svn commit: r347936 - in head: . japanese japanese/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin japanese/spamassassin mail mail/claws-mail-spamassassin mail/evolution mail/exim mail/isbg mail/mailscanner mail/mimedefang m...

Bryan Drewery bdrewery at
Wed Mar 12 12:46:18 UTC 2014

On 3/11/2014 9:56 PM, Andrej Zverev wrote:
> I think since p5-Mail-SA has a long history in ports tree, you
> (can/need/good idea) also send short annonce of such changes to
> port-announce@ and ports@ maillists.

No, MOVED is sufficient. We never send ports@ or ports-announce@ for
renamed origins. Even UPDATING is not conventional in this case.

I do agree with this change and wish we did similar on all other leaf
application ports. p5-* py-* rubygem-* to me mean very specifically that
they are libraries/dependencies/plugins/modules. Leaf applications
having a lang- qualifier on them is very confusing as upstreams do not
use it and they look like they are libraries, ie, p5-Mail-SpamAssassin
looks like something you could include in a perl script to use
spamassassin, not spamassassin itself.

If this port includes both it should be split up into a library and the
leaf application.

> On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 1:49 AM, Adam Weinberger <adamw at> wrote:
>> Author: adamw
>> Date: Tue Mar 11 21:49:40 2014
>> New Revision: 347936
>> URL:
>> QAT:
>> Log:
>>   Move {mail,japanese}/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin to &/spamassassin, in the name of
>>   improving accessibility.
>>   I think people who want to just find the port/package and install it are
>>   more likely to look for "spamassassin the program" than "spamassassin the
>>   perl module collection."

Bryan Drewery

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