svn commit: r383191 - head/Mk

Dmitry Marakasov amdmi3 at
Thu Apr 9 11:02:29 UTC 2015

* Bryan Drewery (bdrewery at wrote:

> >>>>   Re-enable and rework check added in r370464 to validate the first CATEGORY
> >>>>   is set properly.  The problem causing the revert in r370475 was fixed in
> >>>>   r383190.
> >>>>   
> >>>>   With hat:	portmgr
> >>>
> >>> This breaks countless usecases when port is build which does not belong
> >>> to the ports tree.
> >>
> >> Please name even 1 case.
> > 
> > I have a lot of WIP ports in flat directory. Tons of custom port
> > repositories on github with flat structure.
> Short of more details, that does not sound like a supported setup.
> I can't read your mind. Please give me a specific case or I can't help.

What in this case is not specific enough? Port. Outside. Portstree.

It was perfectly supported until that check was introduced.

> >> Building a port with the wrong first CATEGORY results in a broken
> >> package as the origin is wrong.
> > 
> > I'm not talking about wrong categories, I'm talking about ports outside
> > of the ports tree. These should build perfectly fine.
> > 
> >>> Afaik, we have that information in ports - based on
> >>> that PORTSDIR is chosen. The same mechanism should be used here to
> >>> conditionally enable the check.
> >>
> >> That made no sense.
> > 
> > Explain.
> > 
> I do not understand what you are trying to say. It makes no sense.

I'll elaborate. PORTSDIR is set up cleverly: though it defaults to
/usr/ports, when I work with portstree located elsewhere, PORTSDIR
catches that:

% make -C /usr/local/poudriere/ports/default/ports-mgmt/pkg -V PORTSDIR

and it's clever enough to not set bogus PORTSDIR when I work with a
separate port:

% cp -R /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg /tmp && make -C /tmp/pkg -V PORTSDIR

this seems to be base system (current, likely) feature, as the code
which processes that resides in /usr/share/mk/

# Autodetect if the command is being run in a ports tree that's not rooted
# in the default /usr/ports.  The ../../.. case is in case ports ever grows
# a third level.
.for RELPATH in . .. ../.. ../../..
.if !defined(_PORTSDIR) && exists(${.CURDIR}/${RELPATH}/Mk/
_PORTSDIR?=     /usr/ports
PORTSDIR!=      realpath ${_PORTSDIR}

To conditionally disable that bogus category check, either the same
logic may be used, or this may be used indirectly (e.g. if ${.CURDIR}
does not reside in ${PORTSDIR}, disable the check, as we are working
outside the portstree).

Dmitry Marakasov   .   55B5 0596 FF1E 8D84 5F56  9510 D35A 80DD F9D2 F77D
amdmi3 at  ..:  jabber: amdmi3 at

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