw/pci/msi.c
+@@ -21,10 +21,6 @@
+ #include "hw/pci/msi.h"
+ #include "qemu/range.h"
+-/* Eventually those constants should go to Linux pci_regs.h */
+-#define PCI_MSI_PENDING_32 0x10
+-#define PCI_MSI_PENDING_64 0x14
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