svn commit: r346808 - head/www/mod_qos
Olli Hauer
ohauer at
Sun Mar 2 21:25:31 UTC 2014
Author: ohauer
Date: Sun Mar 2 21:25:30 2014
New Revision: 346808
- update to version 10.29
Version 10.29
- Supports IPv6 clients.
Version 10.28
- Fixed: QS_ClientEventLimit did overwrite counters of other
clients if multiple events have been configured.
Version 10.27
- qslog features the option "-pu" and "-puc" used to gather
request information on a per URL basis.
- Fixed: Wrong includes within the support utilities.
- Extends QS_ClientSerialize max. timeout from 1 to 5 minutes.
Version 10.26
- QS_ClientSerialize supports the QS_ClientIpFromHeader directive.
- Refactor method used to determine redirect port (user tracking)
supporting servers not using virtual hosts.
- Fixed: QS_UserTrackingCookieName uses correct server_rec to
retrieve configuration.
- Hook implementing user tracking is now called after mod_unique_id.
- Slightly changed unique-id generator.
- Adds fflush() to qsgrep utility when writing data to stdout.
Version 10.25
- QS_EventLimitCount writes the current value to the process
environment variables.
- Fixed: QS_[Cond]ClientEventLimitCount logs request id and propagtes
message code (067) to the QS_ErrorNotes variable.
- New variable QS_IPConn representing the number of connections
opened from the very same source IP (works in conjunction with
QS_SrvMaxConnPerIP only).
Version 10.24
- New directive QS_CondClientEventLimitCount.
- QS_SrvMinDataRate: limits the max. data rate to the configured
value (prevents invalid rate due to misconfiguration server or
died child process).
Version 10.23
- Fixed: QS_ClientEventLimitCount log message 067 contains now
the IP address of the request header if QS_ClientIpFromHeader
is used.
- QS_SetEnvRes: supports multiple variables with the same name.
Version 10.22
- Process QS_SetEnvResHeader(Match) and QS_SetEnvRes at error
filter too.
Version 10.21
- Fixed: qslogger may had detected the wrong message severity.
- Adds debug message when detecting "NullConnection" events.
- Built-in request header rules: adapt If-Match, If-None-Match,
Cookie, and Cookie2 HTTP header patterns.
Version 10.20
- Fixed: QS_CondLocRequestLimitMatch did work only if other QS_Loc*
directive had been configured.
Version 10.19
- New directive QS_RedirectIf.
Version 10.18
- QS_ClientEventLimitCount may be cleared by environment
variable (suffixed by "_Clear", e.g. QS_Limit_Clear).
Version 10.17
- QS_ClientEventLimitCount supports unlimited number of events.
- Stores the value of the QS_ClientEventLimitCount variables as
environment variables suffixed by "_Counter", e.g. QS_Limit_Counter
for the default QS_Limit variable, in order to be processed by
other rules.
- Add Content-Security-Policy to the default response header
white list.
- qslog features enhanced "-pc" mode providing more information:
* Collects content type information (%{content-type}o).
* Duration between the first and the last request.
* Average response in ms.
* "ci" indicates if we have seen the client at the end or the
beginning of the file (maybe not all requests in the log
due to log rotation).
* Bytes downloaded.
* Writes status characters to stderr.
* HTTP request methods (GET/POST)
- qsgeo features option "-l" and is able to process "qslog -pc" files.
Version 10.16
- qslog adds 'E' (event identifiers) to the format string.
QSEVENTPATH environment variable specifies a file containing
all known event names (comma separated list).
- qslog average counter (a/A) count only if a numeric value
is available.
- qssing does not try to execute invalid program name (space only).
PR: ports/187132
Submitted by: Eero Haenninen <fax at>
Approved by: Andrea Cervesato <andrea at> (maintainer)
Modified: head/www/mod_qos/Makefile
--- head/www/mod_qos/Makefile Sun Mar 2 21:24:00 2014 (r346807)
+++ head/www/mod_qos/Makefile Sun Mar 2 21:25:30 2014 (r346808)
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
# $FreeBSD$
PORTNAME= mod_qos
DIST_SUBDIR= apache2
MAINTAINER= andrea at
Modified: head/www/mod_qos/distinfo
--- head/www/mod_qos/distinfo Sun Mar 2 21:24:00 2014 (r346807)
+++ head/www/mod_qos/distinfo Sun Mar 2 21:25:30 2014 (r346808)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (apache2/mod_qos-10.15.tar.gz) = b036100e361c2b67f2b92535c6e00894bcd51967bb8a5ba806353b48c9c6b8e5
-SIZE (apache2/mod_qos-10.15.tar.gz) = 469922
+SHA256 (apache2/mod_qos-10.29.tar.gz) = 458fba0b41dacbc268f273fa80b331b5d6233ff94acd78b40c82494e9c77be30
+SIZE (apache2/mod_qos-10.29.tar.gz) = 477208
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